I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 546: Two Chapters!

Chapter 546: Two Chapters!

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(🚨A/N: Two chapters today to continue the mass release. Don't get used to it though. Because this isn't going to be a normal occurrence. Enjoy 😉ps- Gif and pic contest in the next chapter.)

As Peter and MJ entered the CDC building, the heavy metal shutters dropped behind them, sealing off the outside world. Inside, the sterile environment of the lobby felt like a stark contrast to the chaos they had just encountered.

Still watching over the cameras, Edwin Jenner, the head virologist, wasted no time in reacting. As soon as the duo was inside, he hit the emergency alarm, and a blaring sound echoed throughout the CDC. Within moments, a group of armed guards rushed into the lobby, surrounding Peter and MJ with their weapons drawn.

The guards were on high alert, their eyes fixed on the intruders. However, the sight before them was perplexing. Instead of reacting with fear or panic, Peter and MJ sat calmly, almost as if the guns pointed at them were inconsequential.

Edwin, arriving shortly after the guards, had a fearful expression on his face. He wasn't entirely sure what to expect from the duo, having witnessed their extraordinary abilities through the cameras.

As he approached, Peter smiled and greeted him, "Hello, sorry to barge in like that. I'm Peter and this…" He introduced himself before gesturing to his right. "…is my wife, MJ. We came to see if the CDC was still active."

The leading guard, sensing the potential danger, turned to Edwin and insisted that he leave the scene. "Sir, you need to step away quickly. We can't risk you getting infected or killed. You're the only one who can make a cure," he urged, his eyes imploring Edwin to listen to him. "Who's going to cure your wife if you're gone?"

'His wife is still alive?" Peter and MJ both thought at the same time. After all, she died in the show long before Rick and his group showed up.

The stakes were as high as they could get. Edwin's expertise was crucial for the ongoing research to combat the fungal outbreak, and the guards wanted to minimize any risk to him.

Edwin hesitated, torn between the urgency of his work and the unfolding situation. Reluctantly, he backed away, his gaze lingering on the guards and the peculiar intruders.

With Edwin out of immediate danger, the guards remained focused on Peter and MJ, their guns unwavering.

Peter, undeterred by the lethal threat, turned his attention to Edwin. "You should really stop them. Things won't end well if this continues."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You're right, they won't end well, for you." The head guard spoke before Eden could reply. "Now, on the ground with your hand behind your head."

As the guards closed in, attempting to detain Peter and MJ, the atmosphere in the CDC lobby tensed. The armed men, fueled by the urgency of their duty, surrounded the intruders, their guns poised for action.

However, Peter and MJ remained unfazed. "No." He replied plainly.

Despite the imminent threat, they sat calmly, the air thick with an unspoken confidence. The guards, growing impatient, decided to escalate the situation, attempting to physically subdue the intruders.

In an instant, the dynamic shifted.

Peter and MJ, demonstrating their exceptional physical prowess once again, shocking the guards who didn't see what Edwin saw through the cameras only minutes earlier.

Peter, standing to his feet, sidestepped a guard's lunge, swiftly disarming him before smashing the stick of his rifle into his face. Simultaneously, MJ deftly incapacitated another guard with a calculated strike to the gut, both collapsed to the ground, one unconscious, the other gasping for air.

It became clear to the onlooking guards that these were no ordinary intruders. Their combat skills were extraordinary, and attempts to physically overpower them proved futile.

After seeing their comrades beaten so easily, they decided to open fire on the intruders, but guns didn't seem to work either. Peter and MJ seemed to be able to dodge bullets as they ran circles around the guards, incapacitating them one by one.

After a minute or two, Peter and MJ subdued all of the guards without causing severe any harm, though they would feel some aches and pains for next week or so.

Once the guards were neutralized, Peter addressed Edwin, who was practically cowering in the corner at this point. "Hey, Doc! Mind if we have a chat?" He called out, his tone casual yet unwavering.

Edwin nodded his head dumbly, too afraid to refuse. "S-Sure…"

Sighing in annoyance, MJ reassured the scared scientist. "We didn't come here cause trouble or harm anyone, so you can calm down. As long as you don't attack us, we won't attack you."

The CDC lobby, once filled with tension, now stood in an uneasy calm. With the guards either knocked out or growing in pain on the floor, Peter and MJ walked over to Edwin, who still seemed wary and frightened of them.

As they approached, Edwin couldn't help but ask, "who are you people?"

Peter, still composed and calm, extended a hand to the antsy virologist. "Like I said, I'm Peter, and this is MJ. We came here for supplies. I wanted to loot your equipment so I could make a cure for the infected, but we didn't expect anyone to be here."

"I see…" Edwin muttered as he shook Peter's hand, finding the strangers grip rather tight. "Have you studied virology? Or?" He asked, subtly doubting Peter's capabilities.

Peter smirked, more than ready to prove himself. "Why don't we make a deal. You can ask me any questions pertaining to Virology, and if I answer them all correctly, you have to let me examine your wife's condition. How does that sound?"

Edwin, still wary and curious about Peter and MJ's abilities, hesitated for a moment before accepting the challenge. "Alright then, Peter. If you're claiming to know virology, let's put that to the test. I'm going to ask you some advanced questions, and I want precise, detailed answers."

Why wouldn't he accept? After all, having another set of hands, who actually studied Virology and understood the science would be a godsend for him right now.

Worst case scenario, Peter will fail the test and stick around, possibly aiding the in protecting the CDC. Best case scenario, Peter is a genius who could actually cure his wife, or at least help him cure her.

Peter, maintaining his calm demeanor, nodded in agreement. "Sure, hit me with your best shot."

Edwin, seizing the opportunity to gauge Peter's knowledge, delved into the intricacies of virology. "Let's start with a complex one. Explain the process of reverse transcription in retroviruses and its significance in viral replication."

Peter, without missing a beat, began to explain the complexities of retroviral replication. "Reverse transcription is a key step in the life cycle of retroviruses, such as HIV. During this process, the viral RNA genome is reverse-transcribed into DNA by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. This results in the formation of a complementary DNA (cDNA) strand, which is then integrated into the host cell genome by another viral enzyme, integrase."

He continued, providing additional details. "This integration allows the retrovirus to exist as a provirus within the host cell, lying dormant until later activation. The significance of reverse transcription lies in its unique nature among viruses, as most viruses utilize DNA-to-RNA replication. Retroviruses, however, reverse this process, making them distinct and posing challenges in terms of antiviral strategies."

(A/N: Thank you google because I know nothing about this. And If there are any Virologist readers, I apologize if this is cringe.)

Edwin, impressed but undeterred, threw another question at Peter. "Alright, let's explore the field of antiviral drugs. Explain the mechanism of action of nucleotide analogs and how they inhibit viral replication."

Peter responded confidently. "Nucleotide analogs are antiviral drugs designed to mimic the structure of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA and RNA. These analogs are incorporated into the growing viral nucleic acid chain during replication, but due to their altered structure, they cause premature termination of the chain."

He elaborated further, emphasizing the inhibitory effect on viral replication. "By disrupting the synthesis of viral nucleic acids, nucleotide analogs prevent the completion of the viral genome, ultimately inhibiting viral replication. Notable examples include drugs like acyclovir for herpes viruses and tenofovir for HIV."

Edwin, finding himself increasingly convinced of Peter's knowledge, decided to test the boundaries further. "Alright, one more question. How do viruses evade the host immune system, specifically focusing on mechanisms like antigenic variation?"

Peter, with a slight grin, delved into the complexities of viral immune evasion. "Antigenic variation is a strategy employed by some viruses to escape recognition by the host immune system. This involves altering the surface proteins, such as the viral coat or spike proteins, making them unrecognizable to previously developed host antibodies."

He continued, providing a detailed explanation. "This continuous alteration in the viral antigenic profile hampers the host's ability to mount an effective immune response. It's commonly observed in influenza viruses, where mutations in hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins lead to the emergence of new viral strains, requiring updated vaccines."

Edwin, thoroughly impressed by Peter's in-depth responses, nodded approvingly. "You certainly have a profound understanding of virology. I never expected someone to answer these questions with such precision. Who are you really? You're far too young to be this knowledgeable."

Peter, thankful that he was forced to study Virology in Kamar-Taj, offered a simple response. "Just someone trying to help. Now, how about we go and see my new patient?"

Edwin hesitated, torn between the promise of a potential cure and the fear for his wife's safety. The apprehension lingered on his face as he considered whether to trust these mysterious intruders with the well-being of his wife.

Just as the silence became almost unbearable, the intercom crackled to life. Candace's weak voice filled the room, breaking through Edwin's uncertainty. "Edwin, bring them to the lab. I'll be waiting."

A wave of relief washed over Edwin. He looked at Peter and MJ, a mix of gratitude and curiosity in his eyes. "You heard her. Follow me."

Edwin led them through the labyrinthine corridors of the CDC until they reached the main lab. There, in the center of the room, Candace sat on a hospital bed.

Peter couldn't help but notice the ominous presence of the fungal infection on her arm. The tendrils seemed to snake into her flesh, a visible reminder of the relentless invasion.

Without waiting for any formalities, Peter approached Candace, gently taking her arm into his hands. "Impressive work, slowing the spread like this," he commented, observing the intricacies of the fungal invasion. "How long have you been infected?"

Candace, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and resignation, replied, "It happened on the day of the outbreak, about a week ago."

Peter nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with possibilities. "You've managed to hold it off for this long. That's promising." He turned to Edwin, who watched anxiously. "I need some tools, a sterile environment, and your assistance. We might be able to slow this down further, if not cure it completely."

Edwin, a small bit of hope flickering in his eyes, gestured towards the lab equipment. "Anything you need, it's all at your disposal, but nothing experimental or life threatening without my approval. I want to cure my wife, not kill her off even quicker."

As Peter worked with precision, examining the extent of the infection, he engaged in conversation. "Candace, you're lucky to have someone like Edwin looking out for you. Not everyone in this world has someone fighting for them."

Candace managed a weak smile. "I know. I'm grateful, but it's been getting worse, and I don't want him to get his hopes up. I can feel it spreading. I know that I don't have much time left…" She said, her eyes turning up to Peter, a hint of hope shining through. "Can you really help?"

Peter met her gaze with a mixture of determination and empathy. "I've dealt with some unusual cases before. Trust me, you'll be fine, I promise."

As Peter continued his examination and began preparing some nearby equipment, Edwin couldn't help but voice the question that weighed heavily on his mind. "Can you cure her? Truly?"

Peter looked up from his work, meeting Edwin's gaze. After a brief pause, he nodded. "Yeah, just follow my lead and she'll be back to normal by the end of the day."

Edwin, though aware of the uncertainties, clung to the hope that had been rekindled. "Do whatever it takes… I can't lose her."

Peter nodded solemnly, fully aware of the responsibility that rested on his shoulders. "Don't worry, I got this..."

A/N: 2119 words :)



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