I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 472: Talokan

Chapter 472: Talokan

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After hours of heated discussions, tense negotiations, and impassioned speeches, the representatives of the United Nations had finally come to a groundbreaking agreement. The assembly hall, once filled with uncertainty and apprehension, was now buzzing with anticipation and hope.

As the clock inched past 2 A.M., Peter stood at the podium once more, addressing the assembly. "We're finally finished... I want to commend each and every one of you, even the greedy little b*stards who made this last far longer than it was supposed to, for your dedication to finding a solution to the crisis at hand and working towards a better Earth."

He paused for a moment to let the gravity of the moment sink in. "Hopefully, this will help avoid a war... And if it doesn't, then at least we can say that we tried to do things peacefully. Now, get lost. All of you. I don't want to see any of you for at least another year."

Peter's lackluster goodbye brought wry smiles to everyone's faces. Of course, most of them felt the same. This meeting lasted far longer than it was supposed to, which hasn't happened in the UN for a very long time. The last time was probably during and after World War 2.

The comprehensive plan that had been devised was the outcome of everyone's tireless overtime. It was a plan that addressed Namor's grievances while also utilizing Wakandan technology and resources to assist every nation in the world. The plan had several key components.

First, the Environmental Restoration Fund was put into place. A global fund would be established, primarily funded by Wakanda and other leading nations, to provide financial assistance to nations in need. This fund would be used for various environmental projects, such as reforestation, clean energy initiatives, and the cleanup of polluted water bodies.

Second, we have the Wakandan Technology. Wakanda would share its advanced environmental technologies with willing nations. This included state of the art air and water purification systems, sustainable energy solutions, and waste recycling technologies. Each country would receive technology tailored to its specific needs.

Third, The skilled workforce exchange. Wakanda would facilitate the exchange of skilled workers and experts in environmental science and technology. This would help nations lacking the necessary expertise to effectively implement and maintain the new technologies. At least until they learn how to use and maintain them correctly.

Fourth, and one of the most important, environmental accountability. Nations receiving financial aid and technology would be required to submit regular reports, including evidence, on their progress in addressing environmental issues. These reports would be delivered to the Avengers, who would be policing this entire situation. Anyone found misappropriating funds, resources, or technologies will be heavily punished.

And lastly, education and awareness. Since some people either don't even know about these problems, or just flat out don't believe in them, a global education campaign would be launched to raise awareness about environmental issues. This campaign would involve schools, communities, and media outlets worldwide.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And of course, diplomatic relations with Talokan was the next priority. In parallel with these environmental plans, diplomatic efforts would start to open up with Talokan. Peter, being the figurehead of all of this, would be the one to make the first visit. The ultimate goal was to establish peaceful coexistence and cooperation between the surface world and those under the sea.

But Peter couldn't help but wonder. 'Will Namor even listen?' After all, from what he's heard from T'Challa and the tribal Council, Namor seemed like a grade A as$hole. And that's a lot coming from the council, since half of the tribal leaders are as$holes themselves.

As the representatives filed out of the assembly hall, tired but hopeful, Peter watched them go. T'Challa and his family approached him, their expressions a mix of relief and anticipation.

"Thank you," T'Challa said sincerely. "Your leadership and your alliance with Wakanda have made all the difference."

Peter nodded, his mental exhaustion catching up to him. "We're in this together, T'Challa. Now, you and your family have a lot of work ahead of you."

T'Challa smiled tiredly. "Indeed, we do. We will begin coordinating the distribution of resources and technology immediately. It will be a challenging endeavor..."

With that, the Wakandan royal family bid farewell to Peter, leaving the assembly hall to embark on their mission.

Without another thought, Peter made his way back to his house, exhaustion weighed heavily on him. The day had been long and mentally draining. He entered his darkened bedroom, careful not to wake MJ, who was already fast asleep.

Crawling into bed beside her, he pulled her into his arms, feeling the warmth of her presence. Despite the immense responsibilities that rested on his shoulders, he found solace in this moment of quiet intimacy.

Tomorrow would be the day he visited Talokan and met with the infamous Namor…


The next morning, the sun's first rays pierced through the curtains, casting a warm glow into Peter's bedroom. He slept like a baby after yesterdays long meeting, but sadly, his peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by a sudden, weighty impact on his stomach. With a gasp, Peter's eyes snapped open, only to find himself pinned beneath an unexpected assailant.

"Wake up!" Lily, his grinning daughter, had launched a surprise attack, stomping onto his stomach with both feet. The impact knocked the wind out of him, and he let out an exaggerated groan of surprise.

Before Peter could even muster a response, Lily giggled mischievously and darted out of the room, her laughter echoing through the hallway. As she scampered away, Peter could hear her excitedly informing her mother, MJ, that she had successfully woken up her dad.

Intent on exacting revenge for his rude awakening, Peter quickly got up and rushed to get ready for the day. After all, he couldn't let her get away with that.

As he descended the stairs, freshly showered and dressed in his normal clothes, he spotted Lily preparing to leave for school. She had her backpack slung over one shoulder and was chatting animatedly with MJ by the door.

Peter seized the opportunity, a sly grin hidden beneath his mask. "Hey, Lily," he called out as he approached her.

Lily turned, her innocent brown eyes locking onto her father's face. "Yeah, Dad?"

With a feigned sweetness, Peter leaned in and ruffled her hair. "Have a fantastic day at school, sweetie," he said, his tone dripping with mischief.

Little did Lily know, Peter had activated the reality stone, turning her dark hair into a vibrant shade of neon green.

"Thanks, Dad!" Lily chirped, oblivious to the transformation. She gave him a quick hug before heading out the door.

Peter watched from the window as Lily joined her classmates at the school bus stop, her green hair attracting puzzled looks from her friends. The smirk on his face couldn't be contained.

Turning around, he was met with the amused gaze of MJ, who had witnessed the entire exchange. She raised an eyebrow at him, her lips quirking into a knowing smile.

Peter shrugged innocently and asked, "What?"

MJ shook her head, a hint of laughter in her voice. "Lily's going to kill you when she finds out, you know."

Peter chuckled. "Well, I probably won't be home until late tonight, so hopefully she cools off."

With a nod of understanding, MJ wished him a safe trip. "Just be careful, Peter. And don't forget to call if you need any backup."

After a quick breakfast with MJ, Peter donned his Spider-Man suit and prepared to embark on his journey. He focused on the coordinates Wakanda had provided him, allowing him to open a portal to the underwater kingdom of Talokan.

Stepping through the portal, Peter found himself in a grand throne room. It was a sealed space, allowing him to breathe comfortably. The room was adorned with intricate Aztec patterns and all sorts of rare underwater gems, a testament to the wealth and beauty of the hidden nation.

As soon as he set foot in the throne room, alarms began to blare, filling the palace with their shrill noise. Unperturbed, Peter strolled casually toward Namor's impressive throne, the center of the room, and took a seat, waiting for the king to arrive.

'I should get a throne for the Tower…' Peter thought in amusement. 'Though Tony might get jealous..'

Seconds later, the towering doors of the throne room swung open, and a small army of blue-skinned guards rushed in, their spears at the ready. But as they assessed the situation, they froze in shock at the sight of someone other than their king occupying the throne.

Peter waved at them with a friendly grin. "Yo, can you get Namor for me? I'm here to have a little chat."

The guards exchanged bewildered glances but took no action. Instead, they awaited their king's orders.

Before long, footsteps echoed behind the guards, and Namor himself appeared, his regal presence commanding the room. He regarded Peter with an annoyed expression, his piercing eyes locked onto the intruder.

Namor's deep voice filled the room. "That won't be necessary. I'm already here."

Peter maintained his casual demeanor, a smirk hidden beneath his mask. "Good, Namor. I'm here to discuss your grievances with the surface world."

Namor's skepticism was evident in his tone. "I've heard about your little trip to the United Nations. Do you truly believe they will follow your plan?"

Peter shrugged, his confidence unwavering. "They will, or there will be consequences. I've made that very clear."

While Peter agreed with Namor's doubts about some nations following through on the plan, he was prepared for such contingencies. Any nation that refused to comply would face the wrath of the Avengers.

'Maybe I'll take over a few countries in the name of the Avengers?' Peter thought. After all, if they didn't listen, then maybe some new leadership would be required. 'Meh, forget it… That sounds like a lot of work.'

Namor weighed his options for a moment, his guards still standing vigilantly behind him. Finally, he made his decision. "War preparations have already begun, and I'm not keen on halting them, especially after Wakanda betrayed us by leaking everything to the surface world."

Peter raised an eyebrow, prompting Namor to continue.

"But," Namor added, "I'd consider a different course of action if the great Spider-Man could best me in battle."

Instantly, the guards banged their spears to the ground and erupted into a rhythmic chant of Namor's name, confident that their king would emerge victorious.

Peter couldn't help but smirk beneath his mask. He knew that defeating Namor wouldn't be a challenge. After all, he had faced far more formidable opponents, including Dormammu. How could a mere enhanced human stand a chance?

Peter sought clarification, making sure he understood the terms. "So, if I win, there will be no war, and Talokan will ally with the surface world, just like Wakanda?"

Namor nodded in agreement. "But if you lose, you stand with Talokan in our fight against the surface."

Talokan had spies all over the surface world, and they had been well aware of Peter's strength. Or at least aware of what the public knew. Adding him to their side would be a significant advantage.

Peter shrugged nonchalantly. "Deal. So, when do we begin?"

Namor signaled to one of his guards, who promptly handed him a gleaming spear. "Now."

As soon as Namor finished speaking, Peter vanished from the throne, seemingly teleporting across the room. Namor's eyes widened in shock as Peter's fist collided with his abdomen, launching the King of Talokan backward.

Blood spewed from Namor's mouth as he was sent crashing into his stunned guards, who struggled to catch him but ended up tumbling to the ground themselves.

Peter remained in his position, casually waiting to see if the great Namor would get back up. The guards, once chanting for Namor, were now in disarray, unsure of how to react to this sudden turn of events.

A/N: 2003 words :)



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