I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 526: Officially Meeting ***

Chapter 526: Officially Meeting ***

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With the blaze of Phoenix flames casting an ethereal glow across the ship, Peter stood amidst the aftermath of the cosmic confrontation. Thanos, once a looming threat, now reduced to ashes scattered across the metallic floor, served as a somber testament to the end of an era.

Exhaustion settled into Peter's limbs, and he slowly collapsed onto his backside, taking a few measured breaths. The physical exertion of battling Thanos had been manageable, thanks to the enhanced abilities. However, the true toll came from the application of the Infinity Stones on such a grand scale.

As Peter caught his breath, he contemplated the immense power he had wielded to transform countless barren wasteland planets into thriving paradises. The scope of the endeavor had drained him far more than the physical combat. The Phoenix flames around him flickered, their intensity reflecting the ebb and flow of Peter's own energy.

"That was a bit more taxing than I anticipated," Peter muttered to himself, his words punctuated by a sigh of weariness. The sheer magnitude of altering the destinies of millions of planets had taken its toll on him, leaving a sense of fatigue that lingered beneath the surface. 'Maybe I should have done a hundred thousand planets at a time instead of doing them all at once…'

With a self-reflective gaze, Peter acknowledged that using the Infinity Stones for grand, universe-altering acts required a considerable investment of his own energy. It was a revelation that resonated through the core of his being. While the stones granted godlike abilities, there were limits to what even someone like him could achieve without suffering consequences.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I guess using these stones on a large scale is a bit like running a marathon," Peter mused, his tired eyes focused on the distant remnants of the Phoenix-infused flames. "You can do it, but it's not something you want to do every day."

The exhaustion in his bones served as a clear reminder that wielding such immense power came with risks. He concluded that, moving forward, he needed to exercise caution, not pushing the boundaries of what his body could handle.

After all, even Thanos severely hurt himself when he snapped away half of the universes population in the movies. The potential consequences of using more of the stones power than he could handle loomed in Peter's mind, a danger that he was keen on avoiding.

'Well, it's not like I plan on altering the universe on such a grand scale again, so I doubt I'll ever need to worry about it...' Peter shrugged uncaringly. Although he was technically limiting his use of the stones, the limiter was only placed on anything above simultaneously terraforming millions and millions of planets throughout the universe.

It wouldn't hinder him one bit.

(A/N: Just to be clear, this is not me nerfing Peter or the stones. I hate when Authors do that so I won't ever do it.)

As Peter reflected on this, he suddenly wondered, 'Is there anything else, other than overpopulation, that needs to be fixed?' But after some thought, he decided not to change the universe any more than necessary.

On one hand, Peter could use the stones to turn the universe into a paradise free from all troubles, but on the other hand, doing that would make the universe immensely boring and mundane.

'Meh, I just gave the universe millions of paradise planets, so I'd say that's enough. At least for now. I can always decide to do more later…' Peter mused. Although he likes helping others, as many heroes do, it just wasn't his job to fix every little inconvenience or mishap that takes place in the infinite cosmos of his universe.

Seated on the ship's floor, Peter admired the rings that adorned his fingers. Crafted with precision by the Dwarves of Nidavellir and assembled through his own efforts, these rings had proven to be the key to unlocking the true potential of the Infinity Stones, similar to Thanos's gauntlet, which will now never be made in this universe.

'The dwarves did an amazing job,' Peter thought, acknowledging the craftsmanship that had ensured the rings functioned flawlessly, even after a task as monumental as reshaping the universe.

The rings, still shimmering with residual cosmic energy, clung to Peter's fingers. Despite the monumental task they had just performed, they remained intact, a testament to their durability and the quality of their construction. Peter felt a surge of gratitude for the Dwarves and a sense of accomplishment for successfully wielding the Infinity Stones to bring about positive change.

'Maybe I should give the Dwarves a gift?' Peter thought as he snapped his fingers.


In the heart of Nidavellir, the Dwarves diligently toiled in their forges, the rhythmic clangs of hammers on anvils echoing through the immense cavern. For generations, this realm had been their sanctum, with Nidavellir, the neutron star they had harnessed, at the core of their existence. The giant ring encircling the star housed their homes and workshops, and the celestial body itself served as the most potent forge in the universe.

Amidst the chorus of forging, the Dwarves paused, their attention drawn to the grand windows overlooking the heart of Nidavellir, the neutron star. As they gazed in awe, a collective gasp escaped their lips. The neutron star, their source of power and inspiration, began to surge with an unprecedented intensity, its luminosity growing more vibrant and its heat escalating beyond any measure they had known.

Eitri, the revered king of the Dwarves, his eyes wide with a mixture of astonishment and trepidation, joined his kin at the windows. The once-stable neutron star pulsated with newfound vigor, its flames dancing with an intensity that both fascinated and terrified the Dwarves.

"What the f*ck…" Eitri muttered in shock.

As seconds passed like an eternity, the neutron star continued to burn with an otherworldly fervor. Gripped by the fear of impending catastrophe, the Dwarves watched the star pulse and expand in their direction.

But suddenly, just as they thought the Star would swallow them whole, the surge ceased, and the neutron star began to recede, returning to its usual size. A collective sigh of relief swept through Nidavellir as the star settled into a new equilibrium. The once-blue hues of the star transformed into a brilliant gold, casting a warm glow across the forges and workshops.

Eitri whispered in awe, "What…. What happened to it?"

While the Dwarves marveled at the altered star, they remained oblivious to the true architect of this cosmic transformation. Unbeknownst to them, Peter, having wielded the Infinity Stones, had extended his benevolence to Nidavellir. The neutron star, the very lifeblood of their craftsmanship, had undergone a metamorphosis at his hands.

The upgrade to the neutron star brought forth a multitude of possibilities for the Dwarves. Anything forged within its radiant embrace would now possess an unparalleled quality and potency, surpassing anything the Dwarves had ever achieved before.


After Peter snapped his fingers, channeling the power of the Infinity Stones to gift the Dwarves of Nidavellir with an upgraded neutron star, he watched the surprised looks on the Dwarves face with a smile. The warm hues of the golden star reflected the dumb expressions they were currently making.

As Peter stopped watching the Dwarves, a voice, gentle yet powerful, resonated over his shoulder, catching him off guard. Peter, with a start, spun around to find himself face to face with a figure that was extremely familiar. It was as if the essence of Stan Lee had materialized before him, wearing a knowing smile.

Instantly, realization dawned on Peter… this was no ordinary being. It was the One Above All, the supreme deity of the Marvel Multiverse.

"That's a very nice thing you've done for the Dwarves, and the rest of the universe as well," the figure said, the voice carrying a sense of cosmic wisdom.

Peter, still processing the sudden appearance, stammered a surprised greeting, "Uh, hello there... sir?"

The figure chuckled softly. "No need to be alarmed, Peter. I'm here because it's been a while since someone collected all of the Infinity Stones in this universe."

Hopping to his feet, Peter struggled to find the right words, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe. "Oh, uh, okay, sir?" Although Peter has seen the One Above All a few times, he never had a conversation with him. Every time they met, he would be in some sort of disguise and swiftly disappear before he could say anything.

The One Above All smiled kindly, reassuring Peter. "No need for formalities. Just call me Stan, if you will. I'm here because I'm happily surprised that, for once, the Infinity Stones have fallen into the hands of a good guy. You know, not many Spider-Men have collected the stones. People like you are exceedingly rare. You should be proud."

"Umm, thank you." Peter smiled, his hand raising to scratch the back of his head awkwardly. After all, it's not everyday that an all powerful god of the Marvel Multiverse compliments you.

"You're welcome." The One Above All smiled kindly as he checked his watch. "Oh, it seems I have an appointment to get to. Sorry to take up your time like this."

Peter shook his head. "No, it's fine. After all, it's not everyday I get to meet a god…"

The One Above All waved Peter's words off uncaringly. "Like I said, just treat me normally." He says as he began to fade away. "It was nice to officially meet you, Peter. I hope to see more of your incredible feats. They've certainly been entertaining thus far…"

As the godly Stan Lee disappeared, Peter couldn't help but raise a brow at the revelation that the One Above All had been watching him. It was as if his life had become some cosmic movie or TV show. The thought both amused and unnerved him, realizing that his actions were under the observation of the supreme deity.

Just as Peter was processing this encounter, Superman came flying in, his blue eyes filled with curiosity. "Hey, Peter, who were you just talking to?"

Peter, still grappling with the surreal encounter, shook his head in disbelief. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you…"

A/N: 1715 words :)



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