I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 573: The Boys!

Chapter 573: The Boys!

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Amidst the aftermath of the gruesome confrontation, Peter surveyed the lifeless forms of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald, their demise marking the end of his time in this universe. But before they headed out, Peter knew that his actions needed to resonate beyond the blood-stained lobby of the bank.

He needed to send a message to the magical governments that had schemed to snatch away his banks. Or else they would definitely cause trouble for whoever Peter and MJ left in control when they left.

Peter's gaze shifted to the scattered bodies of the committee members, each representing a different magical government. With calculated precision, he began sorting them based on their origins. Wizards and witches from various corners of the world lay lifeless, their ambitions extinguished in the face of overwhelming power.

Opening portals beneath each group, Peter sent the bodies back to their respective governments. All across the world, portals opened up and deposited the dead, bloody figures onto the floors of high-stakes meetings, while others were dropped directly into the offices of presidents and ministers.

The impact of their lifeless forms sent shockwaves through the political landscape, a visceral reminder of the consequences of greed and collusion.

Horrified gasps filled the air as the bodies smacked into the ground, splattering blood and guts all over the place. The once-shrouded plans of these magical envoys had crumbled, their ambitions exposed in the most brutal manner possible. The sheer audacity of sending back the deceased representatives served as Peter's declaration that the cost of meddling in his affairs would be paid in blood.

As the bodies fell from the portals, the once-confident officials now faced the grim reality of their failed machinations. Some recoiled in horror, while others stared in disbelief as the room filled with the stench of death. The sight of their colleagues, now lifeless and broken, served as a stark warning against underestimating the consequences of their actions.

In the Wizengamot, among the corpses that were delivered was the headless forms of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald, their fate unveiled in the most gruesome fashion imaginable. The highest wizarding court in Britain, bore witness to the arrival of these prominent figures, their horrifying end reverberating through the magical community.

The shock on the gathered wizards and witches faces mirrored the global astonishment as the news spread like wildfire. The once-revered leaders, architects of a dark alliance, lay in disgrace before their peers.

For a moment, the Wizengamot was plunged into an uneasy silence. The revelation of Dumbledore's demise left an indelible mark on the history of magic. After all, Dumbledore was known as the Merlin of his time, so his death came as an extreme shock.

Among the bewildered and fearful faces were the older generation, who couldn't keep their eyes off of the severed head of Gellert Grindelwald, instantly recognizing who he was. A lot of time may have passed, and age certainly took a hold over the former Dark Lords features, but how could these old wizards and witches forget the man that started a world war?

Amidst the stunned silence, Peter's disembodied voice echoed through each hall. "This is what happens when you try to play with forces beyond your control. Remember this lesson well." With those ominous words, the portals closed, leaving behind a courtroom filled with the weight of revelation and the scent of death.



In the wake of Dumbledore's death and the revelation of Grindelwald's demise, the magical world plunged into chaos. News of the mysterious couple, who somehow defeated two of the strongest wizards known to wizard-kind, echoed through every corner.

As the days unfolded, representatives from every magical ministry found themselves standing outside their local Gringotts banks. The air was thick with tension as they sought an audience with the enigmatic couple who now held the keys to the magical economy. The once-ambitious plans to seize control of these financial institutions had crumbled, replaced by a desperate desire for peace.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Peter and MJ greeted the representatives with a calm demeanor, welcoming them with friendly smiles, which only served to scare their guests even more.

The marble halls echoed with the hushed conversations between the visitors and the new owners. The air was charged with a palpable sense of deference as the magical world acknowledged the futility of challenging the guardians of the banks.

"S-Sir… M-Ma'am…" began one representative, nervously adjusting his robes. "We understand now that our previous endeavors were misguided. We seek only to establish a peaceful coexistence and recognize your authority over the banks..."

Peter, leaning against the marble counter, regarded the representative with a measured gaze. "You've learned quickly," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "We don't want trouble. Keep your affairs in check, and there won't be any issues."

The representatives, realizing the gravity of their situation, nodded in earnest agreement. The weight of the goblins' wrath paled in comparison to the unpredictable force that now held the reins over their economy. Gringotts had become an impenetrable fortress, which they could never hope to dream of seizing.

Days turned into a series of diplomatic encounters as magical ministries from different corners of the world sought to establish a working relationship with the new owners. The once-bustling Gringotts transformed into a nexus of negotiations and alliances. Peter and MJ, despite their reluctance, became inadvertent diplomats, navigating the intricacies of magical politics with an air of detachment.

"T-Thank you, sir, we assure you that our intentions are peaceful," another representative pleaded, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "We don't want any trouble. We just want to access our vaults."

MJ, her expression unreadable, replied, "Access granted. Just remember, this isn't a playground. Cross the line, and you'll find out how much worse we can be than the goblins."

The representatives departed with a newfound humility, their quest for control replaced by a wary acknowledgment of the new order. Gringotts, once a symbol of financial power, now stood as a monument to the consequences of underestimating the strength that Peter and MJ wielded.

As the last representative exited the bank, Peter turned to MJ and let out an annoyed sigh. "This diplomatic bullsh*t is starting to get annoying…"

MJ smirked in response. "What? I thought you liked watching the wizards squirm?"

Peter reluctantly nodded his head. "Yeah? It's fun and all, but I'm ready to move on to the next universe already… Speaking of, have you narrowed down our candidates?"

"Yeah, should I reach out and invite them over?" MJ asked.

Peter nodded as he walked off. "Yeah, try to get them to come in tomorrow. I want to relax after all of these meetings…"


The morning sun cast a warm glow over the entrance of Gringotts as a diverse group of individuals arrived, each holding a letter that had invited them to a business proposal with the new owners. Among them were Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, Rubeus Hagrid, Molly and Arthur Weasley, and the familiar faces of James and Lily Potter. As they gathered, a sense of uncertainty lingered, and the air was thick with unspoken questions.

[Insert picture of the Weasley's here]

Nicholas Flamel, his age evident in the lines on his face, exchanged a curious glance with his wife. Rubeus Hagrid, towering over the others, shifted uncomfortably, the death of Dumbledore still fresh in his mind. The Weasleys, Molly and Arthur, appeared hesitant to even be here after what happened to Albus and everyone else.

Suddenly, after waiting for a few minutes, MJ emerged from the back of the bank, her confident stride breaking the hushed murmurs. She introduced herself with a nod and motioned for them to follow. The group obediently trailed her through the labyrinthine corridors until they reached a spacious conference room, where Peter Parker awaited.

Seated at the head of the table, Peter greeted them with a friendly smile, though the weight of the recent events lingered in the room. "Welcome, everyone. I appreciate you taking the time to join us."

Murmurs of acknowledgment and uncertainty rippled through the group. James and Lily exchanged glances, recognizing Peter as the one who had saved them from the clutches of Voldemort. Hagrid shifted nervously in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with being here.

Peter wasted no time. "I'll get straight to the point. For those of you who don't know us, I'm Peter and this is my wife MJ. And we won't be staying for long, so we need to hand over control of the banks to individuals we trust or find reputable enough for the task."

Arthur Weasley, his voice edged with skepticism, spoke up. "Why didn't you just give the banks to the government in the first place? A lot of people wouldn't have had to die..."

Peter leaned back in his chair, his gaze unwavering. "I don't trust the government to handle these funds without exploiting the people. Besides, the banks belong to us, and we can do whatever we want with them. If I wanted to, I could go and sell the entirety of Gringotts to a homeless child on the street for a bean burrito, and no one could stop me."

Questions filled the room, but after patiently addressing each one, Peter posed a crucial inquiry. "So, are any of you interested in owning the banks?"

The Weasleys, unable to reconcile their loyalty to Dumbledore, declined, rising from their seats. MJ, rising alongside them, escorted the ginger coupe out, leaving behind a smaller but intrigued group.

As the remaining individuals weighed their options, Peter passed over contracts to each of them. The documents outlined their ownership, with Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel holding the majority and having the most control.

"Why do we get the most control?" Perenelle questioned, eyeing the contracts skeptically.

Peter leaned forward, explaining, "You're older and more experienced, especially when dealing with greedy governments. After all, you've somehow managed to keep the Philosopher's Stone guarded for who knows how long..."

James, who read his contract alongside his wife, suddenly asked. "This says in exchange for our stake in the bank, we have to hand over our families invisibility cloak."

Peter nodded, "Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No, it's just…" James froze for a moment before continuing. "Why do you want it? It's just a cloak of invisibility. You can probably have a better one made…"

Peter simply shrugged. "Because I want yours."

The group deliberated, read, and eventually signed their contracts, even the Potters, who immediately handed over the cloak. Now, Peter held two of the three Hollows, the stone and the cloak, while MJ held the third, the wand.

As the ink dried on the contracts, the weight of responsibility lifted from Peter and MJ's shoulders and settled firmly on theirs.



After ensuring that the new owners of Gringotts understood the intricacies of the magical banking system and responding to the Flamels' myriad of questions, Peter and MJ bid farewell to the bank. The marble halls, once filled with whispers of power and greed, were now in the hands of those they deemed trustworthy.

As they stepped out into the crisp air of Diagon Alley, the familiar surroundings seemed both different and unchanged. Peter and MJ exchanged a glance, satisfaction evident in their eyes, knowing that they had left their mark on this universe.

After walking for a moment, the couple portal'd to Godric's Hollow, where their multiverse ship was parked, tucked away in the remains of James and Lily Potter's destroyed cottage. Climbing the stairs of the broken structure, they reached the room where Little Harry had once slept, only now occupied by their Tardis-like ship.

Just as they were about to open the ship's doors and embark on their journey through the multiverse, a distinctive pop echoed through the room. Dobby, the free elf with large, tennis-ball-like eyes, stood before them, a hesitant but hopeful expression on his face.

"Dobby noticed that Master and Mistress was leavin'," he said, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice. "Does you still be needin' an elf?"

Peter's gaze softened, and he exchanged a glance with MJ. "Of course, Dobby. We'd be glad to have you take care of us, but you'll have to leave this universe with us…"

Dobby tilted his head in confusion. "Dobby doesn't know what that means, but he's willing to follow Master and Mistress anywhere!"

With a snap of his fingers, Peter opened the ship's doors, revealing the vast interior that defied the laws of space. "Then welcome aboard, Dobby…"

Dobby's eyes widened in awe as he stepped into the ship, marveling at the expansive space concealed within.

"It's bigger on the inside!" Dobby exclaimed, a mixture of joy and wonder lighting up his features.

Peter chuckled, pleased with the elf's reaction. "Yeah, they all say that..."

As Dobby explored the unknown ship, Peter initiated the departure sequence. The ship began to hum, its exterior phasing out of reality as it prepared to traverse the multiverse.

With a final surge of energy, the ship disappeared completely, leaving behind the remnants of Godric's Hollow and the universe they had briefly called home.


In a grand meeting room inside of a tall skyscraper, Starlight, the newest member of The Seven, the world's most famous team of superhero's, found herself in a nightmarish predicament.

[Insert picture of Starlight here]

The notorious Deep, a member of the team she just joined, had an evil smirk on his face as he dropped his pants, exposing himself out of nowhere.

[Insert picture of the Deep here]

"Whoa, whoa, wh-wh-whoa, hey!" Starlights quickly covered her eyes.

"Look, you're gorgeous…" The Deep says as he begins stroking himself off right in front of her.

"I-I wasn't talking about sex!" She says, unsure of how to handle this situation.

"It's just a little bit of pole-smoking. We don't have to have sex…" He says, his arm jutting up and down over and over. "It's just a question of how bad you want to be in The Seven…"

"Excuse me?" Starlight asks incredulously, dropping her hands to see him walking towards her with his pants around his ankles. "Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop!"

"Take it easy." Deep says as he stand directly in front of her, his member only inches away. "Settle down. We're just talking here. And look, I know that you're powerful. I get it. Your powers are no joke. The thing is... I'm number two around here. So, if I say so, you know, you'd be out in a second."

"What?!" She exclaims, her mind reeling at this point.

"I mean, Iowa's sweetheart, the Defender of Des Moines returns home to Mommy, her tail tucked between her legs in shame after being kicked out of the Seven." He says, his words getting more vicious by the second. "Just think of all the kids who look up to you, they'd just be shattered. That's not what you want, right?"

Hesitantly, Starlight shook her head, her mind whirling a millions miles a second.

"Good, now get on your knees and be a team player, will yah?" He says, his smirk widening as she does as she's told. "See? It's not a big deal, is it? Now all your dreams can come true-"

Just as the situation teetered on the edge of a dark outcome, a sudden disturbance disrupted the twisted scene. A low hum echoed through the room, and the air crackled with energy. Above the Deep, a blue, English phone box materialized, phasing into the universe with seamless precision.

The ship, taking its place in this universe, descended rapidly, casting a looming shadow over the pants-less superhero. Starlight, frozen in shock, watched as the vessel plummeted like a celestial hammer, targeting the exact spot where the Deep stood.

In an instant, the ship made contact with the Deep, its impact echoing through the tower. Starlight's horrified eyes witnessed the once-threatening hero squished beneath the immense weight of the ship, his blood and guts slashing all over her kneeling form.

The grotesque scene unfolded before her, relieving her from the clutches of the Deep's coercion in the most unexpected and brutal manner.

Starlight, her initial shock giving way to a mix of relief, disgust, and disbelief, slowly stood to her feet. "…"

Suddenly, the doors to the phone box burst open as a handsome man peaked his head out, "Yo?"

A/N: 2740 words :) such a long chapter…



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