I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 567: Goblin War (2/2)

Chapter 567: Goblin War (2/2)

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The cavern echoed with the ominous arrival of the Goblin King and his formidable army. The goblins, emboldened by the overwhelming numbers at their disposal, strutted forward with an air of arrogance, their confidence fueled by the belief that victory was already assured.

"You requested my presence and now I'm here. Do you regret your stupidity yet?" The Goblin King sneered, his voice dripping with disdain as he surveyed the aftermath of the previous battle. His eyes, burning with hostility, locked onto Peter, MJ, and Dumbledore. "You thought you could challenge the Goblin Nation and emerge unscathed, didn't you? Foolish wand waver..."

Peter, unfazed by the goblins' arrogant posturing, raised an eyebrow. "Well, I did hope for a more peaceful resolution, but if you guys insist on making this difficult…" He trailed off, glancing at MJ with a smirk before turning his attention back to the Goblin King. "I suggest you surrender. It'll save us all a lot of unnecessary trouble."

The Goblin King, fueled by pride and a sense of superiority, scoffed at Peter's proposition. "Surrender? To a mere human? You must be out of your mind. We are the Goblin Nation, and you are nothing but a pest to be exterminated."

Peter, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor, sighed theatrically. "You really don't get it, do you? Why don't you spare your subordinates from a bloody and painful death and just surrender now? Maybe we can avoid the extinction of the Goblin race too while we're at it..."

The goblins, however, remained defiant, their collective arrogance drowning out their reason. "We will never bow to the likes of you!" declared the Goblin King, raising his sword high. The army behind him echoed their leader's sentiment with infinite jeers and battle cries.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ignoring the hostile clamor, Peter tilted his head. "Alright, have it your way." He cracked his neck, an audible sound that cut through the tension in the cavern, and stood from his seat. "Let's make this quick. You've already kept us waiting long enough."

As the goblins charged forward, their swords raised and a thirst for vengeance in their eyes, Peter moved with swift precision. His movements, a complete blur, were a stark contrast to the lumbering goblins attempting snd failing to match his speed.

Goblins swung their swords recklessly with vicious accuracy, yet they never found their mark. The metallic clash echoed through the cavern as Peter deftly dodged each attack, leaving the goblins bewildered by their inability to lay a finger on him.

And with every failed attack in his person, Peter would retaliate in turn, striking out with his hands and feet alone. Goblins crumpled to the ground in droves as Peter's enhanced strength either killed them outright or brought them extremely close to deaths door.

"Is this the best the mighty Goblin Nation can offer?" Peter taunted, his voice carrying over the chaos. "I expected a bit more fight in you!"

The goblins, fueled by both rage and fear, charged at him with reckless abandon. Yet, each swing of their weapons met nothing but air, as Peter effortlessly dodged and countered, leaving a trail of incapacitated foes in his wake.

A particularly bold goblin lunged at Peter, sword raised high, only to be met with a swift kick that sent him crashing into his comrades. Peter's quips continued amidst the chaos. "You guys really need to work on your combat skills. This is embarrassing!"

As he finished speaking, Peter swiftly disarmed a crazed-looking goblin and retrieved his sword, only to dispatch him and another with ruthless efficiency, lopping their heads clean off before hurling the sword across the room, where it sheathed itself into the body of another Goblin.

The goblins, caught in a whirlwind of confusion and fear, continued their futile onslaught. Peter, in contrast, moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, exploiting every opening in their defense.

As the goblins regrouped, attempting to strategize, Peter seized the moment. He leaped above them, landing among them with a sweeping kick that sent several flying. The cavern echoed with the clang of armor meeting rock, punctuated by the groans of defeated goblins.

"This is just getting sad now…" Peter muttered as he snapped his fingers, conjuring spikes of rock to rise up from the ground and impale the fallen goblins.

The Goblin King, watching the decimation of his forces, clenched his teeth in frustration. "He may be strong, but he can't defeat an entire army alone! Push forward and swarm him!"

The remaining goblins, spurred on by the Goblin King's rallying cry, lunged at Peter in a desperate final assault. However, Peter, now casually balancing himself on a tall stalactite, stared down at the Goblin King. "You should really just give up. I'm sure your men would respect you more if you spare their lives, because if this keeps going, then they're all going to die here."

As the ignorant king ignored his kind offer for a second time, Peter let out a sigh as he dropped down off the stalactite and disarmed a goblin with a casual twist of his wrist, snatching his spear as it flew up into the air. The disoriented goblin stumbled as Peter swiftly dispatched him with a precise swipe, bisecting him in half alongside a few dozen other goblins.

As the goblins fell one by one, their deaths punctuated by the sharp thud of bodies hitting the cavern floor, Peter leaned in his newly acquired spear, a bored look on his face. "You guys should really need to reconsider who you follow," He mused as he gestured to their king. "I mean, he doesn't really seem like the sharpest crayon in the box, if you know what I'm saying…"

"Enough of this mockery!" roared the Goblin King, his frustration palpable. He charged at Peter with renewed vigor, swinging his sword in a desperate attempt to finally land a blow. However, Peter effortlessly sidestepped, webbing the Goblin King's weapon and yanking it from his grasp.

The Goblin King, now disarmed and vulnerable, stared in horror as Peter closed the distance. A swift kick sent him sprawling, and Peter stood over him with an air of indifference. "You really should have surrendered when you had the chance."

Without hesitation, Peter punted the Goblin King in the face, ensuring that he stayed where was before turning back to his dwindling army.

The remaining goblins, witnessing the defeat of their leader, faltered for a moment before renewing their assault with a commendable, yet futile determination. Peter, still a beacon of unmatched skill, continued his systematic dismantling of the Goblin Nations forces.

Before the Goblin Kings groggy eyes, Peter slaughtered the last of the goblin forces, leaving the cavern in eerie silence. And As the last goblin fell, Peter tossed his spear aside and walked over to the only living goblin remaining, the king.

The Goblin King, surrounded by his fallen subjects, glared defiantly at Peter. "You may have defeated my army, but you won't break my spirit!"

Peter descended gracefully, landing in front of the Goblin King. "Yeah. Sure, whatever you say bro..." He stared down at the Goblin King. "Now, let's talk about surrender."

The Goblin King, battered but unbroken, spat at Peter's feet. "I'll never surrender to the likes of you. Get it over with and kill me already…"

Peter sighed, almost disappointed. "Well, you had your chance to do things the easy way..." With a swift movement, he pulled out his brand new wand and pointed it at the beaten king.

"Maybe a bit of pain will help you understand your position. I've been wanting to try out this new wand, so thanks for volunteering to be my test subject." Peter said, as his wand began to glow in an ominous light.

"Wait… Wait!" The king yelled. "I said stop! Aaaghh!"


After almost an hour of relentless magical torment, the cavern resonated with the pitiful pleas of the Goblin King. Peter, wielding his newly bought wand with an unsettling ease, had subjected the once-proud leader to be his training dummy, testing all of the spells he learned since his arrival.

Soon enough, the king, battered and broken, finally broke down and begged for mercy. "Please! No more! I beg you!" He whimpered, his defiance replaced by a raw desperation.

Peter, his expression unyielding, ceased the onslaught. The wand's glow faded, leaving an air of eerie stillness in the cavern. The defeated goblin king lay on the ground, gasping for breath, his body marked by the magical onslaught.

"Finally had enough, huh?" Peter mused, twirling the wand in his fingers. "Now, let's talk about reparations." He said as a shark-like smirk graced his lips. "After all, I'm just an innocent bystander who was attacked by your vicious army..."

Dumbledore, a silent spectator to the gruesome display of power, watched with a mixture of disapproval and caution. He knew better than to interfere with Peter's actions, understanding the consequences of speaking this mind…

The Goblin King, though battered and humiliated, managed to lift his head. "What do you want?"

Peter, a slight smirk on his face, leaned in. "First, no more attacks. No more threats. Your Goblin Nation backs off, permanently. You will decree this as their king."

The Goblin King hesitated, his pride conflicting with the undeniable reality of his defeat. "Fine. We'll retreat. Just spare my life."

Peter had to fight the urge to roll his eyes upon hearing that, 'Yeah right, like I'd kill all of your lackeys and just let you go…'

"Second," Peter continued, ignoring the Goblin King's plea, "you're going to publicly announce that there will be no war, not just now but in the future as well. The only time that you're allowed to declare war is if it's truly the last resort, and nothing else can be done."

The Goblin King clenched his teeth, but the fear of further punishment outweighed his pride. "I... I'll do it."

"Good." Peter nodded as his expression turned vicious. "And lastly, you'll sign this contract…" He said as he snapped his fingers and summoned a magically binding contract.

A/N: 1680 words :)



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