I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 496: Farewell (1/2)

Chapter 496: Farewell (1/2)

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The dust and smoke from the battle with the Scarlet Witch had barely settled when a rippling portal opened nearby. Out stepped Wong, the Sorcerer Supreme of this universe, and Doctor Strange, who had both been at Kamar-Taj when the alarms rang out, urgently calling them to the scene.

Peter turned and smiled as he recognized the two sorcerers. "Hello again, gentlemen," he greeted them. "No hard feelings from our last encounter, I hope."

At first, Strange and Wong believed that the individuals before them were their universe's Peter Parker and Tony Stark, but as Peter spoke, memories of their past meeting began to resurface. Memories of how Peter demolished both of them in a fight and then locked them away in their own prison. The realization hit them… this Peter was not their Peter.

Strange stepped forward, his eyes intense with determination. "What brings you to our universe once again, Peter?."

Wong joined Strange's side, a look of resolute readiness in his eyes. The last time they had faced this interdimensional visitor, they had been defeated and imprisoned. They wouldn't let that happen again, or so they thought.

Peter held up his hands in a placating gesture. "I'm not here to fight," he assured them. "I only came for Wanda and the Darkhold."

The mention of the Darkhold sent shockwaves of alarm through Strange and Wong. They had learned about the evil book many years ago, and they couldn't allow Peter to take it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Where is the Darkhold?" Strange demanded, his tone stern.

Peter smirked and gestured to the smoldering pile of ashes beside the unconscious Wanda Maximoff. "There it is. Wanda was using it to send demons to my universe, so I destroyed it."

Instantly, the air seemed to escape Wong and Strange's sails. It appeared that Peter was not the antagonist in this situation, as they had initially thought.

Wong raised a curious brow. "What are your plans for Wanda?"

Peter shrugged, "I'll talk to her and decide her fate once she wakes up. But right now, I've got to make a quick trip to Mount Wundagore."

Wong's eyes widened at the mention of the ominous location. "You should stay away from that place. It's far more dangerous than any dark book."

"…" Strange and Tony were clueless about its significance.

Peter didn't seem worried or bothered at all by Wong's warning. "I've been to Mount Wundagore in my universe, and the Ancient One and I managed to destroy it. I plan to do the same in this universe. Now that the Darkhold is gone, the final piece of the puzzle is eradicating its source, Darkhold Castle. It's the only way to ensure this universe's safety." He suddenly smirked. "You're welcome, by the way."

Strange seemed to agree with him, his expression serious. "I'll come with you… I don't know much about the place, but I'm sure that I can be of help."

Wong let out a sigh before coming to the same decision. "I'll join you as well. We should not underestimate the threat that place poses."

Peter shook his head and turned to Wong with a request. "Actually, can you take Wanda into custody and keep her restrained until we get back? Her connection to the Darkhold makes her presence at Mount Wundagore rather dangerous. And I can't just leave her here alone…"

Wong reluctantly nodded in understanding. With a flick of his fingers, he conjured ethereal chains that wrapped around Wanda's unconscious form. Hovering her slightly, he guided her through a shimmering portal, leading her back to Kamar-Taj, where she would be securely held in check.

"Alright, let's go destroy a haunted castle…" With the immediate threat dealt with, Peter waved his hand, opening a golden portal, which both Strange and Tony followed him through.


As Peter, Strange, and Tony Stark stood at foot of Mount Wundagore, they gazed up at the imposing structure known as Darkhold Castle. It loomed ominously against the gray skies and white snow, a place of ancient malevolence.

Their mission was clear, destroy the source of the Darkhold's power. But they knew it wouldn't be easy. Well, Peter knew it would be easy, but that's just because he's been through this before.

As they approached the castle, a deafening howl filled the air, and what seemed like a thousand flying wraiths burst forth from the dark spires of the castle, darkening the sky as they swarmed their way, stopping them from entering the castle.

Peter, who had already experienced this ordeal in his own universe, conjured a comfortable chair and sat back, observing the chaotic spectacle. He reached out, and a bag of chips appeared in his hand, making himself comfortable among the chaos.

Tony and Strange, on the other hand, were in the midst of an intense battle against the wraiths. Arcane energy and repulsor blasts filled the air as they fought to keep the wraiths at bay.

After an arduous battle, they finally managed to dispatch the last of the wraiths, panting and disheveled.

Tony wiped the sweat from his brow, casting an annoyed glance at Peter. "You could have helped, you know."

Peter, still lounging in his conjured chair, offered a nonchalant shrug. "I've been through all this before. Now it's your turn to do the heavy lifting."

They entered the ominous castle, navigating its eerie corridors and encountering demonic golems guarding the interior. Each step forward felt like a descent into a realm of nightmarish proportions. But once again, Peter lazed around at the back whilst Tony and Strange did all the work.

Tony glared at his best friend. "You're really starting to p*ss me off…"

Eventually, they reached a chamber with a large stone casket at its center. Demonic carvings covered the walls, floor, and ceiling, as if the very room itself pulsed with dark energy.

Peter, who had done absolutely nothing since their arrival, conjured a flickering ball of flames in his hand. As the fiery glow danced in his palm, a sinister voice filled the room, resonating with ancient malevolence. It was C'Thon, or at least what remained of the deceased demon.

C'Thon began to offer them anything they could desire in exchange for leaving his castle untouched, but Peter interrupted, his tone laced with indifference. "I've heard this spiel before, C'Thon, and I'm still not interested."

With a casual flick of his hand, Peter tossed the flame onto the casket, and as the flames rapidly spread throughout the room, they could all hear the agonizing, ear-piercing screams of C'Thon as what remained of the demon was consumed by the relentless fire.

Leaving the room, they retreated back to the castle's entrance. As they turned to watch, Peter's flames engulfed the sinister structure. The castle shuddered and crumbled, disintegrating into ash as the flames devoured it. Within moments, all that remained was a desolate mountain peak, a stark contrast to the malevolent fortress that had once stood there.

The Darkhold's source of power had been eradicated, and the world was free from the menace that had plagued it for so long.


The short trip to Kamar-Taj was full of celebration, marked by the absence of the ominous Darkhold Castle on Mount Wundagore. As they stepped into the mystical sanctuary, Peter, Strange, and Tony were met with an unexpected sight.

Wong, alongside a few other Masters of the Mystic Arts, surrounded a thrashing Wanda Maximoff, who was struggling against her restraints. Each master was concentrating their power, infusing it into the many chains that held their prisoner in place, barely able to keep her contained.

Upon seeing this chaotic scene, Peter let out an exasperated sigh. He knew she would cause trouble the second she woke up. With a hint of annoyance, he walked over and delivered a firm slap to the back of her head, temporarily halting her frantic struggles. "What do you think you're doing? I leave for an hour and you're already causing trouble…"

Wanda glared up at Peter, her eyes burning with resentment. "You need to return the Darkhold, now!"

Peter, unfazed, met her gaze with a calm expression. "I can't do that, Wanda. I destroyed it."

Wanda's reaction was immediate, her face twisting into an expression of heartbreak and despair. It was as if Peter had torn something precious away from her, leaving a void she couldn't bear.

Her addiction to the Darkhold had been like a vice, manipulating her with its malevolent influence. She had lashed out in her desperation to keep it, not fully comprehending the horrors it had led her to commit.

But before she could sink too deeply into her distress, Peter spoke again, his voice carrying a note of unexpected compassion. "My deal is still on the table, Wanda. I can find a universe where you can be with your children again. A universe where Wanda Maximoff is gone, leaving her children in need of a mother."

Wanda looked up at Peter, stunned by his offer of help after her attempts to kill him. She hesitated for a moment, torn between her pride and her desire to be reunited with her children.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she accepted the lifeline Peter was offering, her voice trembling. "Please, please help me."

Peter extended a hand, patting her head, his expression holding both sympathy and understanding. "I will, but you have to stop causing trouble." He says and Wanda nods her head frantically. "Good, we'll find a way to make things right, I promise."

With that said and done, Peter snapped his fingers, which caused Wanda's restraints to shatter before crumbling away completely, setting her free.

"!" The many Masters formed up behind Wong, ready to fight should Wanda try anything. But more than that, they were shocked that Peter could so easily destroy their restraints, which held their combined power.

Thankfully, Wanda simply stood up and stuck close to Peter, like a lost puppy. 'Now, I just have to find the right universe for her and I can go home and relax… Though I should probably find one without a Darkhold in it as well…'

A/N: 1687 words :) One more chapter before we enter a brand new universe!



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