I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 662: Peter Vs Tiamut (1/3)

Chapter 662: Peter Vs Tiamut (1/3)

Check out early access chapters on my Patron, currently 7 chapters ahead! /AlienWarlord

A/N: 2 Chapters as promised + an extra because the fight is long :)

Confusion gripped Peter as the world trembled around him, but that didn't last for long. Determined to uncover the cause, he delved his cosmic senses deep into the earth's core, where he swiftly discovered a massive golden seed pulsating with energy.

Attached to this seed was a colossal skeletal body made of metal, which was rapidly growing and morphing with each passing moment.

"What the" Peter's eyes widened in shock as he witnessed the skeletal form sprout tendons, muscles, and flesh made of molten lava, its movements sending shockwaves through the earth. He realized this creature was the source of the seismic disturbances shaking the planet.

'Is that a celestial?' Peter wondered as he felt the energy rolling off of the colossal being, his mind recalling the Eternals movie, which truthfully, he's forgotten about until now. 'Huh, this reminds me, I should check for any celestial seeds back home as well Maybe I can use an unhatched seed to make something cool?'

No longer confused, as he knows what's happening now, Peter turned to his allies, their expressions filled with concern and fear. "Alright, listen up," he exclaimed, his voice urgent, drawing their attention.

"What do we do?" Mateo asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Peter's mind raced as he contemplated their next move. "You guys are going to stay here and look for Centurion, or at least anything that he's left behind," he declared, his tone resolute.

"What about you?" Miles asks worriedly.

Peter smirked confidently at Miles' question as he waved his hand, opening a golden portal leading to the center of the earth, where all of this shaking was originating from.

Mateo, Miles, and Aaron peered through the portal, squinting against the intense light to glimpse the colossal figure of the Celestial taking shape. The sheer powerlessness they felt as they gazed at the god before them nearly sent them to their knees.

"I'll be dealing with that before it destroys the planet," Peter declared, gesturing into the portal. "Anyway, good luck and try not to die if you run into Centurion"

With a sense of dread, the group watched as Peter stepped through the portal, but before it closed behind him, he turned around, addressing his allies one last time, "Oh, I almost forgot"

Gesturing towards the wall behind them, Peter shot a beam of purple light from his fingertip, which wizzed between Miles and Mateo, nearly missing them as it impacted the wall, exploding on contact.


Miles, Mateo, and Aaron's eyes widened in fear as the explosion went off behind them, smoke and debris filling the room.

"What the hell was that?!" Miles was about to complain, but the ferocity in his voice quickly disappeared as the smoke cleared, revealing a secret passage behind the wall, which was heavily fortified before Peter blew it wide open.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"That should be a good place to start." Peter commented as the portal began to close. "Remember, don't die!" He reminded them as the portal vanished, leaving them alone in the Oval Office.

As Peter vanished, leaving a sense of apprehension in the air, Suddenly, the doors were slammed open, and teams of heavily armed soldiers stormed in, their guns blazing without warning, the earth still shaking below their feet.

Mateo, Miles, and Aaron ducked for cover, their hearts pounding in their chests as laser bullets whizzed past them. "Now they decide to show up?!" Aaron shouted before activating his powers, transforming the floor into a slick sheet of black ice, causing the soldiers to lose their footing.

Amidst the chaos, the soldiers began to slip and slide, their attempts to regain balance futile against the relentless shaking of the ground, which had now become slick and slippery.

Seizing the opportunity, Mateo and Miles sprang into action, Mateo unleashing bolts of lightning from his hands while Miles used his webs to restrain the disoriented soldiers.

With precise coordination, Mateo's lightning and Miles's webbing quickly subdued the soldiers, rendering them unconscious and immobilized.

As the chaos subsided, the three intruders exchanged a glance, their eyes filled with determination as they all turned to the secret passage that Peter had opened for them.

As Peter stepped into the cavernous center of the earth, where the celestial was taking shape, he couldn't ignore the remnants of a laboratory/workshop strewn across the area. The once pristine setup now lay in ruins, destroyed by the growing celestial's emergence.

Instantly recognizing the lab as belonging to Centurion, Peter wondered just how long his enemy had been cultivating this seed? 'This must be his biggest trump card'

Determined to uncover any clues left behind, and make use of any left over data for his own purposes, he decided to salvage what remained of the lab, knowing it might prove useful later.

With a focused gaze, Peter tapped into his telekinetic abilities, levitating the broken pieces of equipment and debris towards him. With precision, he carefully pocketed the salvaged items into his storage necklace, planning to sift through it all later when he has some free time.

As the remnants of Centurion's lab vanished into Peter's storage necklace, the cavern around him began to crack and tremble violently as rocks and other. Debris fell from above, signaling the imminent emergence of the celestial, which was now straining against the walls and ceiling, its body still growing.

With a surge of adrenaline, Peter realized the urgency of the situation and sprang into action. He knew that if he wasn't fast, then a little worldwide earthquake would be the least of this planets worries.

Without hesitation, Peter disappeared in a blur of motion, reappearing atop the colossal celestial's chest as it struggled to break free from its earthly confines. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Peter's mind as he knew that allowing the celestial to emerge unchecked would spell disaster.

Summoning all his strength, Peter conjured a massive portal beneath the celestial, the swirling vortex stretched wide. With a determined expression, Peter unleashed powerful punch, driving the celestial downward into the gaping maw of the portal.

The force of Peter's blow was immense, sending shockwaves rippling through the cavern as the celestial plummeted into the depths below. With a deafening roar, the celestial disappeared into the darkness of the portal, its colossal form impacting a barren, rocky surface on the other side.

As the dust settled and the tremors subsided, Peter let out a breath before following the giant through the portal, touching down on the surface of mars, far away from any innocent lives.

Across the world, as the earthquakes ravaged every nation, buildings collapsed and chaos took hold. For the normal citizens of the world it felt like the apocalypse had arrived, but suddenly, it all stopped out of nowhere. The earthquake that everyone thought would end the world disappeared just as swiftly as it arrived, calm returning to the planet.

In the midst of the eerie silence, people looked around in disbelief, unsure of what had just transpired. Some whispered prayers of gratitude, while others simply stood in stunned silence, grateful for the unexpected reprieve.

Back with Miles, Mateo, and Aaron, who were exploring the secret passage, they felt the earthquakes stop and sighed in relief. "Looks like Peter did it," Miles remarked, a smile spreading across his face.

Mateo nodded in agreement, his expression turning nervous. "Yeah, but do you think he can beat that thing?" he asked, a sense if fear welling up as he recalled what he saw through that portal.

Miles smile vanished, replaced by a contemplative look. "I think so"

As they continued exploring, they came upon Centurion's lair, which was filled with all sorts of sleek technology. But most notably, as they appeared, another hologram of Centurion materialized before them.

The hologram of Centurion regarded his surroundings with a cold, calculating gaze, his voice dripping with a sense of disappointment. "Ah, it seems like he was able to save the planet" he sneered, his image flickering slightly as he spoke. "No matter He'll still have to face a Celestial of my own making"

Miles clenched his fists, his jaw set in determination. "Is that what that thing is? A celestial?" he asked, his voice firm despite the tension in the air. Mateo and Aaron stood beside him, curious to hear the answer.

Centurion's hologram chuckled, noticing the presence of others in the room. "Oh, you're still here?" he commented, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I forgot you existed for a moment, my apologies."

Miles, Mateo, and Aaron clenched their fists, their jaws tightening as they resisted the urge to be provoked by Centurion's taunts. Nonetheless, Centurion relished their reactions, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he observed their responses.

Seeing that his biggest threat was preoccupied, and the world wasn't about to end, Centurion turned his attention to the three intruders in his lair. "You know what?" he remarked casually, his voice dripping with malice. "I have some free time..."

As he spoke, the hologram disappeared, leaving Miles, Mateo, and Aaron momentarily confused. But their confusion quickly turned to alarm as the real Centurion materialized before them in a flash of light, his smirk sending a shiver down their spines.

"Why don't I kill you with my own hands?"

"Yo!" Peter called out to the celestial before him, who began to stand as its molten body solidified into what appeared to be a suit of golden armor, towering hundreds of feet tall. Its form is both alien and divine, pulsating with raw energy. Its four eyes, glowing with cosmic power, pierce through the darkness, while tendrils of energy emanate from its body, crackling with otherworldly force.

[Insert picture of Tiamut the Communicator here]

Feeling the immense power radiating from the celestial before him, Peter couldn't help but marvel at its sheer magnitude. 'He's definitely stronger than Knull' The thought of what Centurion had done to create such a formidable entity gnawed at his mind, stirring a mix of curiosity and concern.

Putting his concerns aside for the moment, Peter stepped forward, hands raised in a gesture of peace. "Hey, big guy," he began, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "I know things seem intense right now, but let's talk this out. Maybe we can find a way to work together?"

The celestial's response was not what Peter had hoped for. Instead of words, a deafening scream erupted from its gaping metallic maw, accompanied by a blinding burst of light, which shot up from its throat, aimed directly at him. "AAAAARRRGGGGHH!"

Reacting on instinct, Peter leaped aside, narrowly avoiding the searing blast as it scorched the ground where he stood, creating a smoldering hole which tore through the entire planet before shooting back out the other side.

Regaining his footing, Peter glanced back at the smoking hole that was created, "Not much of a Communicator, are you?"

A/N: 1816 words :)



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