I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 590: Ryan’s Training Begins

Chapter 590: Ryan’s Training Begins

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The next morning arrived with a gentle glow on the horizon as the sun began its ascent. In the quiet stillness of the Butcher household, everyone remained asleep, unaware of the unfolding events. Ryan Butcher, however, stirred awake in his bed, a sense of disorientation lingering from his meeting with his father and subsequent awakening of his powers.

Eager to make sense of the situation, as he hadn't fully realized that he awakened superpowers, Ryan leaped out of bed, his enthusiasm skyrocketing as he thought of his new father. 'He didn't leave, did he?"

Rushing to the door, Ryan gripped the doorknob with what he believed was ordinary strength. However, as his hand squeezed the metal knob, a loud clanking sound was heard as he inadvertently shattered it. Shocked by what happened, Ryan accidentally pulled backwards, breaking the entire door off of its hinges.

"W-What…?" Ryan muttered as he released the door, sending it crashing to the floor.

Panicking at the sudden display of power, Ryan's heightened senses began to play tricks on him. Sounds from the surrounding neighborhood bombarded his ears, an overwhelming symphony of sprinklers, car engines, alarm clocks, and just about anything else created a disorienting whirlwind that overwhelmed his senses.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Downstairs, Peter, who just finished the dishes with Black Noir, patiently waited for Soldier Boy to wake up. He knew that sleeping was pointless at this point. By the time he went to sleep, everyone would be waking up, not to mention Soldier Boy, who would no doubt cause trouble upon his awakening.

However, as Peter was hanging around with Noir, his enhanced senses suddenly picked up the growing chaos emanating from Ryan's room. Recognizing the urgency, he swiftly rose from his seat, leaving Noir behind.

Bounding up the stairs with agility, Peter reached Ryan's room just in time to witness the bewildered young man grappling with his uncontrollable abilities, his eyes beginning to glow with the tell tale signs of heat vission once again.

Recognizing the signs of a potential disaster, Peter wasted no time. He raised his hands, conjuring a calming spell to pacify the tumultuous storm within Ryan's mind.

As the spell took effect, Ryan felt a soothing wave wash over him, alleviating the panic and confusion that had gripped his senses. Simultaneously, his unbridled powers subsided, allowing him to regain control for the time being. The room, once filled with the remnants of an unintentional rampage, began to settle.

Breathing heavily, Ryan looked at Peter with a mix of gratitude and bewilderment. "Who... who are you? What's happening to me?" he stammered, still trying to comprehend the sudden emergence of powers beyond his understanding.

"I'm Peter, and you…" Peter, wearing a reassuring smile, spoke, his voicing taking an English tilt to it. "You're a wizard, Harry."

"I'm a what?" Ryan asked back before he realized what Peter was quoting. "Hey! This isn't Harry Potter and my name is Ryan."

"Oh, my bad. Wrong universe." Helping Ryan steady himself, Peter guided him to a chair. "First things first, take a deep breath. Your powers might be a bit overwhelming at first, but we'll get them under control."

Ryan took a breath before looking up at Peter. "What do you mean powers?" He asked before realization struck once again. "Wait! Do… do I have superpowers? Am I a superhero?!"

Sitting beside Ryan, who was practically bouncing in his seat right now, Peter nodded his head. "Yup, congratulations, Ryan. You get to live every kids dream."



As the realization of his newfound powers settled in, Ryan's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and confusion. Sitting across from him, Peter adopted a serious demeanor, understanding the importance of addressing the situation at hand.

"Alright, Ryan," Peter began, leaning forward. "I know this might feel like a dream come true, but having superpowers is no joke. It comes with an inherent responsibility, a responsibility to keep your powers under control. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you have to use your powers for good, because truthfully, that's your choice. But what you have to do is keep yourself under control so you don't hurt yourself or anyone around you."

Ryan, still processing the magnitude of his abilities, looked at Peter with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

Peter took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "These powers of yours can be incredibly dangerous if you can't control them. You could accidentally hurt people, even those you care about, including your mom."

After all, this is the Boys universe, so anything could happen. Accidental deaths due to unchecked superpowered individuals was a regular occurrence in this world. Ryan had to be careful or else he might just do something that he'd regret for the rest of his life.

Concern flickered in Ryan's eyes as he absorbed Peter's words. The gravity of the situation began to sink in, and Peter could see the weight of responsibility settling on the young man's shoulders.

"I don't want to scare you," Peter continued, softening his tone. "But it's crucial to understand that these powers aren't just toys for you to play around with, nor do they make you better than anyone else. You're not invincible, and your actions can have serious consequences."

Ryan nodded, a mix of determination and uncertainty in his expression. "I get it. But how do I control them? How do I make sure I don't accidentally hurt anyone?"

Peter offered a reassuring smile. "Training yourself to understand and harness your powers will take time and practice. But I can help you get started. The same thing that you're currently going through happened to be when I awakened my powers."

Ryan's eyes widened as his mind registered what Oeter just said. "You… you have powers too?!"

Peter smirked as he nodded his head. "Yeah, want to see something cool?" He asked, receiving an excited nod in return. "Alright, watch this…"

Turning to the destroyed doorway, Peter snapped his fingers. Before Ryan's shocked and awed eyes, time seemed to reverse as the door on the floor levitated before puzzling itself back into place. But that wasn't all, Ryan watched as the door mended back together, fixing itself in a matter of seconds.

"Cool, huh?" Peter smirked.

"Was that magic?!" Ryan exclaimed, rushing up to the door and rubbing his little hands all over it, inspecting it with a smile plasterer on his face.

"Yes, but even magic can be dangerous, just like your powers. But once you learn how to control them, you don't have to worry anymore." Peter said, turning serious once again. "Are you ready to start learning control?"

As Peter spoke, he could see the wheels turning in Ryan's mind. The weight of responsibility mingled with the excitement of being a superhero. "I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me," Ryan admitted, a sincerity in his voice that touched Peter. "I'm ready!"

"That's the right attitude," Peter affirmed. "Now, go get ready. I'll meet you downstairs for your first day of training." He said as he made his way to the door. "Don't keep me waiting for too long, or else I'll have to running extra laps…"

As Peter left, Ryan couldn't help but shiver in fear at Peter's threat. Although running laps didn't sound too bad, especially since he has superpowers, it seemed like it would be more than just normal laps.


A couple of hours later, Soldier Boy groggily stirred from his slumber, the recollection of his recent encounter with Peter echoing in his mind. As the fog of sleep slowly lifted, he couldn't shake the memory of Peter effortlessly defeating him as well as his sudden explosion. Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, the sounds of a commotion reached his ears.

Navigating the unfamiliar household, Soldier Boy followed the clamor until he stepped into the backyard. There, he found a young boy, Ryan, maneuvering through what appeared to be a military-style obstacle course. Peter, standing on the sidelines, barked orders like a drill sergeant, urging Ryan through each challenge. "Pick up the pace! We don't have all day! Do you want to do another 10 laps or what?!"

Soldier Boy observed in surprise as the boy exhibited superhuman speed, effortlessly leaping over obstacles that would pose a challenge even to seasoned soldiers. The agility and strength displayed hinted at powers beyond the ordinary.

Confusion settled in as Soldier Boy noticed peculiar markings covering Ryan's skin. Unbeknownst to him, these markings were a gravity-altering spell, enhancing Ryan's training to a level beyond the capabilities of a normal obstacle course. Peter, with his deep understanding of powers, had woven this magical element into the training regimen.

Soon enough, his attention shifted to Black Noir, standing beside Peter with his mask removed. Soldier Boy's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw Noir's face miraculously healed. The scars and burns that Soldier Boy distinctly remembered inflicting on Noir seemed to have vanished, leaving behind unblemished skin.

Before Soldier Boy could unravel the mystery further, Peter blew a whistle, signaling the end of Ryan's training session. "That's it for today. Good job, kid. You did far better than I thought you would. Your mom and dad will be proud." With a snap of his fingers, Peter lifted the gravity-altering spell from Ryan's body, allowing the boy to return to a normal state.

Turning around, Peter waved at Soldier Boy with a casual greeting, as if he knew he was there the entire time. "Yo, good morning, my little suicide bomber. Did you sleep well?"

A/N: 1613 words :)



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