I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 564: Actual Honeymoon Behavior

Chapter 564: Actual Honeymoon Behavior

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Deep beneath the surface of the Earth, in a grand chamber adorned with the gleam of gold and the glow of precious gems, the King of the Goblin Nation sat upon his imposing throne. The flickering light of torches cast shadows that danced across the intricate carvings of the cavernous walls. Surrounding him were the elite guards of the Goblin Kingdom, armed and vigilant.

Seated on a lower platform were the directors of Gringotts banks from various locations across the globe. Some were the King's offspring, and others were trusted and loyal followers, each distinguished by their ornate armor and the symbols of their respective banks. The atmosphere in the chamber was tense, a reflection of the news that had reached even this subterranean realm.

The King's eyes, sharp and piercing, surveyed the assembly. "Today, we gather to address a grave matter, one that strikes at the very core of our nation." His voice echoed through the chamber, a malicious smirk forming across his face. "And that how we can exploit this situation to make the most profit…"

The new director of the London division, visibly excited, knelt before the King. "Your Majesty, we have suffered a grievous loss! The theft in our London bank resulted in the death of my 'poor' 'innocent' brother…"

Suddenly, a goblin the crowd shouted. "Yes! I say we wring those wand wavers dry!"

A low growl rumbled through the gathering, a collective expression of joy and greed. One of them might have died, but they didn't care one bit. To a goblin, family is only a hinderance on the road to more gold.

But of course, these goblins certainly appreciate their brother's sacrifice. After all, his death meant a huge profit for them.

There's a well known saying in the Goblin Nation that said, 'Blood ties prove valuable only when fortune is left behind,' and truly a monumental fortune was left behind this time around.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The King's gaze intensified. "Speak, Director. Tell us the details of this theft and the demise of my kin."

The London director recounted the events, detailing the intrusion, the stolen treasures, and the 'tragic' loss of his predecessor during the confrontation with the thieves. The King's expression grew greedier and greedier with every word, his grip tightening on the arms of his throne.

What was surprising was how much was stolen. Although Peter and MJ only took the cup, somehow, a huge fortune was stolen. It was almost as if others, perhaps the new director, looted the place after them…

"The Wizards dare to spill goblin blood and desecrate our hallowed halls," the King declared, his voice resonating with fury. "We shall not let this affront go unanswered."

A heated discussion ensued, echoing through the cavern as goblins debated the appropriate response. The King, however, silenced them with a raised hand. "War is upon us. The Wizards have declared it with their actions, and we shall answer in kind."

The goblins erupted into cheers, their enthusiasm for conflict evident. The King's eyes gleamed with a fierce determination and greed. "We will show the Wizards the consequences of their actions. The goblin nation will rise, and they shall tremble before our might."

The directors, including the grieving London representative, bowed in allegiance. "For the Prince!" they chanted in unison, their voices echoing through the chamber.

The King nodded approvingly. "Prepare our armies. We march on the surface, and the Wizards shall know the wrath of the Goblin Nation. They have taken our kin, and we will take from them a thousandfold!"

As the meeting concluded, plans were set in motion. Goblins across the globe mobilized for war, their excitement palpable. The directors, fueled by a mixture of excitement and greed, pledged to lead their forces into battle.

In the heart of the Goblin Nation, war drums echoed through the subterranean chambers, setting the rhythm for the impending conflict. The goblins, renowned for their prowess in both craftsmanship and warfare, eagerly embraced the prospect of battle.

The King, his resolve unwavering, stood from his throne. "Let the Wizards witness the fury of the Goblin Nation. War is upon them, and they shall learn the cost of crossing our kind."

With a resounding roar from the assembled goblins, preparations for war began. The surface world would soon feel the impact of the Goblin Nation's relentless pursuit of profit!


After a big meal and a quick nap in a cozy hotel room, Peter and MJ woke up and decided to spend the day exploring the Wizarding World together.

MJ excitedly rushed out of the room, calling back at Peter, "Come on! We have more souvenirs to get."

Peter rolled his eyes as he followed after her. "Let's just call it what it is, loot. It's not like anyone else is around to say anything…"

They stepped out into the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, greeted by the sight of witches and wizards going about their day. The air was filled with the delightful aroma of magical treats from various shops.

"Where to first, Spidey?" MJ asked, an excited twinkle in her eyes.

"Let's just walk around and see if anything catches our eye…" Peter replied with a shrug before taking MJ's hand strolling through the enchanting streets of Diagon Alley.

After short walk, they two found themselves standing outside of Ollivanders, the renowned wand shop. The exterior of the shop, with its aged wooden sign, exuded an air of mystery and magic.

"Should we get our own wands? Just for fun?" Peter asked and with a huge smile on her face, MJ yanked Peter by the hand and rushed inside.

As they entered, a tinkling bell announced their presence. Inside, the shop was lined with narrow shelves that reached to the ceiling, each filled with boxes of wands of various shapes and sizes. The air was permeated with the scent of ancient wood, creating an atmosphere that felt both nostalgic and otherworldly.

A small, eccentric-looking man with twinkling eyes appeared from behind a stack of wand boxes. "Ah, customers! Welcome to Ollivanders. How can I assist you today?" he greeted, his gaze flitting between Peter and MJ.

[Insert picture of Ollivander here]

"We need wands," Peter said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Ollivander looked at them in confusion, not recognizing either of them. "Have I sold you a wand before? You don't look very familiar."

Peter shook his head. "No, we're not from around here. And we tend to use magic without a wand…" He says as he waves his hand, levitating every wand box in the room before setting them back down.

Ollivander's eyes widened in shock. "Ah, then why do you want a wand? You seem powerful without one..."

MJ simply shrugged and answered, "Just for fun…"

The wandmaker shrugged and said, "Business is business," before beckoning Peter and MJ forward and measured their hands carefully.

After a few thoughtful nods, he disappeared into the shelves and returned with a box and placed it down in front of Peter. "We'll start with you. This wand is made of Ash, twelve inches, and contains a Dragon heartstring core. Give it a wave."

Picking up the wand, Peter felt as though nothing happened. After all, he didn't have a magical core like the wizards in this world. Testing something out, Peter pushed a small sliver of Eldritch energy into the wand and instantly, a cascade of silver sparks erupted from the tip.

'I guess we can use any wand…' Peter thought as he telepathically informed MJ of his findings.

Ollivander's eyes sparkled with approval. "An excellent fit! Ash wands are known for choosing only one master so don't go passing it down. Now, for you, my dear," he said, turning to MJ.

MJ stepped forward, and Ollivander repeated the process, measuring her and selecting a wand. "Vine wood, ten inches, with a unicorn hair core. Give it a try."

As MJ waved the wand, a soft glow surrounded her. The room seemed to respond to her magic. Ollivander nodded in satisfaction. "A fine choice. Vine wood wands often favor those with a bold spirit." He said before calculating the price. "Two wands… That will be 18 Galleons."

Exiting Ollivanders after paying with some money taken during their trip to Gringotts, Peter and MJ marveled at their wands, playing with them like children, which evoked some odd stares from the passing citizens.

Making their way through the winding streets, they visited random shops until they finally found a zoo, which peaked their interest. The moment they stepped inside, they were greeted by all sorts of exotic sounds and the enchanting sights of creatures unlike any they had seen before.

In one enclosure, a majestic Hippogriff bowed to visitors, its wings unfurled. Next, they wandered into a section filled with mischievous Nifflers, creatures with a penchant for shiny objects. One of them scampered toward MJ, attempting to snatch the wedding ring she wore. But a glare from Peter sent them all rushing away with their tails between their legs.

As they strolled through the zoo, hand in hand, they encountered a Thestral, a magnificent and mysterious creature visible only to those who had witnessed death. Its large, bat-like wings and skeletal appearance were both eerie and fascinating.

Only a few people paid any attention to this exhibit, which was probably a good thing. Though it made Peter and MJ wonder just how they witnessed death? Was it natural, accidental, or were they murderers out for a middays stroll at the local zoo?

Either way, Peter and MJ didn't plan on working today, so they simply moved on to the next exhibit.

Exiting the zoo after fully exploring the place, Dragons and all, Peter turned to MJ and whined like a petulant child, "Oh, come on… Can't we take a dragon back with us?"

MJ let out an annoyed sigh, "Where are we supposed to keep a giant winged lizard? We live in New York, we barely have enough room in our house as it is…"

"I can-" Peter spoke, but before he could say much, the sound of lightning crashing filled the air and the arguing couple found themselves surrounded by wizards. And at the head of them stood Dumbledore, a new unfamiliar wand in his hand.

A/N: 1716 words :)



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