I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 544: Mass Release (2/3)

Chapter 544: Mass Release (2/3)

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As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters /AlienWarlord🛑


Rick carefully observed the swarm of infected surrounding the building where the Quarry group had taken refuge. He knew he needed a distraction to lure the zombies away, creating an opportunity for the trapped survivors to escape.

Spotting a high end car nearby, which should have an alarm, Rick decided to use it to his advantage. He stealthily approached the vehicle, but didn't get too close, making sure not to draw attention to himself.

With a swift and practiced hand, he took his old cellphone, which didn't work anymore, and threw it. Seconds later, the cars window was smashed open, triggering the alarm. The loud blaring sound echoed through the desolate streets, immediately catching the attention of the nearby infected.

As the zombies turned towards the noise, Rick dashed back into cover, waiting for the infected to pass. And once they did, he peeked his head up and looked where the Quarry group was hiding.

Seeing them through one of he windows, watching the zombies run off in confusion, he gestured for them to stay low and quiet while they leave. Of course, they were surprised to see him, but soon realized that it was him who triggered the alarm.

Once the horde moved down the street, Rick continued drawing tnem away. He strategically moved through the alleyways, setting off car alarms and creating a trail of noise that led the infected far away from the trapped survivors. The groans and shuffles of the undead grew fainter as Rick lured them further from the building.

After ensuring a safe distance, Rick returned and signaled for the Quarry group to cautiously make their way out. The survivors emerged cautiously, eyeing Rick with a mix of relief, gratitude, and a small bit of suspicion. After all, they didn't know him.

"Thanks for the save," Glenn said, much more welcoming than the rest of his group.

Rick nodded, scanning their faces. "You folks from around here? You seen a woman and a boy, maybe 10 years old?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

T-Dog stepped forward, his demeanor welcoming but wary, "Not around here, no."

Glen thought for a moment before speaking. "We have a camp outside of the city though, so maybe they're there?"

Each member of his group turned to him, betrayed looks written all over their faces. "Don't tell him that! You-!" Merle exclaimed, but before he could finish, Daryl reached over and covers his mouth.

"Umm…" Rick turned to look in the direction the zombies were in. "Maybe we should get out of here before your friend calls all of the infected back."

As they rushed away, hearing the groans and footsteps of infected following after them, T-Dog couldn't help but think of tripping Merle and leaving his racist a*s behind, but one look at Daryl and he gave up on that idea.


Meanwhile, back at the dockyard on the East Coast, Peter oversaw the meticulous process of sorting through shipping containers. The soldiers worked diligently, unloading supplies and inspecting each container for potential resources.

In the midst of the organized chaos, Peter's mind raced with thoughts of a potential cure. He mulled over the idea of developing anti-fungus measures and vaccines, recognizing the urgency of addressing the broader issues at hand.

While his men continued the heavy lifting, Peter decided to take a moment to look over some of his maps. 'Wasn't there a CDC in Atlanta?'

After looking for a while, Peter found a map that marked out key locations, and one of those locations was a CDC building.

The CDC, or Center for Disease Control, is responsible for protecting public health and safety by providing information to enhance health decisions. It also houses some of the world's deadliest and rarest infectious diseases such as Smallpox.

'If this facility is the same as the show, then it should have exactly what I need to make the cure…' Peter thought.

Of course, Peter could and would use magic to help expedite the process, but he'll still need some equipment. After all, the people who live here will need to know how to produce the cure once he leaves.

As the soldiers wrapped up their tasks at the dockyard, the convoy set out on the journey back to King County. Each truck carried at least one shipping container filled with valuable loot, evidence of a successful operation. Peter, seated in the lead truck with MJ by his side, grabbed the radio transmitter.

"Alright, everyone, great job back there. We've got what we need to start fortifying the town," Peter's voice echoed through the convoy's radios. "But sadly, MJ and I will be breaking off from the convoy at the halfway point to King County. We have an errand to run."

Joel's voice crackled over the radio, curious and concerned. "Why the split?"

Peter glanced at MJ, who looked just as curious, then back at the road. "I spotted a CDC building on one of the maps. I'm heading there to see if there's anyone left inside. Maybe they've been working on a vaccine or cure. Either way, their equipment will come in handy later on. We can't ignore a potential resource like that."

There was a brief pause before Joel responded, "CDC, huh? Do you want us to come along?"

"No," Peter replied. "We'll be fine, Joel. Just keep the convoy moving and make sure everything gets unloaded smoothly."


An hour into the drive, with King County now behind them, Peter decided to break off from the convoy and head north toward Atlanta.

Joel watched as Peter's military hummer broke off from the convoy, "Peter, if you find anything, let us know. We'll be here working on fortifying the town."

"Will do," Peter radio'd back. "Stay safe out there."

MJ looked over at Peter, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "So, the CDC building? What are you hoping to find there?"

Peter navigated the car with practiced ease, explaining his thought process. "Since we'll be leaving soon, I want to make a vaccine and some things to leave behind to help everyone when we go."

MJ nodded in understanding. "Good idea." She smiled happily. "I've actually been feeling kind of guilty about not helping more than we could, so this is a relief."

Peter glanced at her, surprised. "Don't feel guilty. It's not our job to save every single person in the multiverse. We've already helped far more than you realize. Without us, a lot of people would be dead right now."

MJ nodded her head, convinced, "Yeah, I guess you're right…" They might not have gone above and beyond in this universe, as they usually would in their own, but they've saved a lot of people along their journey. And they would continue to save many more.


Arriving at the Quarry, Rick hitched a ride with the group he saved, hoping to find his family among the survivors. As he stepped out of the car, he immediately felt the weight of harsh, skeptical gazes. The camp had been struggling with limited supplies, and now, with the unexpected addition of another mouth to feed, the atmosphere grew tense.

The group he rescued, grateful for their lives but aware of the predicament they were in, tried to blend into the background. Glenn, T-Dog, Morales, and Andrea exchanged uneasy glances, understanding the difficult position they had unknowingly put the Quarry survivors in.

Meanwhile, Merle and Daryl didn't seem to care and simply walked off.

Worse still, the returning group only brought back a few backpacks filled with food. It was clear that this meager amount wouldn't be sufficient to sustain everyone in the camp for even a single meal. The reality of the situation hit hard, casting a shadow over the camp's already precarious situation.

Ignoring the judgmental stares, Rick scanned the faces of the survivors, searching for the familiar features of his family. Pacing through the camp, it felt like an eternity as he scoured the area.

Just as Rick was about to give up, a blur ran past the corner of his vision, prompting him to turn his head. There, Carl, his young son, was running around near a stream with a group of other children. Relief washed over Rick as he saw his son alive and seemingly well. It was a moment of pure joy amid the surrounding tension.

Rick couldn't help but smile, the ache in his heart momentarily easing. However, the blissful reunion was short-lived. As he approached the area where Carl played, a sound caught his attention…

The shuffling of fabric from a nearby tent accompanied by the occasional grunt.

Curiosity piqued, Rick peered into the tent, only for his eyes to widen at the unexpected sight within. There, in an intimate moment that shattered the brief happiness he'd found, he witnessed his wife, Lori, and his best friend, Shane, locked in a heated kiss, tearing each other's clothes off.

(A/N: Sorry brother, but it's best you know now…)

Shock and disbelief froze Rick in place. A mix of emotions… anger, betrayal, and heartbreak all flooded Rick's mind. He stood there, a silent witness to a moment that shattered the illusion of normalcy in the wake of the apocalypse.

The weight of the world seemed to suddenly press down on him, leaving him dumbfounded. "…" He just stood there in shock, watching as his wife passionately mounted his best friend, the two people he trusted most in the entire world locked in a lovers embrace.

As the reality of the situation sank in, Rick emotions took control as he reached for his belt and pulled out his pistol. "You f*cking b@stard!"

A/N: 1649 words :)



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