I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 555: 12 Grimmauld Place

Chapter 555: 12 Grimmauld Place

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As Peter's stern words hung in the air, a palpable tension settled in the library. The group, including Dumbledore, exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the unexpected hostility directed towards the venerable wizard.

Dumbledore, usually composed, found himself taken aback by the abrupt animosity. Attempting to diffuse the situation, he cleared his throat and addressed the couple, "I apologize if our initial encounter was less than pleasant. I assure you, I meant no harm." He apologized. "Usually, I endeavor to make a better first impression, but I seem to have dropped the ball this time around."

Peter's gaze remained steady, and MJ's expression held a lingering suspicion. Her thoughts, influenced by the tales and speculations from their universe, cast a shadow on Dumbledore's attempts at reconciliation.

'He's definitely hiding something,' MJ thought, her skepticism evident in the furrow of her brows. 'I've read too many stories where the wise and kind mentor turns out to be the real villain.'

Peter, however, decided to accept the apology, recognizing that hasty judgments could lead to unnecessary conflicts. "Alright, we'll start with a clean slate from now on," he warned, his tone firm. "Earn our respect or squander your second chance, it's up to you…"

Dumbledore nodded appreciatively, acknowledging the compromise. While Peter seemed open to a fresh beginning, MJ's guarded stance remained evident. She eyed Dumbledore with lingering suspicion, a silent challenge that hinted at the preconceived notions she carried.

As Dumbledore hesitated, gathering his thoughts, Peter glanced at MJ, silently urging her to ease the tension. In response, she reluctantly nodded, acknowledging Peter's unspoken request to give Dumbledore a chance, at least for now.

Albus took a deep breath, addressing MJ directly, "I understand your apprehension. However, I hope you'll be willing to give me a chance to make a better impression as well."

MJ, unmoved, replied with a curt, "We'll see."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Turning his attention back to Peter, Dumbledore extended a hand, "since we're all on the same page, may I have my wand back?"

Peter hesitated for a moment, the elder wand sat on the table in front of him and MJ, alongside Voldemorts bone white wand. While a part of him wanted to keep it as a souvenir from their visit to the world, he acknowledged the fact that it didn't belong to them in the first place.

With a nod to MJ, who reluctantly handed over the wand, Peter addressed Dumbledore, "You can have it back. But remember, point it at us again, and we'll be keeping it next time."

Dumbledore accepted the wand with a solemn nod, recognizing the implicit warning. As he held the Elder Wand once more, a serious and contemplative expression settled on his features. The weight of their distrust lingered, an unspoken agreement that trust would be earned, not freely given.

The atmosphere in the library shifted, the hostility diffusing, but an underlying tension still lingered. Dumbledore, now armed with his wand, chose his words carefully. "I appreciate your willingness to give me a chance. Now, if you have any questions, or if there's anything you wish to share, I am here to assist."

While Peter remained cautious, he acknowledged the potential benefits of collaboration. "We're here to deal with Voldemort. If you can help us with that, great. If not, like I said before, you should just stay out of our way."

Dumbledore, understanding the gravity of their mission, nodded in agreement. "Very well. I'm willing to assist you in whatever way I can."

Peter raised a brow, motioning toward s the still unconscious and bound Dark Lord. "Even if it means he's going to die?" He asked.

A sigh escaped Dumbledore's lips as he looked toward Voldemort, regret written all over his face "Although I still disagree with killing a prisoner, who has no way of escaping or defending himself, I'm still willing to help find and destroy all of Tom's horcruxes."

"And once it's time for him to die?" MJ asked, her eyes narrowed.

Albus looked right back at her, "Then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

It was fairly clear that as soon as it came time for Voldemort to die, Dumbledore would either try to dissuade them or use force to put a stop to it altogether. And MJ was more than fine with that. After all, like Peter said, as soon as he raises that wand at them again, Albus will be giving up its ownership.

'Looks like we'll be taking our souvenir back soon enough…' MJ thought, a greedy look in her eyes.

With a nod to Dumbledore, signifying their fragile alliance, MJ turned her attention to the rest of the room. Hagrid, Sirius, James, and Lily awaited their decision, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"Anyone else planning to join us?" MJ asked, her eyes scanning the room. "We're offering, not insisting, by the way. You don't have to come if you don't want to."

Hagrid, ever loyal, spoke up first. "I'd love to, but I got me work at Hogwarts. Can't be leavin' the students alone, not to mention all the animals that need feeding. But if ya ever need me, just give a holler."

Peter shook his head, understanding. "Thanks, Hagrid. We've got this covered, but we appreciate the offer."

James nodded appreciatively, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you for letting me tag along. It means a lot. After everything that's happened, I need to make sure Voldemorts gone for good, or else I won't be able to sleep at night…"

"If James is going, then you can count me in too." Sirius said, curiosity flickering in his eyes as he turned to Peter. "How do you know where these Horcrux things are, anyway?"

Peter smirked, his answer cryptic. "Magic."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, clearly unsatisfied with the vague response, but he decided not to press further. Of course, he wasn't the only one either. Everyone else was starting to get annoyed with Peter's lack of explanations. But just like him, they kept their mouths shut.

Finally, all eyes turned to Lily, their silent question lingering in the air. She hesitated, torn between the desire to join the mission and the responsibility of caring for baby Harry.

"I wish I could," Lily began, her gaze fixed on her newborn son. "But someone has to stay with Harry. We can't leave him alone, especially with Death Eaters still out there."

Peter nodded, acknowledging the importance of her decision. "Fair enough. Your priority is Harry. We'll handle the rest."

Suddenly, Albus spoke. "What about our prisoners?" He asked, his gaze turning toward the bound Dark Lord in the room. "Severus is currently in a cell in the basement. Maybe we should lock Tom up as well?"

Instantly, Peter shook his head. "No, as I said before, Voldemort is my prisoner. We'll take him with us."

"Alright…" Albus reluctantly agreed, knowing he wouldn't change Peter's mind.

"Does Snape have to stay here?" James abruptly asked. "I would really rather he wasn't anywhere near my family…"

"We'll be fine, James." Lily assured him. "Albus said the cell would hold, and besides, I don't think Severus would ever hurt me, even if he had the chance. I mean, you saw the way he was acting earlier."

"Yeah, you may be right, but what about Harry?" James countered, which seemed to strike some reasoning in her. "Face it, Lily. He's not the same Severus you grew up with anymore. He's a Death Eater, and I can't tell you the amount of children Harry's age I've found dead since this war began. It's not a sight or an experience that I'd wish on anyone…"

"Fine…" Lily was convinced. "But where should we go?"

"You don't have to go anywhere." Peter said, drawing everyone's attention. "I'll upgrade his cell before leaving. You'll be perfectly safe."

After quelling everyone's worries, and upgrading Snape's cell, the group prepared to head out. Hagrid bid them farewell, promising to be available should they need him. Lily remained with Harry, watching over their son with a mix of determination and concern.

Sirius, ever impulsive, jumped in with enthusiasm. "So, when do we start?"

Peter, wearing a mischievous smirk, answered, "We start at a place you know quite well, Sirius. 12 Grimmauld Place."

Surprise flickered in Sirius's eyes, a mix of nostalgia and apprehension. "My old family home? Why there? You know I'm expelled from the family, right?"

Peter's grin widened. "Yes. But it's where we'll find the first Horcrux." He said as he waved his hand, conjuring a golden portal. "Let's go. I'd like to finish this dirty business tonight and spend the rest of the week relaxing with my wife."

Stepping through the portal, Peter effortlessly levitated the unconscious Voldemort behind him, the bound Dark Lord hovering eerily in the air. The others followed suit, finding themselves on a dimly lit street, surrounded by residential buildings. The portal snapped shut behind them, leaving no trace of their arrival.

Sirius squinted at the row of houses, his gaze fixed on where 12 Grimmauld Place should be. However, thanks to the powerful wards, only numbers 11 and 13 were visible. Number 12 remained hidden, protected by a magical barrier that defied visual detection.

Turning to Peter, Sirius voiced the obvious concern, "How do you plan to get us inside? I may have grown up there, but I'm not exactly welcome."

Peter responded with a sly smirk, raising his hand to conjure a golden spell circle in front of him. "Like this." The intricate symbols unfolded, a mysterious branch of magic that left even Dumbledore intrigued.

As the spell completed, it shot towards the space between house numbers 11 and 13. The buildings expanded, making way for the emergence of the concealed Black family home. House 12 materialized, distinctively darker and more foreboding than its neighboring residences.

Peter, motioning toward the house, welcomed Sirius with a casual grin. "Welcome home, Sirius." With that, he strolled confidently toward the entrance, leaving Sirius to reluctantly follow, a mix of nostalgia and dread in his eyes.

Reaching the front door, Peter gave it a few knocks, the sound echoing through the quiet street. Sirius, standing behind the group, shifted nervously, grappling with the prospect of facing his estranged family once again.

As the door creaked open, a small, angry-looking elf appeared, a glint of hostility in its eyes. It stood at the ready, prepared to defend Grimmauld Place from any intruders.

[Insert picture of Kreacher here]

"Who dares disturb the noble house of Black?" the elf spat, its tone dripping with disdain as its eyes find Sirius, hiding at the back. "I see, Young Master Blood Traitor has returned…"

"Hello, Kreacher…" Sirius sighed, a wry smile on his face. "It's good to see you too…"

A/N: 1804 words :)



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