I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 504: Legion of Doom

Chapter 504: Legion of Doom

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Flash's words echoed through the meeting room, and the atmosphere shifted palpably. Peter watched as Superman's face contorted with a mix of anger and frustration. The sudden shift in mood did not go unnoticed by anyone in the room, even the groggy and battered Flash noticed Superman's anger.

Batman frowned and ordered, "Explain…"

With visible reluctance, Flash began recounting the ordeal. He had brought the Joker to Green Arrow's secure underground base, cleverly lined with lead to avoid Superman's x-ray vision. His intentions were to keep the Joker isolated. But, after a leaving for a few minutes to grab some food, Flash had returned to find Joker passed out.

But he soon learned that he was only playing dead and unleashed a treacherous green spray hidden within a flower on his chest when Flash got close to check on him. Thankfully, he had managed to dodge the spray, but his respite was short-lived.

An unexpected visitor, Eobard Thawne, or better known as Reverse Flash, had appeared, likely trailing Flash after his quick food run. Reverse Flash's ambush had caught Flash off guard, and he had been swiftly beaten before Thawne took Joker and vanished on a burst of speed.

Flash let out a grunt in frustration. "I tried to follow, but as you can see, he kinda kicked my a*s on his way out."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Superman's frustration grew as Flash continued. It was clear that if Batman hadn't insisted on taking Joker away, this wouldn't have happened.

Flash admitted, "I have no idea what Thawne and Joker are plotting, but it can't be anything good."

Wonder Woman, however, wasted no time in pointing fingers. She glared at both Batman and Flash as she rose from her seat. "This is your fault. If you didn't take him away then this wouldn't have happened. We could have taken him to the Watchtower or even executed him, as we were discussing…"

Before Batman could come to his and Flash's defense, Superman intervened. He acknowledged Wonder Woman's frustration but argued, "I feel the same as Diana, but they couldn't have foreseen Joker's rescue by Thawne. But, this does serve as undeniable proof of the point I've been trying to make… no matter how many times we apprehend dangerous criminals like the Joker, they always find a way to escape. Innocent lives will inevitably be lost because of our reluctance to take drastic action, even as a way to protect the greater good."

The room fell silent, and uneasy contemplation hung heavy in the air. Some heroes nodded in agreement with Superman's viewpoint, while others remained quietly disapproving, none more so than Batman. They knew that it was challenging to argue against the harsh reality presented by Joker's escape. Doing so would only leave them on the losing side of this argument.

Before the tension could escalate further, the doors to the meeting room swung open, and in walked Lois Lane. Her appearance drew the collective attention of everyone present. Although her body seemed to have healed thanks to Peter's assistance, her clothes were disheveled and torn from her encounter with the Joker and Harley.

Instantly, Superman's previously tense demeanor melted away as a warm, loving smile graced his face. Without hesitation, he reached out and enveloped Lois in a protective embrace. She had been through a horrible ordeal and needed comfort.

Tears welled up in Lois's eyes as she cried into Clark's chest. "J-Jimmy's dead…" She began to speak, her voice quivering with grief. "We were investigating the docks together, and then the Joker... he just appeared and shot Jimmy in the head. He died right in front of me and I couldn't do anything... I just stood there and watched as he… he…"

Superman held Lois tightly, his own eyes betraying a deep sadness. "I-I know… I found him while I was looking for you…"

Jimmy had been more than just their colleague, he had been a close friend to both of them, but more than that, he was Clark's best friend. And sadly, after everything that's happened, Clark wasn't able to mourn Jimmy's death. He measly found his body and immediately went searching for Lois.

As Lois wept in Clark's embrace, she suddenly thought of something and clutched her stomach, a silent cry for her unborn child's safety. Although her pregnancy didn't show yet, the concern for her baby's well-being was evident in her eyes as she looked up at Clark.

Noticing this, Clark reassured her with a gentle tone, "I've checked a hundred times since I found you, Lois. The baby is perfectly fine."

Lois's distress began to subside as she took comfort in her husband's embrace. The room watched in solemn silence as this intimate scene played out. It was a clear picture of the innocent lives caught in the crossfire, lives like Jimmy's and families like Superman's, that suffered due to their reluctance to take more decisive action against criminals like the Joker.

Done with staying quiet, Peter's voice cut through the tense atmosphere in the meeting room, capturing everyone's attention. Even Clark and Lois, who had been lost in their poignant, grief-filled reunion just moments before, turned to listen.

Peter's tone was composed yet firm as he addressed the room. "With the Joker's escape, we have a pressing problem. We should act swiftly to find him and ensure the safety of both Batman and Superman's loved ones."

Aquaman raised a skeptical brow and asked, "Why should we be concerned about that?"

Before Peter could explain, Batman, who had been sitting in silence, abruptly jumped out of his seat and dashed out of the room, leaving everyone shocked by his sudden departure.

Batman might not have many loved ones, but he did have Robin, Batgirl, and Alfred, all of whom could be considered easy targets for Thawne and the Joker.

As Batman exited, Clark's eyes widened with realization, and he muttered, "My parents." He released his hold on Lois and, without a moment's hesitation, launched himself out of the room, leaving her behind and following after Batman.

Peter didn't waste a moment and quickly explained the situation to those who remained. "As many of you might have guessed by now, Joker knows both Batman and Superman's true identities," he emphasized, "which means anyone connected to them is at risk."

The room was left in a state of alarm, the gravity of the situation hanging heavily over them. Superman wasn't so hard to figure out, as he doesn't wear a mask, not to mention his fairy trusting attitude towards fellow League members, but Batman was startling. Only very few select members know who he really is.

Soon, Wonder Woman stepped forward to take charge. Her voice was authoritative as she ordered, "While Batman and Superman are busy securing their friends and family, we must initiate a search for the Joker and Thawne immediately."

Hawkman, with a furrowed brow, posed a question that was on everyone else's mind, "What should we do when we find them? Should we capture or kill them, considering what you and Superman have suggested her today?"

Taking a moment to think, Wonder Woman responded, "For now, we will focus on capturing them. Their fates will be decided later, but we must not let them evade us any longer. Innocent lives are on the line."

As the room began to empty, and members of the Justice League prepared to fan out in search of the dangerous duo, Flash raised his voice, seeking guidance, "What about me? What should I do?"

Wonder Woman, with a hint of concern in her voice, instructed, "Return to the Watchtower for a thorough check-up, Flash. You don't look to good..."

Flash smirked, blood dripping down his lip. "Awe, I didn't know you cared so much about me…"

Diana sneered in annoyance. "I don't." She refused instantly as she marched out of the room. "I just don't want you interfering in this more than you already have."

"You can pretend all you want, but I know you love me!" Flash yelled at her as she walked off. And once she was gone he ended the call.

As the last ones remaining, Peter and Tony looked between one another. "Should we get back to fixing the ship?" Peter asked.

"Fine…" Tony begrudgingly agreed. "But we can't leave too early. I want to see what they decide to do. This is so much better than reading a comic or watching a movie."

"Sure, besides it shouldn't take too long to fix the ship." Peter shrugged as he waved his hand and opened a portal.


In the shadows of the night, Eobard Thawne brought the Joker to a concealed base hidden deep within a labyrinthine network of underground tunnels beneath Gotham City.

As they traversed the tunnels and entered a dimly lit chamber, the Joker, surprisingly, found himself among some familiar-looking colleagues. The room was filled with all sorts of notorious criminals. From Poison Ivy and Bane to Bizarro and Brainiac, each of them were big names in his line of work.

Joker's arrival did not go unnoticed, and the mix of wicked smiles and annoyed scowls of his fellow villains hinted at the divide in the room. "I still disagree with recruiting this clown. He can't be trusted." Poison Ivy was the first to speak.

"It's already been decided by a majority vote. Just let it go." Sat at the forefront of the group, Lex Luthor waved off Ivy's concerns before turning back to the new arrivals, smiling welcomingly. "Thawne, I see you've found our friend."

Joker frowned for a moment but soon enough his trademark smile returned. "I don't remember us being so friendly, Lexy…"

Lex shrugged as if it didn't matter. "Well, things change. And we've brought you here to offer you a chance to join us," he declared, his voice laced with a chilling undertone.

"What's this? Are you putting together some sort of boy band?" Joker's manic laughter filled the room before his eyes landed on the females in the room. "If this is a boy band, then I refuse to join with these girls around. You know they have cooty's, right? It's a deadly disease… My poor Harley couldn't withstand it for long…"

As the woman in the room rolled their eyes in annoyance, unaware of Harley's death, Lex finally got to the point. "No, not a boy band. I would say that we're more of an antithesis of the Justice League."

Joker raised a brow, finding that to be a very interesting idea. "Tell me more…"

A/N: 1770 words :)



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