I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 466: New Student

Chapter 466: New Student

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🚨Insert Gamer GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): MonkeyaKing!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

(🛑A/N: As you may have noticed, SirRandom made me a cover picture for this story. If anyone else wants to make one, then feel free to do so. It might be a cool idea to alternate cover pics every week or month, like a rotation of whatever you guys have made. But it all depends on if you guys make any. Once again, thanks to SirRandom🙏)

A few days after the revelation that their father was Magneto, Peter decided to pay a visit to the Maximoff twins. Well, he mainly needed to speak with Wanda. He wanted to do this earlier, but he decided to give the newly formed family some space. After all, it's a big shock to learn that you have a father, especially when that father is a man like Magneto.

But after asking the all important questions, like where the hell have you been all our lives and other hard hitting queries, the small family seemed to be getting along rather nicely. Of course, that didn't mean they were a perfect family.

Magneto was still Magneto, he wasn't the best father figure. But, Peter hoped in time he would learn. As for the twins, Pietro wasn't very happy with his fathers excuses, and Wanda was rather guarded toward him, but they were all at least trying.

Dressed in his iconic Spider-Man suit, Peter stepped out of a portal, leading to the X-Mansion. Maneuvering his way through the building, he did his best to avoid getting swarmed by young fans before finding Wanda's room. With a few taps on the door, he waited for someone to answer.

Inside the room, the twins were going about their day. Pietro was engrossed in a video game, while Wanda was experimenting with her powers, trying to control the swirling red energy that had caused chaos more than once.

Hearing a knock at the door, Pietro hopped up to answer it. "What…!" He was shocked to find Peter on the other side of the door. After all, it's not everyday that Spider-Man comes to say hello.

"Yo," Peter gave him and Wanda a wave.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Wanda rushed to the door and pushed Pietro aside, her expression a mix of curiosity and gratitude. "Spider-Man, what brings you here?"

Peter smiled under his mask, nodding at her. "Hey, Wanda. Mind if I come in for a chat?"

Pietro eyed Spider-Man warily. He was protective of Wanda and didn't appreciate unexpected visitors, especially someone like Spider-Man, whom he knew little about. "Why are you here?"

Peter read Pietro like an open book and let out a small chuckle. "Just a friendly chat." He could easily see that Pietro thought he was here to pursue his sister and possibly even ask her out on a date. 'Meh, let him think what he wants. It's more amusing that way…'

Pietro still seemed unsure but his sister shoved him aside, inviting Leter into the room. "Quit standing in the way like an idiot!" She chided her brother before turning back to Peter, a smile returning to her face. "Thanks for your help, by the way. I never had a chance to thank you for what you did for us."

Peter shrugged off her thanks, his voice laced with modesty. "No problem. I just did what I do. I'm Spider-Man, after all."

As Peter and Wanda engaged in small talk, Pietro, still feeling uneasy about the situation, was about to close the door when Spider-Man stopped him. "Actually, Pietro, could you do me a favor and give us a little privacy? There's something I need to discuss with your sister."

Pietro raised an eyebrow, uncertain about the request. He glanced between Peter and Wanda, feeling absolute dread. Is this when his sister would get a boyfriend? He knew this day would come… yet he hoped it wouldn't.

Seeing her brother standing around like an idiot again, Wanda walks over and pushes him out the door. And without missing a step, she slammed the door in his face, leaving only Spider-Man and Wanda.

With the door closed, Wanda turned to Peter, her curiosity piqued. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Peter leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "Well, I've seen your powers, and I've noticed something interesting. Your abilities seem to be more centered in the magical realm."

Wanda blinked in surprise. "Magic? But magic doesn't exist... right?"

Peter nodded. "It does, and your powers seem to be related to chaos in some way. They're extremely potent and unpredictable, which is why it's crucial for you to learn how to harness them properly."

Wanda absorbed this information, her eyes wide with realization. "So, you're saying I can learn magic?"

Peter grinned beneath his mask. "Exactly. I can point you in the right direction and introduce you to someone who can help you tap into your magical potential. It won't be easy, but with your determination, you can master your powers."

Wanda's face lit up with hope and excitement. "Thank you, Spider-Man. This means a lot to me."

Peter stood up and shook his head. "No need to thank me. I'd teach you myself, but I just don't have the time."

Wanda nodded her head but soon froze. "Right… wait! You know magic?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah, how else can I do this?" He waved his hand, conjuring a portal with a swirl of magical energy. He took a step towards it, glancing back at Wanda. "Ready to start learning magic?"

Wanda, who had only seen Peter open portals on TV or from afar, hesitated for a moment, awe and a hint of fear in her eyes. She nodded, her voice filled with determination. "Lead the way."

Peter smiled reassuringly and stepped through the portal. He turned back to Wanda and gestured for her to follow. "Come on, Wanda. I'll introduce you to your new teacher."

As Wanda stepped through the portal, her surroundings changed dramatically. Gone was the X-Mansion, replaced by a mesmerizing landscape of Asian architecture. "Woah…"

She found herself at the edge of a tranquil courtyard where a group of individuals dressed as monks were practicing a set of martial arts movements. But that wasn't what initially caught her eye. As they moved, Wanda noticed their hands glowing in a golden light, which reminded her of Peter's portal. Their serene concentration captivated her, and she watched in awe as they molded the energy into various forms.

Wide-eyed and amazed, Wanda couldn't help but ask, "Where are we?"

Peter turned to her, his masked face reflecting a sense of familiarity with this place. "Welcome to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry!" He spoke jokingly, but Wanda almost believed him. "Nah, I'm kidding. This is Kamar-Taj."

Confusion clouded Wanda's face. "Kamar-what?"

Peter chuckled softly, his voice resonating with a hint of amusement. "Kamar-Taj. It's the home and training grounds of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, located in Kathmandu, Nepal. In simpler terms, it's a magic school. Hence the Hogwarts joke."

Wanda's eyes widened with realization. "But less British and more Asian?"

Peter nodded with a grin. "You could say that, but the Masters of Kamar-Taj don't just teach magic. They protect our world from threats from other dimensions and step in for worldly or universal threats if they're needed, but that's rare."

As they continued to observe the courtyard, Peter guided Wanda through a grand entrance into the heart of Kamar-Taj. Passing through ornate corridors adorned with ancient tapestries, they reached a majestic chamber. There, seated in meditation, was the revered Ancient One.

With the grace of someone who had walked these halls many times before, Peter approached the Ancient One and waved. "Yo, I brought you a replacement student. Since your old one pretty much graduated, I thought you might want to take up another disciple."

The Ancient One quickly realized that Peter was taking about himself. "I see, Introduce me to your guest."

Peter has two identities in Kamar-Taj. Spider-Man, who is known to be a normal student, and Peter Parker, who is practically the places young master, thanks to his connection to the Ancient One. Of course, he had to be careful how he spoke with others around. Or else someone will realize that they're one and the same.

Stepping back, Peter gestured for Wanda to come forward. She approached the Ancient One with a mixture of awe and trepidation, her heart pounding as she felt the weight of the moment. "Ancient One, this is Wanda Maximoff. She possesses unique abilities, and I believe she could benefit greatly from your guidance."

The Ancient One studied Wanda with a keen and knowing gaze. Her eyes seemed to penetrate not just Wanda's outer facade but her very soul. It was as if she could sense the chaotic energy that flowed within her.

Wanda's heart raced as the Ancient One's scrutiny continued. "You possess the gift of chaos magic," the Ancient One finally spoke, her voice carrying an otherworldly wisdom that sent shivers down Wanda's spine.

Wanda was shocked that the Ancient One could figure that out with just a simple glance. Of course, Peter figured it out as well, but at least he saw her powers in action beforehand.

Peter nodded in agreement with the Ancient One's assessment. "That's why I thought it best that you take her under your wing. Her power is immense, and there's no room for mistakes in her training."

The Ancient One regarded Wanda with a warm, understanding smile. "Wanda, would you like to learn the ways of magic from me?"

Wanda was momentarily at a loss for words. She clumsily bowed, a gesture of respect and acceptance. "Yes, Ancient One. I would be honored to become your student."

The Ancient One's smile widened, and she rose gracefully from her meditation cushion. "Very well, then. I will prepare a room for you to stay during your training."

Peter, ever the considerate friend, spoke up on Wanda's behalf. "Actually, Wanda's brother is back at Xavier's school. She might want to return there after her lessons."

The Ancient One nodded in agreement. "Of course, we can arrange that. Wanda, you may return to your brother when you wish. Your training here can be tailored to your needs." She turned to glance at Peter. "My last student had similar needs."

Relief washed over Wanda as she realized she wouldn't have to abandon her brother while pursuing her magical education. She thanked the Ancient One, her heart filled with gratitude for this newfound opportunity.

As they prepared to depart, Wanda couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and uncertainty about her future as a student of Kamar-Taj. With the Ancient One's wisdom, she was poised to unlock the true potential of her chaos magic and become a force to be reckoned with.

A/N: 1752 words :)



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