I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 452: Emotional Support Queen

Chapter 452: Emotional Support Queen

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After Brunnhilde stormed out of the room, Peter hesitated for a moment before making his way towards the double doors. But as he approached, a gentle hand on his arm stopped him. He turned to see Queen Frigga, her expression calm yet concerned.

"Give me some time with her," Frigga said softly, her voice carrying a motherly warmth. "Her leader was my personal guard for a while, so we have some history."

Peter nodded. "Sure, just try not to p*ss her off. She's a good person which is why I recruited her into the Avengers, but she's very easy to anger when it comes to Hela... and your husband."

With a nod, Frigga turned and walked out of the double door, making sure to close them behind her. Peter could hear the beginnings of their conversation, but stopped listening as they grew further and further away. Thankfully, he could sense the empathy and understanding in Frigga's demeanor, or else he wouldn't have let her go. It was clear that the Queen truly wanted to help the last Valkyrie.

Turning his attention back to the room, Peter found himself facing Odin once again. He spoke up, his demeanor calm and curious. "Could you give me more insight into Hela's abilities here? What can we expect during a fight?"

Although Peter knew the Hela from the MCU movies, that didn't mean he knew the Hela of this universe. They may be similar or they could be completely opposites from one another. He doubted that she'd be much different, but it was always best to be safe and know your enemy, especially before the battle.

Odin regarded Peter for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Of course… While my daughter's physical strength rivals, if not surpasses, Thor's own, her mastery over various weapons and combat techniques is unparalleled. Hela was forged through constant bloody wars, so she can wield a variety of weapons with lethal precision."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Odin spoke, Thor's eyes widened as he took in the extent of of his mysterious sisters powers. Even Loki was shocked to hear that she was probably stronger than Thor, who was considered the physically strongest in Asgard.

"Additionally," Odin continued, "Hela possesses the ability to cast bolts of energy that could age, wither, and finally kill her targets. This comes from her dominion over death itself. She can restore the recently deceased to life, provided their souls haven't passed into the afterlife. She can also project destructive magical blasts and concentrate her power to strike with deadly force."

Thor and Loki exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of awe and unease. It was clear that they were realizing just how much of a threat Hela posed, especially given the fact that she could resurrect the fallen.

But Odin's explanation wasn't finished. "Hela has the power to teleport across the realms by opening black deathly portals. She can levitate, cast illusions, and manipulate magic to devastating effect. She also possesses the power to raise the dead, which allows her to build an army of the deceased, and control souls to a smaller extent."

The weight of Hela's powers settled heavily in the room, leaving an atmosphere of tension and unease. Thor seemed to be grappling with the reality of his sister's strength, while Loki's frustration was palpable.

Thor's voice broke the silence, carrying a sense of self-reflection. "I've been focusing so much on my physical strength that I've neglected my studies and training in other areas."

Loki's eyes gleamed with a similar realization. "And I've become so reliant on my powers that I've ignored physical training."

Odin regarded his sons with a mixture of understanding and approval. "This revelation is an opportunity for growth, my sons. Use this time to better yourselves."

Hearing this, a small flicker of hope filled Loki's eyes. "Umm… Father, does that mean you're returning my powers?"

Bringing his full attention to Loki, Odin's gaze grew somber. "I'm sorry, my son, but you must regain them through your own efforts. Only then will you truly understand their value and the wrong that you've done."

Loki's expression tightened, but he didn't argue. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room, Jessica Jones following after him after a quick and clumsy bow to Odin. This was possibly her future father-in-law, so she had to at least try to make a good impression.

As the room emptied, Odin smiled as he turned his gaze towards Thor. "You know, you and your brother are beginning to make me wonder whether I should have taken a few Midgardian lovers in my youth. How is it that both of my sons are so captivated by such mortal women?"

Thor laughed uproariously. "I don't quite know. There's just something about them that's so… alluring."

Shaking his head at them, Peter gets everyone back on track. "Should I bring a team of Avengers to help with this? I don't think that fighting Hela with Asgards army would be the best decision, especially after what happened to the Valkyrie..."

Odin frowned a upon hearing the Valkyrie being brought up. "Thank you for your offer." He bowed his head slightly after a moment of thought. "Asgard will gladly and gratefully accept your assistance."

Thor bowed as well, following after his fathers. "Yes, please bring Midgard finest warriors. We need soldiers who can match Hela's strength and power."

Peter nodded in agreement. "I'll return with reinforcements. We'll need every advantage we can get."

With a final nod, Peter opened a portal, stepping through it as he left Asgard behind for the time being. The room fell into a thoughtful silence, the gravity of the situation settling in.


Earlier, as Frigga stepped out of the double doors, she followed Brunnhilde to the nearby balcony, her gaze fixed on the distant stars. The air was heavy with the weight of memories and emotions, a reminder of the past that had shaped their lives.

"May I join you?" Frigga's voice carried a gentle warmth, an invitation rather than an intrusion.

Brunnhilde turned to look at Frigga, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and longing. She nodded silently, allowing the Queen to approach and stand beside her.

The two women stood in silence for a moment, the night breeze rustling through the leaves of the nearby trees. Frigga's gaze turned to the stars, her voice soft as she spoke. "I remember watching you train in the gardens, Brunnhilde. Your dedication and skill were truly remarkable."

Brunnhilde's lips curved into a faint smile, a bittersweet expression. "My teacher taught me well. She was... she was like a second mother to me."

Frigga's eyes softened with understanding. "I remember her. She was my personal guard for a time. A valiant warrior, a loyal protector, and an amazing friend..."

A heavy sigh escaped Brunnhilde's lips as she leaned against the balcony's railing. "She gave her life to protect me... they all did. And now, all the Valkyrie are gone."

Frigga's voice carried a note of sorrow. "I grieved for them as well. They were a force of honor and bravery, and their loss was felt deeply by all of Asgard."

"I'm sorry, your majesty, but I doubt that…" Brunnhilde spoke, a venomous edge to her every word. "The very fact that the new King of Asgard didn't even know the reason behind our disappearance shows what really happened. Odin covered it up. He sent us to our deaths and told no one. He hid our sacrifice so that he didn't have to experience the shame of his actions."

Frigga frowned, silently agreeing with her statement. "…Yes, my husband certainly made a grave mistake when it came to the Valkyrie, but I don't think that's why he hid your deaths. I think he wanted to hide any information on the warmonger that he used to be, and set Asgard on a much more peaceful path. Sadly, that came at the expense of the best fighting force Asgard has ever had."

"It still doesn't make it right…" Brunnhilde's gaze dropped to the floor, her shoulders tense. "I trained alongside them, fought alongside them. They practically raised me. And now they're gone, because of Odin and Hela."

Frigga placed a comforting hand on Brunnhilde's shoulder. "Although their actions are their own, I apologize for my family, especially my daughter..."

Brunnhilde shook her head. "Hela isn't even your daughter. You have nothing to apologize for."

Frigga smiled slightly. "I may not have birthed her, nor did I raise her, but when I married Odin, she became my daughter, whether I like it or not." She said as she looked off into the distance. "I only wish that I tried harder back in those days. Maybe if we spent more time together, she wouldn't have turned out the way she did."

Brunnhilde looked up at Frigga. "Sadly, we can't go back and fix everything. Because trust me, I've thought about it… a lot."

Frigga nodded. "As have I. But it seems regret and mistakes can never be re-written, no matter how much we want them to be undone."

Brunnhilde's voice trembled with emotion. "I can't help but feel guilty, Frigga. Guilty that I survived when they didn't. That I couldn't save them."

Frigga's voice was gentle, filled with empathy. "Survivor's guilt is a heavy burden to bear. But remember that their sacrifice was not in vain. Their bravery and strength allowed us to seal Hela away and protect the nine realms."

Tears welled up in Brunnhilde's eyes as she looked at Frigga. "I wish they were here. I wish I could talk to them again, to hear them laugh and fight again."

Frigga's expression softened, and she wrapped an arm around Brunnhilde's shoulders, offering her comfort. "Their spirits live on in your memories and in the legacy they left behind. You carry their strength within you."

Brunnhilde leaned into the embrace, finding solace in Frigga's presence. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Frigga," the Queen corrected gently. "Call me Frigga."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Brunnhilde's lips. "Frigga."

The two women stood in silence for a while longer, drawing strength from each other's company. The bond between them was forged through shared experiences and the sorrow that had touched their lives.

A/N: 1715 words :)



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