I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 553: Snivilus

Chapter 553: Snivilus

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🚨Insert Traitor GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): EnZigmaZee_YT!🏆 (A/N: New King? 👑)

The air crackled with tension as Dumbledore and Hagrid surveyed the grim scene, their eyes widening in disbelief.

"What have you done?" Dumbledore exclaimed, his voice a mix of shock and disappointment.

Sirius, panting heavily, met Dumbledore's gaze defiantly. "We couldn't let him live. He betrayed us, and he'd do it again."

Dumbledore's eyes softened as he regarded the grief-stricken trio. "There are always other options, my friends. Killing should never be the first one."

The lecture from Albus Dumbledore echoed through the night air, his wise eyes fixed on James, Sirius, and Lily. As he began to express his disapproval of their hasty decision to dispatch Peter Pettigrew, Peter himself interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Relax, old man. The only real loss here is in information, and Pettigrew wasn't exactly a treasure trove of knowledge. Low-level Death Eater, you know. Why bother with him when we've got the final boss right here?" Peter lifted his leg, casually resting it on Voldemort's unconscious form, emphasizing the defeated Dark Lord at his feet.

Albus, still processing the scene, finally shifted his gaze to Voldemort, or rather, Tom Riddle as he knew him. Shock painted his expression, and he took note of the peculiar chains of golden Eldritch energy binding the Dark Lord.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Tom..." Albus whispered, his shock momentarily overpowering his lecturing demeanor. The unexpected sight of Voldemort subdued left him momentarily speechless.

Peter, not missing a beat, continued, "See? No need to fret over some rat traitor like Pettigrew." The smirk on his face grew more pronounced as he tapped his foot on Voldemort's prone body.

The Headmaster's focus returned, and he urged urgency. "We must move him to a more secure location before more Death Eaters arrive," Albus urged, his experienced eyes scanning the surroundings.

Although he had many questions, like who the hell was the man resting his foot on the Dark Lord's back and why was he here, his curiosity could wait. Now, they needed to secure Voldemort in a place where his followers won't be able to find him.

As Albus spoke, another crash of lightning heralded the arrival of Severus Snape, his greasy hair disheveled, worry etched across his face.

[Insert picture of Snape here]

He rushed forward toward the house, calling out, "Lily?! Lily?!" but a welcoming committee of wands awaited him. Even Lily, holding her wand protectively, joined the defensive line with baby Harry still in her arms.

Although her and Severus might have been close childhood friends at one point, his decision to become a Death Eater destroyed any remaining love she had for him.

Severus, realizing the situation, relaxed. "You're alive…" He muttered, a smile forming in his usually scowl ridden face. Lily was alive and well, and even all of the wands currently pointed at him right now couldn't ruin just how happy and relieved that made him.

But when his eyes fell upon the decapitated body of Pettigrew and the captured form of Voldemort. Shock painted his features. The Dark Lord, defeated? This was beyond his wildest expectations.

Unwilling to stay here any longer, Albus swiftly cast a spell that rendered Snape unconscious and lifted his body with another. "Follow me, quickly!" he commanded, taking charge in the chaotic situation.

Attempting to assert control, Albus aimed to take possession of Voldemort next, prompting Peter to slap away another levitation spell with a sharp motion. "He's my prisoner. I'll handle him," Peter declared firmly, his eyes locked onto Albus Dumbledore.

While Albus harbored discontent at this interference, the urgency of the situation prevailed. "Hold onto me, everyone," he instructed, preparing to Apparate(teleport) them to a safer location.

Unwilling to trust his and his wife's transportation to another, especially since he knows of the many dangers of apparition form the movies, Peter delved into Albus's mind, reading his intentions. With a raised eyebrow, Peter opened a portal with a wave of his hand. "Is this the right place?" he asked, his confidence unsettling Albus.

The Headmaster stared at Peter in shock, realization dawning on him that his mind's defenses had been breached, and rather effortlessly as well. "H-How?!"

Fear and confusion danced in Dumbledore's eyes as he turned his wand against Peter, catching everyone off guard.

Questions lingered on their lips, but before anyone could voice them, MJ disappeared in a burst of speed before reappearing beside Albus, a single strike snapping his arm, eliciting a cry of pain as his wand clattered to the ground.

Ignoring Albus's yelling, MJ picked up his wand and walked over to Peter, twirling it between her fingers. Her disdain for Dumbledore was palpable. After reading all of the books and watching every Harry Potter film, she saw Dumbledore as nothing more than a scheming old man, and wouldn't tolerate any of his behavior.

Peter smiled as he saw MJ playing with Dumbledore's prized wand, the Elder Wand. "Go find Voldemorts wand too, we can keep them as souvenirs." He said, which sparked some excitement as she rushed off into the house, searching for the Dark Lord's wand.

As she ran inside, Peter approached Albus and, with a casual wave of his hand, healed the old man's arm in seconds, leaving Albus in bewildered silence. "Remember, old man, it could be worse than a broken arm next time, so don't go pointing dangerous weapons at people you don't know." Peter cautioned, his voice carrying a subtle threat.

With a nod, Albus reluctantly accepted the warning, making a mental note to seek answers about these mysterious strangers before making any rash moves.

The onlookers, Sirius, James, and Lily, stood in stunned silence. Seeing Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard they knew, in such a disadvantageous position was a sight they had never witnessed before, not even against Voldemort.

Peter, satisfied that Albus understood his point, levitated Voldemort's body behind him and walked through the portal with MJ, who rushed over with a bone white wand in her hand. "I found it!" She exclaimed happily.

Before following them through the strange portal, Sirius, turning back to Pettigrew's lifeless body, questioned, "What should we do with him? Should we just leave him here?"

Albus, contemplating a proper burial, was about to offer to take Pettigrew's body with them when Lily intervened. With a flourish of her wand, she simply set the traitor's body ablaze, causing Pettigrew and the remnants of his gruesome end to slowly burn away.

Lily, still cradling baby Harry, turned to the group, her expression unyielding. "He doesn't deserve our kindness or our pity," she declared, her voice firm. With that, she walked towards the portal, the weight of the past and the decisions made tonight etched on her face.

Albus, his arm healed but thoughts still swirling, followed Lily through the portal alongside Hagrid. James and Sirius, hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the burning figure of a man they once thought of as a brother. Finally, after a moment of hesitation, they stepped through the magical gateway, which snapped shut behind them.


As the portal snapped shut, leaving behind nothing but a broken home and a burning headless body on the front lawn, the once-quiet night was shattered by the sound of relentless lightning, a prelude to the arrival of multiple figures clad in hooded robes and white mask, the ominous Death Eaters.

Surveying the area, they discovered Pettigrew's burning body and signs of a fierce battle. Though the absence of their Dark Lord and master raised alarm among the masked figures, intensifying the tension in the air.

In a moment of annoyance, one of the masked men pulled off his hood, revealing himself as Lucius Malfoy. His cold gaze swept across the scene, and he barked orders to the others. "Fan out and find the Dark Lord. Now!"

[Insert picture of Lucius Malfoy here]

The Death Eaters, discontent with being ordered around, reluctantly obeyed. As more masks were removed, other known Death Eaters emerged from the shadows, their loyalty to Voldemort evident. Among them were Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Antonin Dolohov, each donning their distinctive masks.

[Insert pictures if you want]

The Death Eaters began arguing fervently about the best course of action without their psychotic leader at the helm. The absence of clear direction left them in disarray, a stark contrast to the organized chaos they usually thrived in under Voldemort's command.

Bellatrix, her wild hair framing her fanatical expression, voiced her frustration. "We can't afford to waste time bickering! We need to find the Dark Lord and restore order!"

Rodolphus, though loyal, disagreed. "How are we supposed to find him?! I say we all head home and wait for him to return. After all, it's not like he's been captured… right?"

Antonin Dolohov, known for his ruthlessness, growled, "Enough squabbling! We need a plan. Lucius, what do you suggest?"

Lucius, always composed, pondered the situation. "We search systematically. Split into groups and cover every inch of this place. We must locate him at all costs."

Bellatrix nodded, her gaze uneasy. "We need to find him quickly… I don't have a good feeling about any of this."

The Death Eaters, begrudgingly accepting Lucius's plan, divided into smaller groups. The once-cohesive force now moved with uncertainty, their unity shaken by the absence of the Dark Lord's command.

As they dispersed into the night, the burning remnants of Pettigrew's body continued to cast an eerie glow on the desolate scene. There was no sympathy or camaraderie in their ranks, so they simply left him there, burning all night long.

A/N: 1600 words :)



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