I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 586: A Soldier and a Nazi

Chapter 586: A Soldier and a Nazi

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The night fell over Vought Tower like a heavy curtain, casting long shadows across the sleek architecture. Stan Edgar, the CEO of Vought, flew in on a helicopter that landed on the rooftop. His first order of business was gathering every remaining member of the Seven to get some answers.

Translucent, recently discharged from the hospital after his brutal encounter with Peter and MJ, sat uncomfortably, nursing his pelvic wound. Maeve stood with a stoic expression, while Black Noir loomed in the shadows, his silent presence unsettling.

Stan eyed the disheveled Translucent and questioned, "What happened to you?"

Translucent winced, nursing his bandaged groin. "That b*tch castrated me! I'm practically a f•cking eunuch now!"

Stan's brow furrowed, but he pressed on. "And where were the rest of you during this chaos?"

Maeve stepped forward, her voice steady. "During Translucent's attack, I was at home sleeping. But for the attack that took place earlier today, I escorted MJ, Peter, and Starlight here for their meeting with Madelyn. However, I wasn't invited to the meeting, so I went home. The next thing I know, I'm getting calls saying that Madelyn is dead, and Homelander is nowhere to be found."

Stan's gaze shifted from Maeve to the cityscape beyond the window. "I see..."

Maeve continued, detailing everything that she knew. "And now that all of this information is out, there are protestors gathering outside the building."

Stan walked closer to the window, his stern features reflecting in the glass. As he looked down, a sea of angry faces greeted him, signs and banners condemning Vought for its dark secrets. The protest's noise permeated the air, reaching the very heart of the tower.

"This is unacceptable. Far too unacceptable…" Stan muttered, his mind racing to contain the fallout.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Translucent interrupted with a pained groan. "Can we talk about my situation? I need some compensation for this!"

Stan turned his gaze to Translucent, unimpressed. "We're facing a crisis, and you're worried about compensation? Focus on the bigger picture because at the rate things are going, you're going to be out of a job soon..."

"Yeah, whatever…" Translucent clicked his tongue and looked the other way, clearly unhappy.

As Translucent sulked like a hormonal teenager, suddenly, the doors flung open catching everyone off guard. An unfamiliar brown haired woman in a black and red superhero costume strode into the room, her electrified presence crackling in the air.

[Insert picture of Stormfront here]

Stan Edgar, ignoring the confused heroes in the room, immediately questioned, "Did you bring him?"

Stormfront nodded, her gaze unwavering. Following her, another figure emerged from the shadows, shocking everyone with his presence. Soldier Boy, the first American Superhero, and the most powerful before Homelander came around, appeared before them, looking just as young as the history books portrayed. Though he did look a bit disheveled and unkempt as well.

[Insert picture of Soldier Boy here]

"He was exactly where you said he'd be…" Stormfront said, which seemed to irk Soldier Boy.

"Let's talk about that, shall we?" He says as he steps up, glaring directly at Stan. "If you knew exactly where I was this entire time, why the hell didn't you come get me sooner?!"

In 1984, Soldier Boy and his team were sent on a mission out of the country, but little did he know that his team would use a Soviet attack as an opportunity to betray him. After fighting through swarms of enemies, Soldier Boy soon found himself ambushed by his teammates who launched a brutal attack against him.

Although he put up a good fight, even managing to burn off some of Noir's face with a burning car and cause him brain damage with his shield, the team were successful in knocking Soldier Boy out, and then handed him over to the Russians, where he's lived as a lab rat ever since.

Of course, Vought covered up his 'death', by claiming that Soldier Boy had died a hero, sacrificing himself to stop a nuclear meltdown in Ohio.

Stan, recognizing the gravity of the situation, had called in these heavy hitters to salvage the chaos that had erupted within Vought, but calling them also seemed to bring him even more problems.

Stan turned to acknowledge Soldier Boy, his face as unreadable as ever, "We found out about your captivity around 20 years ago, but at that point you were deemed unimportant."

Soldier Boy scowled, his entire being vibrating with rage. "Unimportant? I'm the strongest supe to ever live, you sniveling little sh*t!"

"Were." Stormfront suddenly spoke.

"What the f*ck did you just say?" Soldier Boy asked gruffly.

"You were the strongest superhero, but that's changed." She clarifies, a smug smirk on her face.

Turning back to Stan, Soldier Boy asks, "what's she talking about?"

Stan turned to Stormfront. "Do you want to be the one to tell him?" he asked, gesturing towards Soldier Boy.

Stormfront's lips curled into a smug smile as she spoke, revealing the revelation that would rock the very foundations of Soldier Boy's understanding of his own life. "Homelander, who is basically your replacement but better, is our son. Have you heard of him? Or did the Russians keep you in the dark?"

A stunned silence enveloped the room. Soldier Boy's eyes widened, his features contorting into a mixture of shock and disbelief. He was frozen, unable to comprehend the bombshell dropped on him by a woman that he didn't even recognize.

"Homelander… is our son?" Soldier Boy finally managed to utter, the weight of the revelation settling heavily upon him.

Stan nodded, maintaining his composed demeanor. "When you 'died,' we used your sperm and one of her eggs to create the greatest superhero the world has ever seen. Homelander."

The room crackled with tension as Soldier Boy, Translucent, Maeve, and even the usually stoic Black Noir grappled with the enormity of the revelation. The implications of Homelander's true parentage hung in the air like a storm waiting to unleash its fury.

"Which is why we brought you here." Stan said, drawing Soldier Boys attention. "Your son has been kidnapped. We need to find him before he gets himself in even more trouble…"

Soldier Boy, however, was the epicenter of the emotional whirlwind. His fists clenched, and his jaw tightened as he processed the betrayal and manipulation that had defined his life.

"Kidnapped? Who the f*ck cares?! He's a grown a•s man..." Soldier Boy's voice trembled with anger. "I was betrayed by my own team, handed over to the Russians, and left to rot as a lab rat for decades. And you… you have the nerve to ask for my help with some science experiment kid that I don't even know?"

"He's our son…" Stormfront frowned at his word.

"Wait a second…" Soldier boy suddenly realized who she was. "You're Liberty, aren't you? You look… different…"

"Well, a girl's gotta switch things up every once in a while." Stormfront shrugged.

Stormfront, just like Soldier Boy, has barely aged at all since World War 2 when they were both given their doses of Compound V. Though her knew superhero name and style seemed to be working, as Soldier Boy barely recognized her.

Pressed for time, Stan stepped forward, his tone measured. "Soldier Boy, we understand this revelation is a lot to take in, but we need your help to find your son. Whatever it takes, name your price."

Soldier Boy, still seething with resentment, glared at them. "You think throwing money at me will make everything okay? After what you did to me?"

Stormfront, ever the pragmatist, chimed in, "We're not just offering money. We're offering you literally anything that Vought can give. Sadly, unlike you, Homelander is too precious of a test subject to fall into enemy hands."

Stan nodded alongside her. "Yes, he needs to be either brought back or incinerated upon his death."

Soldier Boy hesitated, the conflicting emotions evident on his face. "You know what? F*ck it. I'll help but you're paying an arm and leg for my services, and I want a favor from Vought, which I'll cash in whenever I need, saying that you'll do one thing for me, no matter what it is..."

Stan nodded, acknowledging the compromise. "Agreed. You help us retrieve Homelander, and we'll make sure you get whatever you desire. Money, resources, vengeance… consider it all on the table."

Stormfront added with a sly smile, "Well, let's head out and find our son, Daddy~ We have a lot of lost time to make up for…"

Soldier Boy's scowl softened, a hint of lust flickering in his eyes. "Alright, but how are we supposed to find him?"

Stan taps a button on the table, which lights up a screen on the wall, displaying a precise GPS location.

"Homelander has a tracking chip?" Maeve muttered in shock. "Does he know about this?" She asked, knowing he wouldn't take kindly to such a thing.

"No." Stan shook his head as he shooed everyone out of the room. "Now, go and bring that useless boy back. Dead or alive, I don't care just don't leave any samples behind. His DNA is too valuable…"

As the team prepared to head out, Maeve discreetly pulled out her phone and sent a warning text, typing as quickly as she could before following after her new team members.


In an open field away from prying eyes, Peter's phone buzzed with Maeve's message, cautioning him about the approaching Vought team. He didn't expect her to try to side with him over Vought, but appreciated the information nonetheless.

Glanced at the text, Peter stashed his phone away and turned back to the reason he was here in the first place. Homelanders' lifeless body lay at his feet, ready to be disposed of. Originally planning to incinerate the remains, Peter now decided to wait for the impending arrival of Soldier Boy and Stormfront.

"Soldier Boy's not too bad, so I might keep him alive depending on how he acts. But Stormfront has to go. After all, I can't spare Nazi's. Steve would be p*ssed if he found out." Peter muttered as he conjured a chair and sat alongside the deceased Homelander, waiting for his guests to arrive.

A/N: 1707 words :)



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