I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 462: Valkyrie Settlement

Chapter 462: Valkyrie Settlement

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One day after her sisters were reborn, Brunnhilde stood before the Valkyrie, her heart heavy with the weight of her request. Her eyes met those of her sisters, each of them bearing the mark of warriors who had faced battles beyond imagination. They were her family, her comrades, her everything.

"I know that many of you may not like this…" Brunnhilde began, her voice unwavering despite the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. "But I'd like it if all of you would return with me, to Midgard..."

Murmurs and whispers spread among the Valkyrie, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Leaving the realm they had called home for thousands of years was a decision of profound magnitude.

But Brunnhilde continued, her resolve unwavering. "You've already died for this place once, so can't we just let it go and start over? We can find a new purpose on Earth. We can live freely, make our own choices, and be there for each other as we've always been." Eyeing her surroundings, she continues. "I don't know about you, but I can't stand being in Asgard anymore. And truthfully, I can't wait to leave."

Not to mention that fact that Hela is here, but Brunnhilde wouldn't mention that until they were out of Asgard, and away from Odin. After all, the Allfather is doing all he can to hide his 'new' daughters origins. And as much as she would love to ruin his plans, she knew it probably wasn't a good idea.

Among the Valkyrie, dissenting voices arose. Loyalists who held steadfast to their duty and those who couldn't bear the thought of leaving their homes voiced their concerns. Their hesitation was palpable, and Brunnhilde knew that convincing them would not be easy.

However, just as Brunnhilde's determination began to waver, a surprising voice broke through the turmoil. It was Odin, the Allfather, the ruler of Asgard, a figure of immense authority and wisdom. He raised his hand, and the hall fell silent.

"I believe that you should leave with Brunnhilde," Odin declared, his voice carrying the weight of his ageless wisdom. Beside him stood Frigga, the queen of Asgard, her eyes filled with a motherly warmth. "As Asgardian citizens, you are not bound to this realm alone. The Bifrost can take you to any realm, and you can return as you please. Simply call for Heimdall and he will ferry you. The choice is yours."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Valkyrie exchanged bewildered glances, unable to fathom why the Allfather, who had ruled with an iron fist for eons, was supporting Brunnhilde's plea. It was Frigga who smiled gently at them, her eyes filled with understanding. She had always been the compassionate and caring heart of Asgard.

Brunnhilde instantly realized what was happening. 'Frigga must have talked him into this…'

Of course, she was right but Odin wasn't as unwilling as she might think. After all, Asgard has a very close alliance with Earth, thanks to their connection with Peter and the Avengers, so sending the Valkyrie there isn't necessarily a bad idea, nor will it hurt Asgard or it's people.

In fact, it might actually strengthen their relationship, which Odin was more than happy to do after witnessing Peter's use of the Infinity Stones. In the end, Odin chose to strengthen his connection to Peter, a powerhouse who could help protect Asgard for millennia to come.

With the former king and Queen's support, Brunnhilde's plea began to find resonance among her sisters. The realization that they could leave Asgard and return to it at will was a revelation. Those who had living families could visit them, and those who had other plans could freely explore the nine realms.

Slowly but surely, the Valkyrie made their decision. They chose to follow Brunnhilde to Earth, to embark on a new journey together. Some wore smiles of excitement, eager to explore a world they knew little about, while others bore uncertainty in their eyes, unsure of what lay ahead. Especially when their last memories of Earth came from thousands of years ago, when the whole planet was extremely underdeveloped.

As they departed Asgard with Peter's help, stepping through his portals one by one, Brunnhilde couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude and disbelief. She had not expected all of her sisters to agree. She thought that at least half of them would stay in Asgard, yet each and every one of them was leaving alongside her. But they did it all for Brunnhilde, the little Valkyrie who had mourned them for thousands of years.


Stepping through Peter's portals, the Valkyrie found themselves standing in a vast, grassy field. The transition from the grandeur of Asgard to the simplicity of Earth was stark. They exchanged curious glances, their armor-clad forms shimmering in the sunlight.

Peter stood at the forefront, his spider-suit contrasting sharply with the ethereal presence of the Valkyrie. He glanced around, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. Taking them all to the Avengers Tower wasn't a feasible option. Sadly, they didn't prepare enough apartments for almost a thousand Valkyrie.

"We can't all fit in the tower," Peter explained to Brunnhilde. "We'd need to use the auditorium, but I don't know if it's available right now. So let's just start here, and we can figure things out from there."

With hundreds of Valkyrie now on Earth, the portals closed one by one. The Valkyrie glanced around, unsure of their next steps.

Jessica Jones, however, was conspicuously absent upon their return to Earth. She had chosen to stay in Asgard a little longer, cherishing her time with Loki, the trickster who had somehow stolen her heart.

As the Valkyrie looked around, uncertain of what to do next, Peter turned to Brunnhilde. "Keep them company for a bit. I need to speak with Astrid."

Nodding in understanding, Brunnhilde made her way to her sisters, their reunion still fresh and filled with emotion. She had missed them dearly, and now they had the chance to start anew on Earth.

Peter approached Astrid, who stood with an air of authority and grace. She regarded him with curiosity, awaiting his guidance. After all, this is his world, so she hoped hoped he'd give some information to get them started. Perhaps a map so they knew where to go?

"Let's discuss our options," Peter suggested, waving his hand to conjure a portal leading to his office. Astrid followed him through, her eyes widening in amazement as she took in the breathtaking view of the New York City skyline through the floor to ceiling windows.

The city was modern and sleek, a stark contrast to the huts and simplicity of Midgardian life that Astrid remembered. She took a seat on Peter's invitation, still glancing toward the windows every now and then.

Peter leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping in thought. "We have three main options here, Astrid. First, the Valkyrie can integrate into Earth's society. The Avengers would arrange and fund your integration until you can become self-sufficient. This includes homes, clothing, food, and, most importantly, identities. We can provide you with IDs, passports, birth certificates, and the like."

Astrid considered this option carefully, shocked that he would help them so much. To begin with, she only wanted a map and a bit of information. This was above and beyond what she could have ever asked for.

"Second," Peter continued, "we can find a secluded piece of land and establish an Asgardian settlement on Earth, or even a Valkyrie village independent of Asgard. This way, you can maintain your traditions while adapting to Earth's environment."

Astrid's gaze drifted to the city beyond the window. "I would prefer it to be close to civilization," she said after a moment. "That way, we can choose to integrate if we wish to in the future."

Peter nodded in agreement. "I can make arrangements for that."

"And third," Peter concluded, "I can step back and let the Valkyrie fend for themselves, with Brunnhilde's guidance of course. After all, she's been on earth long enough to know how things go. Just know, regardless of your choice, we'll provide you with IDs and documentation. Living in the modern age without identification would be unnecessarily challenging."

Astrid considered his words carefully, thinking about the best path for her sisters. "I believe the second option is the most suitable for us. Please arrange for the land."

Peter smiled, relieved that they had come to such a swift decision. "I'll have a piece of land purchased by tomorrow, so you'll have to spend the night camping until then. I can help build some houses tomorrow, when the land is procured."

"No, you've done enough." Astrid shook her head, feeling truly indebted to him. "Thank you, but we can't ask for more. It wouldn't be right. We can build our our own homes. A few of us have studied magic, so it shouldn't take long to finish building."

"Okay," Peter shrugged as he waved his hand and opened a portal for her, "Go ahead and explain to the Valkyrie. I'll get started on everything."

As she stepped through, Peter was left alone in his office. The decision had been made and the Valkyrie had officially joined Earth. 'Now I just need to convince them to join the Avengers…'


The sun cast its golden rays over the secluded piece of land Peter had acquired in upstate New York. It had been a whirlwind of activity in the past week as the Valkyrie, with their unwavering determination, transformed the barren landscape into a budding village, a blend of Asgardian aesthetics and modern comforts.

Arriving at the settlement, Peter marveled at the progress they had made in such a short time. The houses, constructed in the traditional Asgardian style, were still being completed, but it was clear that the Valkyrie were adapting swiftly to their new surroundings. Even the walkways were being paved alongside street lamps and benches.

Seeking out Astrid, he found her in one of the larger houses, its architecture reminiscent of the halls of Asgard. She stood at a table piled with blueprints and plans. Since she was the leader, they naturally put her in charge of the settlement.

"Yo, Astrid," Peter greeted, offering a wave as he approached her. "I've brought the documents you'll need. The land officially belongs to you."

Astrid turned her attention to Peter, a genuine smile gracing her regal features. She accepted the documents, glancing at them briefly before nodding in appreciation. "Thank you, we'll repay your kindness in the future, I swear it."

Peter nodded. "It's the least we can do to welcome you to Earth."

Astrid's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she placed the documents aside. "Your generosity has not gone unnoticed."

With that matter settled, Peter shifted the conversation toward another topic that had been on his mind. "Astrid, there's something else I'd like to discuss with you. The Avengers would like to extend an invitation to you and the Valkyrie to join our ranks."

Astrid's lips curled into a knowing smile. "I've been waiting for you to finally ask," she admitted, her tone filled with confidence. "Brunnhilde already spoke to us about the benefits of joining your organization, especially considering the substantial compensation."

Peter chuckled, remembering to thank Brunnhilde for the assist. "Yes, the financial perks are definitely one of the advantages. But beyond that, I believe that this would be the best recruitment we've ever had."

Hulk and Abomination were certainly good pick ups for the Avengers, but almost a thousand Asgardian Warriors, each with super strength and skills honed through hundreds or even thousands of years, was far more appealing to Peter.

Astrid nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we are warriors at heart, and this seems like an opportunity we shouldn't miss. Besides, living as an Avenger beats working a regular Earth job any day."

Peter couldn't help but agree. After all, what are they supposed to do? Get normal jobs? No, they were Valkyrie, who spent all their lives training to become warriors, so that's what they'd be.

With the decision made, Peter extended his hand to Astrid, sealing their newfound partnership. "Welcome to the Avengers, Astrid. We're thrilled to have you and the Valkyrie on board."

As they shook hands, a sense of unity and hope filled the room. The Valkyrie had found a new home on Earth, and their journey as Avengers had officially begun.

A/N: 2075 words :)



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