I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 520: Comic-Con

Chapter 520: Comic-Con

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(A/N: Quick question. Did you guys not like that MJ slapped Peter in the last chapter? I saw a couple comments where people didn't seem to like it. Let me know and I might edit it into her crying or something. Something to show that she was worried about him. Anyway, enjoy the chapter :)

As Peter reconnected with MJ and the rest of his family, Superman and Batman exited the Avengers Tower, stepping out onto the bustling streets of New York City. They still wore their superhero costumes, their striking appearances drew the attention of the people around them.

As they walked through the city, anyone who passed them couldn't help but glance in their direction. Some smiles of appreciation crossed the faces of onlookers, while others couldn't resist a sense of awe, assuming that the two towering figures were merely dedicated cosplayers.

Superman and Batman exchanged puzzled glances, wondering why the pedestrians were paying such close attention. They were well aware that their superhero costumes made them stand out, but it felt as though these people recognized them, and that was more than a little perplexing.

"Why does it feel like we're famous?" Superman questioned, his brow furrowed. "Everyone's looking at us and smiling. Its making my skin crawl…"

Batman, too, was bewildered by the attention. "I don't know, but it's like they know who we are, but that's impossible. We're in a different universe."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And it only got weirder as they continued. Soon enough, people began to comment on their cosplay, appreciating their dedication to accuracy. While a small minority of passerby's laughed at them, calling them comic nerds as they walked off.

Superman couldn't help but chuckle despite the confusion. "I thought wearing our suits wouldn't matter, but it seems our costumes are even more conspicuous here than they are in our universe."

Batman kept his gaze focused ahead, the gears in his mind turning. "There must be a logical explanation for this. Perhaps the people in this universe are simply more social than others? Though I still haven't figured out what a cosplay is..."

Superman was just as confused. "Maybe we should use the money Peter gave us and buy some normal clothes?"

Batman nodded in agreement. "That's probably a good idea…"

As they strolled through the city, looking for a clothing store, they encountered a large building with colorful banners and posters featuring a familiar group of heroes. Batman and Superman froze, recognizing their own images among the depictions of the Justice League and other unknown characters.

"What in the world is this place?" Batman muttered, his eyes locked on the signs and banners.

Superman scanned the surroundings, his superhearing picking up the excited chatter of people nearby. "I think this is some kind of event center. Look at all those people entering the building."

Indeed, they had stumbled upon Comic-Con, a massive convention for fans of comics, movies, and pop culture. To their astonishment, they saw cosplayers in elaborate costumes, many of them dressed as characters from their own universe. The crowd was a vibrant mix of enthusiasts who were deeply passionate about the world of comics.

Batman's analytical mind quickly connected the dots. "It's all starting to make sense… Peter and Tony knew so much about us because they're from a universe where we're just fictional characters."

Superman nodded in agreement. "This must be why people recognized us and thought we were cosplayers, whatever that means. We're not just famous, we're iconic characters in their world."

They shared a moment of realization and confusion, coming to terms with the fact that they were considered fictional characters in this universe. It was a revelation that challenged their understanding of reality.

"Let's go inside and see what we can find out," Batman suggested, his curiosity piqued. "Maybe we can learn more about this world's perspective on the Justice League."

Superman agreed, and together, they entered the convention center. Their costumes were so impressive that the security didn't even both asking for their pass, and merely stepped aside, thinking that they must have some sort of special access.

Inside the vast, colorful word of fan-art, merchandise, cosplay, panels, and unhygienic fans, Batman and Superman marveled at the vibrant display of fan art, merchandise, and the enthusiastic crowd. Their costumes, while clearly not the product of cosplay, gained the attention of many attendees who believed them to be dedicated fans.

As they strolled through the event, a rather large and muscular teenager wearing a costume similar to Superman's rushed over, eyes wide with excitement. He was dressed as a makeshift version of the Man of Steel, with a homemade cape and a symbol drawn with marker on a t-shirt. His enthusiasm was infectious.

"Whoa, your Superman cosplay is amazing!" the teenager exclaimed, looking at Superman with awe. "And Batman, your costume is so intricate! You guys are nailing it!"

Batman and Superman shared a bewildered glance, unsure of how to respond. They didn't know that their real counterparts were fictional characters in this universe. To them, it seemed like Ned was merely complimenting their cosplay.

"Thanks," Superman said, his voice warm, masking his bewilderment at seeing a grown man dressed as a sh*tty version of him. "Your costume is pretty cool too."

The teen beamed at the praise. "Thanks! I'm Ned, by the way. You guys want to explore the Con together? DC fans gotta stick together, right? There's so much to see here."

Batman and Superman, still trying to grasp the situation, introduced themselves as "Bruce" and "Clark," which Ned seemed to get a kick out of. Ultimately, they found themselves nodding in agreement with Ned, figuring that exploring the convention with him might be a way to learn more about this world's perspective on the Justice League.

"Mind showing us around, Ned?" Superman asked with a friendly smile.

"Sure thing!" Ned replied enthusiastically. "I'll give you guys the grand tour. I was here yesterday as well, so I know where everything is."

As they explored the convention with Ned, Batman and Superman found themselves overwhelmed by the depth of knowledge that fans of their universe possessed. They discovered things they had never known, such as the existence of the Presence, the ultimate creator and Source of all things, often referred to as God.

Batman didn't know how to feel about the existence of god. 'If he's real, then why doesn't he do something about all of the suffering in our world?' After all, it would be as easy as snapping his fingers for God to remake the world.

The multiverse and alternate DC universes fascinated them, and they were surprised to learn about fanfictions and alternate interpretations of their own stories. Though they were shocked, appalled, and disgusted to find some erotic fan-art of themselves, which made both heroes instinctively step away from one another.

Ned expertly ignored the dubious artwork as he eagerly explained all sort of lore and concepts to them, sharing his own passion for the DC universe.

Superman couldn't help but comment, "This is incredible…"

As their journey continued, Batman, with a thoughtful expression, finally broached the subject that had been on his mind. "Ned, I'm curious about something. The Justice League adheres to a strict no-killing rule. How do you feel about that?"

Superman nods. "Yeah, Bruce and I have been arguing over this for a while now. I think they should just dispose of the more heinous criminals, while he thinks they should never take a life, no matter who it belongs to."

Ned paused, considering his response carefully. "Well, in a perfect, idealized world like cartoons and comics, that rule makes sense. But when you bring the Justice League into a real-world setting, it can be extremely challenging. The no-killing rule could potentially hamper the League's ability to keep people safe, especially when dealing with ruthless villains."

Superman and Batman exchanged meaningful glances, silently acknowledging the tension between their different approaches.

Ned continued, "I've read a lot of fanfictions and discussions on forums, and I think most DC fans share this perspective. While the moral idea of not taking a life is admirable, the practicality of it in a world filled with super-powered threats who show no mercy can be quite different."

Batman fell into silence, his thoughts heavy. Superman's eyes met his, conveying a sense of understanding and an unspoken "I told you so."

Ned, unaware of the complex dynamic between the heroes, grinned and said, "But that's just my opinion. There's all sorts of online debates about this stuff…" He said, his mood suddenly turning a bit somber. "l just wish my friend Peter was here. He'd love your costumes. We usually go to Comic-Con together, but he's been busy lately…"

Batman and Superman turned to one another, wondering whether they were thinking of the same Peter. "You mean, Peter Parker?"


Far across the deepest reaches of the Universe, Thanos, the Mad Titan, finally returned to full health after the poison that almost took his life. He stood in his sanctum, the gleaming Mind Stone embedded inside the long spear in his grasp. The events of his previous encounter with Spider-Man still burned in his memory, and he was determined to exact revenge.

In the dimly lit chamber, Ebony Maw, the loyal servant of Thanos, approached his father and master. His eyes, adorned with a haunting glow, reflected the intense light emanating from the Mind Stone.

"My Lord, you are fully healed and more powerful than ever," Maw acknowledged with a low, subservient tone. "How may I serve you?"

Thanos turned to his trusted servant, the corners of his lips curling into a sinister smile. "It is time."

Ebony Maw inclined his head, understanding the gravity of the situation. "What are your orders, my Lord?"

Thanos raised his spear, the Mind Stone pulsating ominously. "Prepare what remains of the Black Order and our armies. It is time to depart for Earth. We must retrieve the planets Infinity Stones and ensure that Spider-Man pays for what he's done."

The dark promise of revenge hung heavy in the air as Thanos and Ebony Maw prepared to embark on a journey to Earth, where the destiny of the universe would be decided. The Mad Titan's unquenchable thirst for vengeance would be sated, one way or another…

A/N: 1671 words :)



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