I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 559: One Down, One to Go

Chapter 559: One Down, One to Go

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As the last goblin was slain, Peter tossed the sword he stole from a guard aside before turning back to his group, only to find a very familiar stick pointed at him. "Really? Haven't we been through this before?"

Albus Dumbledore, his eyes ablaze with fury and disappointment, held the elder wand high. "Do you have any idea what you've just done? You cannot simply take the lives of other living beings without consequence," he declared, his voice stern and unwavering.

Peter, wiping the goblin blood from his hands with casual indifference, glanced at Albus and shrugged. "Look, old man, they were about to do the same to us. You really think they would have spared us if the roles were reversed? No, they'd gladly kill us and loot our dead bodies with smiles on their faces," he retorted, the nonchalance in his tone infuriating Albus even more.

Ignoring Peter's justification, Albus tightened his grip on the wand. "I cannot stand by while you commit such atrocities. Atrocities, by the way, that will start another bloody war, which the Goblins will be more than happy to participate in." He explained, his tone growing somber. "I thought that I could help steer you in the right direction, but I see now how impossible that truly is."

Peter, unfazed, raised an eyebrow. "Remember what I told you earlier tonight? About pointing your wand at me?" he reminded Albus, a hint of warning in his tone. "I'll be willing to look past this as long as you lower that wand right now. If you don't, then I'm afraid I'll be keeping it this time around."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Peter continued. "As for whether or not the Goblins will start a war over this, I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it. I always clean up after my own messes, so you have nothing to worry about."

Meanwhile, as the group watched this standoff take place, they suddenly began to voice their opinions.

"Maybe you should just do as he says, Albus…" Arcturus was the first to speak. He might not have been there, but he's heard and seen enough to realize how powerful Peter probably is.

Sirius follows behind him. "I wouldn't normally agree with my psychotic family, but maybe you should put it down…?" He said, getting a glare from his mother in return.

Everyone seemed to be on the same page. They saw these goblins as deserving of their end, and Peter as someone that they shouldn't be attacking. After all, he defeated Voldemort so easily.

Of course, not everyone wanted Albus to lower his wand. 'Come on, keep it up you scheming piece of sh*t…' MJ wanted that wand back so that she could add it to their growing pile of souvenirs.

Albus, however, refused to back down. "Surrender, Peter. You've spilled enough blood tonight, and I won't let you continue. It has to stop," he implored, the weight of responsibility evident in his words.

But Peter simply shook his head. "Sorry, but that ain't happening," he said, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Should you kick things off, or should I? The suspense is killing me…"

The tension in the room escalated, and Albus, unable to reconcile with the choices before him, cast a spell, initiating the inevitable clash. Albus gave everything he had to stop Peter, his spells and curses erupted in a dazzling display of magical prowess.

Instantly, the grand marble hall of Gringotts became the battleground for a clash of two titans. Albus, his wand dancing with practiced precision, sent a barrage of spells towards Peter, who effortlessly dodged and countered with a playful smirk.

Peter's movements were a symphony of grace and speed, a stark contrast to Albus's seasoned yet futile attempts. A flicker of steps, a twist of the body, and Peter evaded every spell with ease, toying with the elder wizard. His reflexes were honed beyond mortal limits, making him a spectral blur that danced between curses and hexes.

Albus, determined but increasingly frustrated, altered his tactics, casting spells with strategic cunning. However, each attempt was met with a nonchalant evasion or a subtle deflection from Peter. The air crackled with magic as the two wizards circled each other, a visual representation of power imbalances.

Peter, deciding to toy with his opponent, launched a series of simple spells, barraging the old wizard with all sorts of Eldritch constructs. "Here, try this out. I use these spells to train my daughter, so hopefully you can handle them…"

Albus, valiantly attempting to block, found himself on the defensive as Peter's attacks flowed seamlessly. A knife to the left, a swift spear to the right, ethereal weaponry seemed to rain down on him, leaving Albus breathless as he was forced to dodge, sending his aged body into overdrive.

The dance of combat continued, with Albus attempting various spells to gain an upper hand. But Peter, in a display of physical and magical superiority, avoiding each assault with almost dismissive ease.

The audience, including the intrigued MJ, watched as the battle unfolded, each move calculated and executed with precision.

As Albus, growing weary, launched a final desperate assault, Peter's response was swift and decisive. With a graceful spin, he disarmed Albus, sending the elder wand flying through the air. In a fluid motion, Peter caught the wand, twirled it skillfully before tossing it to MJ.

MJ, seizing the opportunity, happily accepted the wand. Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she stashed it away, adding another prized possession to their growing collection. The rest of the group, now convinced of Peter's prowess, watched with a mixture of awe and relief.

"Looks like you've had enough, Albus," Peter declared, a smug grin playing on his lips. "Why don't you take a breather? Sit back and rest those old bones while I go and find the next Horcrux."

Albus, his dignity wounded, glared at Peter but offered no further resistance. The battle had been a showcase of mismatched power, and the outcome was clear. The once proud Headmaster, defeated and disarmed, faced the consequences of underestimating the enigmatic Spider-Man.

As Peter turned away, Voldemort still levitating behind him, MJ rushed to follow after him, "Hey! Wait up! I want to see the Vault."

Staying behind, everyone else tried to either comfort Albus or rub salt in his wounds. After all, it's not everyday that the great Albus Dumbledore is beaten like a small child.

"Are we sure he killed Grindlewald?" Walburga began to doubt his entire legacy.


Deep within the vast labyrinth of Gringotts, Peter and MJ navigated the dimly lit tunnels, encountering lingering goblin resistance along the way. Spells crackled through the air as the newly wed couple fought off the remaining defenders of the Goblin Bank, making their way toward Bellatrix's elusive vault.

Riding on the swift mine carts, they journeyed through a subterranean maze, passing countless vaults adorned with various enchantments. The noise of clattering wheels and distant echoes reverberated as they descended deeper into the bowels of the bank.

After a series of thrilling turns and twists, they finally arrived at the vault they sought. Bellatrix's nameplate gleamed ominously, and Peter, relying on his knowledge in the mystic arts, began dismantling the layers of magical protection surrounding the entrance.

With a flick of his fingers, wards dissolved like mist, and the imposing door swung open. MJ, fueled by excitement, rushed inside the vault, her eyes scanning for the elusive Horcrux. The dim glow of gold and other priceless treasures illuminated the chamber, drawing the couples attention.

In the midst of the glittering treasures, they found the Hufflepuff cup, an ordinary-looking object tainted by dark magic. "Found it," MJ exclaimed, a mix of thrill and anticipation in her voice.

Peter, conjuring Phoenix flames in the palm of his hand, approached the cup. With a focused gaze, he channeled the mystical fire, its ethereal glow dancing across his fingertips. The cup trembled, reacting to the extreme heat.

As the flames engulfed the Horcrux, a burst of otherworldly energy erupted, its malevolent essence resisting its demise. The cup, however, remained intact, held within the protective cocoon of Peter's magic.

MJ, growing used to seeing the seat of a Horcrux, completely ignored Peter and began looting the vault of anything that caught her eye. 'Oh, I'll take this… and this… oh this too…'

With a final surge of Phoenix flames, the Hufflepuff cup succumbed to the inferno. The magic holding the Horcrux together unraveled, and the remnants of Voldemort's dark soul dissipated into the ethereal void.

Once he was done, Peter extinguished the flames, leaving only the unblemished cup in his hand. "Well, that's another one down," he remarked, a triumphant grin on his face. "Only one more to go and then we can spend the rest of our time in this universe in relaxation…" He said, handing the cup to MJ, who accepted it with a gleeful expression.

MJ examined the cup, turning it in her hands. "I wonder if it can do anything, or if it's just an old cup?" she mused, her curiosity shining through.

"Who knows," Peter shrugged in reply. "We can test out all of our souvenirs later…"

As they made their way back through the labyrinthine tunnels, MJ couldn't help but ask, "So, what's next on the agenda?"

Peter, his thoughts focused on the overarching mission, replied, "We've got one more Horcrux to find. Voldemorts Diary…"

A/N: 1576 words :)



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