I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 491: Adoption?

Chapter 491: Adoption?

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In the depths of her own universe, hidden from the eyes of mortals, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, sat in her darkened sanctum. Before her, the pages of the ancient and accursed Darkhold floated, suspended by her power. The ancient tome had become her obsession, a gateway to alternate realities where her heart's deepest desires could be realized.

As she gazed upon the pages, her eyes sparkled with a maniacal fervor. The Darkhold whispered promises of power and the reunion she so desperately craved. She watched, her smile widening, as an alternate version of herself played in a serene playground with her beloved children. It was a tantalizing illusion, a fleeting vision of the happiness she once had.

But in that blissful moment, an unsettling ripple coursed through her being. A sensation of failure, of loss, pierced her like a dagger. Her eyes widened in horror as the illusion shattered, replaced by an overwhelming sense of dread.

"No...no, it can't be..." Wanda muttered, her voice trembling with disbelief.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In an instant, her attention shifted from the illusion to the horrific truth. The demon she had unleashed into the multiverse, the monstrous abomination born from the darkest recesses of her desires, had been defeated. It was dead, its malevolence extinguished, its purpose unfulfilled.

Anguish clawed at her heart, and an agonizing scream tore from her lips. Her powers surged uncontrollably, lashing out at the objects and surroundings in her hidden chamber. Arcane energies tore through the walls, shattering ancient relics, and reducing treasured possessions to dust.

Tears streamed down her face as she realized the extent of her failure. It was not the first time that one of her creations had been vanquished, but this loss struck deeper. The monster had been her most potent, her most malevolent creation, and it had been utterly defeated.

Unbeknownst to her, the Darkhold responded to her raw emotions, its pages pulsating with a malevolent light. It fed upon her anger, sadness, and unbridled rage, siphoning the dark energies that radiated from her. The eldritch tome hungered for her despair, craving the turmoil that churned within her soul.

Wanda's powers spiraled further out of control. Objects levitated and shattered around her, a tempest of chaos and destruction. She screamed, her voice echoing in the twisted chamber of her sanctum, as her reality unraveled before her eyes.


After stashing the demon's body and dealing with the curious police officers who had shown up due to the neighbors' reports, Peter let out a weary sigh as he returned to the living room. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of recent events, and everyone sat around, trying to process what had just transpired. The Ancient One, Lily, America, and MJ were gathered there, sharing a collective sense of relief and exhaustion.

May and Grace were currently out of town on vacation together, blissfully unaware of the chaos that had unfolded in their absence. They were a bit mad about being left to clean the backyard after America's arrival, so Peter sent them to Hawaii for a couple weeks to relax.

As Peter sat across from the group, he turned his complete attention to America, his expression filled with concern. "America," he began gently, "do you have any idea why these demons keep chasing you?" His voice was soft, encouraging her to share her burden. 'Well, I already have a pretty good idea, but it's still good to make sure.'

America looked down at the floor, her gaze distant and troubled. Memories of her time before meeting the Parkers flooded her mind, and she hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the words. Memories of her past weighed heavily on her shoulders, but she knew it was time to explain.

MJ shot Peter a pointed glare, silently conveying her disapproval of pushing America too hard. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on the young girl's back, offering her support. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, America," MJ reassured her. "You're safe with us, and we'll protect you, no matter what."

Sighing deeply, America realized that it was time to open up and share the painful truth. She wiped away a tear that had escaped her eye before starting to speak. "A few months ago," she began, her voice trembling with emotion, "I started getting chased by monsters, like the two you've seen already… I think they want my powers."

Her voice quivered as she continued, recounting the events that had forever changed her life. "During that time, I met Doctor Strange. He protected me from them and tried to take me to the Book of Vishanti to find a way to stop whatever was after me."

America paused, her memories of that fateful journey still vivid in her mind. She swallowed hard, her eyes welling up with tears. "When we arrived so did the monster," she continued, "Doctor Strange desperately tried to hold off the creature, but he couldn't contain it… and then, just like the monster, he tried to take my powers as well, even though he knew it would kill me."

Tears streamed down America's cheeks as she recalled that moment of betrayal. "It was so painful… it felt like my whole body was on fire… and I could see the way he looked at me too, like he planned it all along. I asked him what he was doing, and told him we were friends, and he... he said my sacrifice would be worth more than I'd ever know."

MJ scooped America into her arms, cradling the young girl as she cried into her chest. "I-I think he's dead…" She couldn't say anymore as nothing but sobs escaped her.

The betrayal of someone she had thought was a friend, or even a father figure, had left deep emotional scars on America. In that moment, she found solace in MJ's comforting embrace, feeling safe and loved despite everything.

Peter watched the scene with a heavy heart, realizing the immense pain that America had endured. Her story matched his knowledge of the movies, but due to America's much younger age, the alternate Strange's betrayal seems to have hit her much harder than than her movie counterpart.

After America had settled down, her exhausted body finally succumbing to slumber in MJ's comforting embrace, MJ carefully lifted the sleeping girl into her arms.

She cradled America's form with a gentleness that spoke of the deep bond forming between them, and with quiet steps, she made her way upstairs to the guest room they had prepared for her. Soft moonlight filtered through the curtains as she tucked America in, making sure she was comfortable and safe.

As MJ returned downstairs, she turned to her daughter. "Lily," she began, her voice low and concerned, "do you mind sitting with America for a while? Just in case she wakes up and needs someone. I'll come and trade places with you in a minute."

Lily nodded in response, a mixture of determination and protectiveness in her expression as she hurried upstairs.

With Lily gone, MJ turned her attention back to Peter. "Where did the Ancient One go?" she asked, her brow furrowing slightly. "She was just here a moment ago."

Peter sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "She had to leave," he explained. "Something about a demon trying to buy souls in Budapest. She offered to stay and help with America, but I told her we'd handle it."

MJ nodded, though concern still lingered in her eyes. "So, what are we going to do about this situation?" she asked, leaning in closer to Peter.

Peter looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'll go and find whoever is doing this to America," he decided. "You and Lily should stay here and keep her safe. The house is the safest place for her, with all the defensive enchantments I've placed on it."

MJ nodded in agreement but then pressed further, her gaze intense. "And what about after that?" she asked. "What's the plan for America?"

Peter could sense the weight of MJ's unspoken thoughts. She had grown attached to the young girl, and her concern for America's well-being was evident. "America has a family already," he stated, knowing that MJ most likely wants to adopt her.

MJ corrected him gently, her voice soft but determined. "Peter, she's been separated from her parents since she was four years old," she said. "She's been searching for her parents for almost seven years, and she hasn't found them. The multiverse is infinite, so what if she never finds them? Are we just going to let her grow up parentless?"

Peter sighed deeply, realizing the complexity of the situation. He took a seat on the couch, and MJ joined him, sitting in his lap and looking up at him with imploring eyes. "Can't we just adopt her?" she asked, her voice filled with earnestness. "We can still help search for her parents. It's not like we're stealing her."

Peter hesitated, his gaze locked with MJ's, and he voiced his concern. "And what happens if we find her parents?" he questioned. "You're going to be heartbroken when she leaves. Lily will probably feel the same. Even May, Grace, and I will grow attached."

MJ leaned in, placing a tender kiss on Peter's cheek. "Peter," she said softly, "it's not about us. It's about America needing parents to take care of her. She's been lost and hurt for seven years, doing who knows what across the multiverse. She needs us."

Peter let out a sigh, realizing the depth of MJ's compassion and love for the girl they had taken in. He knew that she was right, and he couldn't deny that America deserved a stable and loving home. "Okay," he relented, a small smile tugging at his lips. "We can do it, but we have to get America's permission. And we can't slack in searching for her parents."

MJ's eyes lit up with happiness, and she couldn't contain her excitement. She peppered Peter's face with quick kisses before rushing off to see if America was awake.

As MJ left the room, Peter let out another sigh, hoping that he made the right decision. 'Whatever, we'll deal with any consequences when they appear…' Putting thoughts of adoption to the back of his mind, Peter focused on the main threat at hand. 'The Scarlett Witch…' He needed a way to travel the multiverse and stop her from bothering America.

Peter debated whether to take some of America's blood and copy her powers, or to test out the multiverse ship that he and Tony have been building. But then he realized, why not both? Copying her powers was certainly appealing, and it could come in handy in case the ship ever breaks or malfunctions, leaving Peter stranded in the multiverse.

'I could just go with her powers, but I'd have no idea where I'm going. Besides, the ship needs testing anyway…' Peter thought as he walked up to America's room, ready to take some blood.

A/N: 1842 words :)



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