I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 531: Gathering Info

Chapter 531: Gathering Info

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After attempting to open the armory door and realizing it was securely locked without a key in sight, Peter decided they should continue exploring the police station before attempting to breach it again. The group split up once more, scouring rooms and hallways for any useful supplies or information that could aid their survival.

As everyone met back up after clearing the entire building, the absence of any living person inside and the secure nature of the structure offered a brief moment of relief for Joel, Sarah, and Tommy.

They gathered in a large room filled with desks, taking a collective breath as they took a seat. The adrenaline that had sustained them through the immediate danger now dissipated, leaving them shocked by the harsh reality of the apocalyptic scenario they found themselves in.

Joel, attempting to make sense of their situation, voiced the questions swirling in their minds. "How did this happen? Why are these people turning against each other?" Anxiety and fear resonated in his voice.

Tommy chimed in, "I told you, they're infected."

"Infected with what?" Joel asks in exasperation. "Because this ain't just some cold or flu. They're out their hunting people…"

"It's that fungus on them, I think." Tommy said thoughtfully. "It's like it's controlling them or something…"

Sarah, wide-eyed and visibly shaken, started checking herself for any signs of infection, her hands trembling. Joel and Tommy were so caught up in their own conversation that they didn't notice.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Seeing this, Peter spoke up. "Hey, take it easy. You're scaring the kid." Instantly, Joel and Tommy turned to Sarah, who looked to be on the verge of hyperventilating.

Peter rests a hand on her head, ruffling her hair. "Relax, you aren't infected. If any of us were infected, we'd probably know by now."

Sarah shot him a skeptical look, "How do you know?"

Peter hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I saw someone turn in the street earlier. They got swarmed by the infected and killed. Seconds after, the fungus started growing all over them and then they joined the rest of the infected. It seems to be a pretty quick and noticeable change, though dying might just speed it up… but I'm not 100% sure yet."

Of course, Peter knew exactly how all of this worked as he played the game and watched the show. The infection spreads through direct contact with an infected, via a bite, or indirectly via airborne fungal spores released by a corpse. These spores can quickly infect an individual, making breathing difficult and movement sluggish within only minutes of exposure in spore-dense areas.

He even knew how all of this started. In the show, the spores spread rapidly to humans through an infected food supply delivered from South America, which is what spread the infection to such a broad area.

Although it originated in one place, the spores were transported in trucks, ships, etc. until it spread all over the world. Even places that didn't get a food shipment would be infected soon enough. After all, people travel all the time and the likelihood of an infected person being onboard is high.

Of course, he couldn't just say that. At least not until he can pretend to look into it or something.

Peter continued. "Trust me, you're all fine for now. Just don't let any of the infected touch you and stay away from any sort of fungus, or else things might get complicated. Because that seems to be the way it spreads."

"Okay…" Sarah nodded her head, calmer now that she knows how to avoid turning.

Joel walked over and sent Peter a thankful look before kneeing beside his daughter and pulling her into his arms. "It's alright, we won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

Tommy nodded in agreement. "Yeah, your daddy and I will take care of you, don't worry." He says before turning to Peter and the rest of the adults. "We need to figure out what's going on, and find a safe place to go. We can't just stay here forever."

As they shared their concerns, MJ, taking a more proactive approach, scoured the room and discovered a medical kit. Walking over to Sarah, she approached with the intention of wrapping up her ankle.

Joel, instinctively protective of his daughter, stepped in her way, holding his hand out. "Hold on, I can do it."

MJ met his gaze with a raised eyebrow, holding up the medical kit. "Do you know first aid?" She asked as his shoulders slumped. "That's what I thought… Trust me, we need to make sure she's okay. I'm not here to harm anyone."

Joel hesitated but eventually stepped aside, reluctantly allowing MJ to tend to Sarah's injured ankle.

"Hello, again." MJ greeted as she bent down to check over her ankle before expertly applying a bandage while simultaneously casting a bit of healing magic.

"Hi…" Sarah smiled but winced as MJ wrapped her up. "Ow!"

"Sorry about that." MJ looked apologetic as she finished up. "It doesn't seem broken, so it's probably just a sprain or a pulled muscle, which means you'll be walking again in no time."

The subtle magic worked beneath the surface, accelerating the healing process. It wouldn't be more than a couple of hours before Sarah would be able to walk again.

With Sarah all patched up, Peter took a seat at a desk with a computer. Curiosity and urgency mingled in his expression as he asked, "Anyone know if the internet is still working?" He glanced around, looking for confirmation.

MJ, sitting beside Sarah, replied, "There's only one way to find out."

As Peter booted up the computer, Tommy and Joel came up behind him, their interest piqued. MJ engaged Sarah in conversation, aiming to keep her distracted so that she could fully calm down.

As the computer turned on, the trio of men watched with anticipation. However, their excitement soon turned into frustration as the screen prompted for a password. Joel and Tommy exchanged annoyed glances, realizing they didn't have the information needed to unlock it.

Peter, undeterred, started typing at a remarkable speed, fingers dancing across the keys. Seconds later, the computer yielded, unlocking to reveal its Home Screen. Joel and Tommy were stunned, their expressions a mix of surprise and confusion.

"How did you do that?" Joel asked, suspicion lacing his words. "Are you some kind of hacker?"

Peter, nonchalantly shrugging, responded, "I'm just good with computers."

With the computer unlocked, Peter navigated to the browser, checking if the internet was still functional. To his surprise, it was. Taking a moment to revel in the triumph of technological continuity, he began his research.

His first search led him to a multitude of news articles detailing the infection. The fungus, originating in South America, contaminated the food supply and spread rapidly… blah blah blah. It explained everything Peter already knew, and the vivid descriptions of the infection's effects painted a grim picture.

Joel and Tommy, reading over Peter's shoulder, absorbed the gravity of the situation. The news articles depicted a world in chaos, with major cities like New York being hit the hardest due to their densely packed populations.

Moving on, Peter found a list of food products infected with the fungus, mainly flour and wheat-based items. This information was crucial for their future survival. Well, maybe not Peter and MJ since they have spells that protect them, but it's still important info for everyone else.

Peter noted down what to avoid and handed the paper to Joel, "Make sure to memorize and avoid those foods, unless you want to start growing fungus like everyone else."

Done with the immediate concerns, Peter turned to the group. "Is there anything else I should search for before the internet goes down?" He gazed at them, awaiting their input.

MJ had a good suggestion, "Download or print some survival guides and information that might help us in the future. Things like how to make medicine, concrete, steel, furnaces, factories, cars, clothes, guns, and anything that could be useful in the long run."

Peter smirked, acknowledging her foresight. "Smart thinking. We might need these things sooner than we think." Well, technically, Peter and MJ probably won't need it, as they wouldn't be here that long, but the information would certainly prove helpful for Joel, Tommy, Sarah, and anyone else they pick up along the way.

Joel and Tommy watched in awe as Peter's fingers moved rapidly across the keyboard, coding with precision. Lines of code filled the screen before he finally leaned back and tapped enter. The screen transformed, rapidly cycling through websites, automatically downloading vast amounts of information.

Curiosity tugging at him, Joel asked, "What did you just do?"

Peter stood up as he explained, "I wrote a program that instructs the computer to search for and download specific information. Now, we'll have everything we need on this computers hard drive."

Sarah spoke up. "What happens if the power goes out?"

Peter shrugged. "Then we find a generator. Gas or solar power would still work."

As the data downloaded, Joel and Tommy exchanged glances, realizing the immense value of what Peter had just accomplished. With the world plunging into chaos, having a repository of essential knowledge could be their key to not just survival, but possibly rebuilding some semblance of civilization.

"Alright, you guys should get some sleep." Peter says as he checks the clock on the wall. "It's late and we have a busy day of looting planned for tomorrow."

Tommy raises a suspicious eyebrow. "And what are you going to do?" Although Peter hasn't shown any reason not to be trusted, he and Joel were still a bit wary.

Peter smirked. "I'm going to work on getting that armory door open…"


Unable to fully trust Peter yet, Tommy decided to join him in the effort to break into the armory. They left Joel, Sarah, and MJ in the large room where makeshift beds were being created from rearranged couches and fire retardant blankets.

As Joel and MJ worked on creating a semblance of comfort, the weight of exhaustion weighed heavily on Joel's shoulders. He felt a mixture of vigilance and weariness, knowing that anything could happen.

As the makeshift beds took shape, Joel couldn't help but cast an occasional glance in MJ's direction. Despite her seemingly helpful actions, a shadow of doubt lingered in his mind.

However, fatigue soon took its toll, and Joel succumbed to the physical and emotional exhaustion that accompanied the chaotic events of the day. He worked a double shift today and still didn't get a wink of sleep, and on top of that, today was his birthday.

'Worst birthday ever…' Joel thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Sarah, ever perceptive, noticed her father finally succumbing to sleep. She gently pulled a nearby blanket over him, tucking him in with a tenderness that showed just how much she cared. In a soft voice, she whispered, "Happy birthday, Daddy."

MJ observed this heartwarming moment with a warm smile on her face. Witnessing the bond between Joel and Sarah, she realized the impact she had made. Sarah wouldn't be here now without her intervention, and in that simple act of tucking Joel in, she found a sense of reward and purpose for her actions.

A/N: 1889 words :)



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