I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 584: Lovers Reunite

Chapter 584: Lovers Reunite

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🚨Insert Snitch GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Wolfiey!🏆 (A/N: Finally, the streak has been broken! A different king slays the old and sits upon the throne! All hail the King! 👑)

Billy Butcher's eyes widened as he beheld the battered form of Homelander sprawled on the cold, concrete floor, his American Flag themed cape caked in blood and dirt. The man who had shattered his peaceful life and taken his beloved Becca away lay defeated before him.

When Peter mentioned a meeting at Vought the other day, Billy never imagined it would result in this shocking confrontation. "He's… He's… Is that…" He froze, unable to form a coherent sentence.

Denial gripped Billy's mind as he tried to comprehend the surreal scene before him. This just couldn't be real. It had to be some sick joke or illusion. However, Peter's firm voice shattered any lingering disbelief as he tossed Homelander at Billy's feet, forcing him to confront the harsh reality. "Yeah, it's him. Have a closer look…"

With a heavy thud, Homelander's mangled form hit the ground, laying in stark contrast to the once-mighty hero that had ruined Billy's life. Bloodied and bruised, the man who had caused so much pain now appeared broken and vulnerable. Billy, despite himself, couldn't help but stare in morbid fascination at his fallen nemesis.

Billy, his initial shock morphing into rage, aimed the loaded shotgun he held tightly in his grip. His hands trembled with the intensity of his emotions as he lowered the weapon, pointing it at the defenseless Homelander.

Peter, anticipating Billy's visceral reaction, appeared beside him in a blink. "Easy there, Butcher," he cautioned, placing a firm hand on Billy's arm to prevent the trigger from being pulled. The two locked eyes, and the tension in the air crackled with the volatile mix of anger and vengeance.

"Why the bloody hell are you protectin' this piece of garbage?" Billy spat, his eyes ablaze with fury. "He deserves nothin' but a bullet to the head for what he's done!"

Peter's expression remained calm, his gaze unwavering. "Someone else deserves that right more than you do, Butcher. But if she doesn't have the stomach for it, then I'm sure you'd make a good replacement executioner."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Billy's brows furrowed in confusion and frustration. "Who? Who could possibly want this wanker dead more than me?" he demanded, his finger itching on the trigger. Though he suddenly froze, recalling what Peter just said. "Wait… She? She who?"

In response, Peter pointed towards the unconscious Homelander, casting a quick spell to trap him in place. "Let's go find out, shall we?" He said cryptically, waving his hand to conjure another portal.

Billy hesitated, his eyes fixed on the trapped and unconscious Homelander. "We can't just leave… What if he escapes?" he grumbled, a hint of concern in his voice.

Peter, standing firm, reassured him, "Trust me, he's not going anywhere. Now, step through the portal, Butcher." With a swift motion, Peter shoved Billy through the golden vortex, and the man found himself stumbling onto a green lawn of a normal-sized house in a quiet suburban neighborhood.

Following after him, the portal snapped shut behind them, leaving Homelander unconscious and trapped in his magical restraints. Billy picked himself up, ready to unleash a barrage of complaints and anger at Peter for the rough handling. However, he froze as he noticed a very familiar woman standing in front of him, grocery bags in hand.

"B-Becca?!" Billy shouted, his eyes nearly popping out of his head in shock. "You're alive…"

It was his wife, Becca, a woman he thought dead. After all, no matter how much he searched, or how many favors he called in with his old military connections, she couldn't be found. It was like she just dropped off the face of the earth.

Becca's eyes widened in disbelief as she dropped the bags, the groceries spilling onto the lawn. "Billy? Is it really you?" she whispered, her voice a mix of hope and astonishment.

Billy, his heart pounding in his chest, could only manage a choked, "Becca?" He stepped forward, uncertainty etched across his face, as if afraid that this reunion might be some cruel illusion.

As the distance between them closed, Becca surged forward, throwing her arms around Billy in a tight embrace. Tears welled up in her eyes as she buried her face in his chest, overwhelmed by the unexpected return of her husband.

Peter, MJ, and Starlight observed the emotional reunion from a respectful distance, allowing the couple their moment of joy. The quiet neighborhood provided an intimate backdrop to the long-awaited embrace of the husband and wife.

Breaking away from the hug, Becca gazed into Billy's eyes, her hands cupping his face as if to ensure he was truly there. "I never thought I'd see you again," she admitted, a mixture of relief and disbelief in her voice.

Billy couldn't help but smile, his rough exterior softening in the presence of the woman he thought he had lost forever. "I'm back, love. I'm back."

Just as the reunited couple began to catch up on the lost years, a small voice interrupted their moment. Becca's 8 year old son, Ryan, emerged from the house, his curious eyes taking in the unfamiliar faces talking to his mother.

"Mom, who are they?" Ryan asked, his gaze shifting from Becca to Billy and the others.

Becca nearly jumped out of her skin, turning to her son with an unsure look on her face. "R-Ryan, this is… your father," she said, blurting out the first thing that came to mind, even if it wasn't truthful.

Well, technically, they are married so Ryan can be considered Billy's son in name, but he certainly wasn't his biological son.

"Father…?" Billy whispered, his eyes widening as confusion took hold of his entire being.

Ryan's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and excitement crossing his young face. "Dad?" he echoed, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Uhh…" Billy grunted in confusion as his wife prodded him in the ribs with her elbow. "Y-Yeah, hey… son?" He answered, still immensely confused.

As the realization dawned on Ryan that the man in front of him was his long lost father, his eyes began to glow an ominous shade of red.

The intensity of emotion that Ryan was feeling seemed to have awakened his powers, and beams of red energy shot forth from his eyes. The lasers streaked through the air, aimed directly at Billy, who barely had time to react. Panic flashed in Ryan's eyes as he grappled with the uncontrollable manifestation of his newfound superpowers.

In the blink of an eye, Peter snapped his fingers and conjured a shimmering barrier in front of Billy. The deadly lasers collided with the magical shield, creating a dazzling display of lights and sparks. The energy absorbed into the barrier, leaving Billy unscathed but visibly shaken.

Ryan, bewildered by the sudden outburst of power and its unintended consequences, began to panic. "What's happening? What was that? What did I do?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with fear as his eyes began to glow once again.

Peter, appearing beside Ryan in a flash, tapped the young boy on the forehead with a single finger. A soft glow emanated from the touch, and a calm swept over Ryan. The boy's eyes gradually dimmed from their intense red hue as Peter cast a simple sleeping spell, guiding Ryan into a peaceful slumber and catching him as he collapsed.

Becca, being the overprotective mother that she was, ran over to Peter, clearly worried for her son. "What did you do to my son?!"

"Relax, he'll be alright," Peter assured Becca, as he handed over her son. "His powers just awakened, and it can be overwhelming at first, I would know. I broke a lot of stuff in my house when my powers awakened."

"W-Why is he unconscious?" Becca asked, cradling her son protectively.

"I put him to sleep to give him time to adjust. It won't help since he'll still have some troubles when he wakes up, but at least he'll have time to calm down." Peter answered, relieving her of some of her worries.

Becca, still processing the reunion with Billy and now witnessing the extraordinary abilities of her son, nodded in gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

Peter turned his attention to the sleeping Ryan and gestured towards the house. "Let's move him inside. He needs some rest and you have some explaining to do."

"You're damn right she does!" Billy exclaimed, receiving a glare from his wife.

"Keep your voice down!" She hissed at him. "Are you trying to wake him up?"

"Uhh, sorry…" Billy apologized, his voice much lower than before.

As they entered the house, the quiet suburban neighborhood seemed to regain its tranquility. Peter, MJ, Starlight, and Billy gathered in the living room.

As Becca returned from tucking Ryan into bed, Billy's impatience bubbled over, unable to hold back his questions any longer. "What the bloody hell happened that night with Homelander? Why did you disappear on me, and whose child is that?" His voice was a controlled thunder, each word carrying the weight of years of uncertainty and anguish.

Becca, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, took a deep breath before beginning her painful confession. "A few days after the party where I introduced you to Homelander, I was called in to help with Homelander with his Twitter account. As the Senior Director of Digital Marketing at Vought International, the job was a waste of time since my staff could have taken care of it, but when Homelander calls, you come running or else…"

She paused for a moment, as if reliving every horrifying moment. "When I entered the room, Homelander's intentions turned dark. He was barely wearing any clothes and was making clear attempts to seduce me, but when I rejected him, his anger boiled over, resulting in well… I'm sure you can guess by now."

Billy's fists clenched at his sides, struggling to contain the rage building within him as Becca spoke. The woman he loved and believed lost had endured a nightmare he could scarcely fathom.

She recounted how she went to Vought for help, confirming she was pregnant with Homelander's child. Forced to sign a confidentiality agreement, Becca underwent a grueling and messy procedure, delivering the baby. Vought placed her in a secret facility for tests, and after the ordeal, Becca was allowed to raise the child in this quiet neighborhood, all while maintaining the illusion of her disappearance or death.

Billy, his emotions in turmoil, found himself wrestling with the conflicting forces of anger, sorrow, and relief. The reality of Becca's suffering at the hands of Homelander crashed over him like a relentless tide.

Becca, her voice breaking, apologized, "I'm sorry for telling Ryan that you're his father. I just didn't know what else to say," she whispered.

Billy, despite the turmoil within him, softened as he saw the pain etched on Becca's face. "Love, I never stopped lovin' you," he confessed, reaching out to hold her. "If that kid's your son, then f*ck it, he's mine too… If you'll have me?"

Becca seemed truly happy for a moment before reality struck, crushing her hopes and dreams. "No, you should go." She said, shaking her head. "Who knows what Vought will do if they find out that you're here. Or worse, if Homelander finds out about Ryan…"

As much as she loved Billy, and would gladly raise Ryan with him, she just couldn't risk her son's safety.

Suddenly, Peter spoke. "What if I said Homelander would be dead by the end of the night?"

A/N: 1924 words :) Long boy today…



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