I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 707: Daimyo

Chapter 707: Daimyo

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters /AlienWarlord🛑


After leaving the newly transformed Iwagakure, which now boasted lush forests, fertile fields, and flowing water where barren rock once lay, Peter and his students, Itachi and Shisui, prepared for their next destination. The dramatic change had left Itachi and Shisui awestruck, and even Peter felt a sense of satisfaction seeing the fruits of his labor.

Peter turned to his students with a smile. "Alright, next stop. Let's see what we can do for the other villages."

With a wave of his hand, Peter opened a shimmering portal in the air. Itachi and Shisui stepped through with Peter close behind, and within moments, they emerged in the mountainous terrain of Kumogakure, the Village Hidden in the Clouds.

The terrain here was starkly different, dominated by craggy cliffs and towering peaks. But Peter had already envisioned how he would transform this place. Raising his hand, he conjured another golden spell circle, the intricate symbols weaving together in the air before shooting out across the landscape.

As the spell took effect, the rigid, rocky terrain began to soften and reshape. Mountains that had once been formidable and barren were now covered in lush greenery. Waterfalls cascaded down their slopes, pooling into clear, fresh lakes below.

Peter flattened some areas to create plateaus suitable for farming, making sure not to erase the unique mountainous identity of the region but instead to enhance it, turning it into a thriving ecosystem.

Itachi and Shisui watched in amazement as Kumogakure transformed before their eyes. They could hardly believe the spectacle, especially seeing the immediate change in the villagers' reactions. Those who had lived their entire lives surrounded by rock and stone now gazed in wonder at the newly fertile land.

Peter nodded in satisfaction as the last of the transformation settled. "Alright, two down. Let's keep moving," he said, opening another portal.

This time, they stepped into the mist-covered lands of Kirigakure, the Village Hidden in the Mist. Known for its constant rain and muddy terrain, Kirigakure posed a different challenge. Peter could sense the dense moisture in the air and the sodden ground beneath his feet.

Without missing a beat, Peter cast another spell, his magic taking root deep within the earth. The muddy terrain began to shift, firming up into fertile soil designed to thrive in the region's constant rain. He added enchantments to the land itself, ensuring it could channel excess water efficiently, preventing floods while retaining the necessary moisture for abundant farming.

The villagers of Kirigakure, who had grown accustomed to their harsh, wet environment, were left speechless as they watched their land transform. They saw their home change from a dreary swamp to a vibrant land capable of sustaining rich agriculture.

"It's like a dream," one villager whispered in disbelief, and many others nodded in agreement, unable to tear their eyes away from the transformed terrain.

With three villages down, Peter's final stop was the most challenging of all: Sunagakure, the Village Hidden in the Sand. The vast desert stretched endlessly before them, the sun beating down relentlessly on the arid landscape.

"This one will be the most impressive," Peter mused, considering his options. He glanced at Itachi and Shisui, who were already anticipating the incredible transformation they would witness next.

Raising his hand once more, Peter decided to go big. Originally, he had thought to create a small oasis around the village, but why stop there? With a grin, he expanded his vision.

The golden spell circle formed in the air, larger and more complex than any before it, shining with an almost blinding intensity. It shot out over the desert, and immediately, the change began.

The sand under their feet began to shift, softening into rich, dark soil. All around them, dunes were flattened, replaced by stretches of fertile ground. Trees burst from the earth, their roots digging deep, and rivers snaked through the land, creating a network of fresh water sources that brought life to the once barren desert.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lakes appeared as if by magic, their surfaces glistening under the bright sun. Flowers and grasses spread rapidly, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the monotonous sands that had dominated the landscape for centuries.

The people of Sunagakure watched in stunned silence, their eyes wide with shock and awe. Many had lived their entire lives in the desert, where water was precious and food was scarce. To see their land transformed so completely, to see trees and rivers where there had only been sand, was nothing short of a miracle.

Some villagers fell to their knees, tears streaming down their faces as they whispered prayers of thanks, unable to contain their emotions. Others cheered and shouted, celebrating the miracle they had just witnessed. For the first time, their village was surrounded by abundance instead of scarcity.

Rasa, the Kazekage of Sunagakure, approached Peter, his face a mix of disbelief and gratitude. "Thank you," he said, bowing deeply. "You've given us more than we could ever have hoped for. We are forever in your debt."

Peter smiled and waved off the thanks. "Just doing what I said I'd do. Now, use this opportunity to build a better and peaceful future alongside the other villages."

With their mission accomplished, Peter turned to Itachi and Shisui, who were still reeling from all they had witnessed. "Alright, time to head back to Konoha. We've got more work to do."

He opened another portal, and the three of them stepped through, returning to the familiar surroundings of their home village.

As they arrived, Peter glanced around, feeling the familiar energy of Konoha. "Come on," he said to his students, "Madara should have finished the job I gave him by now. We can probably start today's training after I hear how everything went."

Itachi and Shisui nodded eagerly, still buzzing with excitement from everything they've witnessed today, hoping that someday, they would be able to do the same.

[Flashback: Earlier That Morning…]

Before the first light of dawn, Peter stood in his home, reviewing the tasks he had planned for the day. Madara was already there, having arrived early to speak with him before he left for the other villages. Today was crucial for the future they were trying to build, and Peter knew there was more to do than just terraforming.

Peter turned to Madara, his expression serious. "Today's work terraforming the other villages will help move us closer to peace," he began, his tone measured and thoughtful. "But there's still one group that has the power to start a war, even if the villages themselves don't want it. They need to be handled."

Madara nodded, understanding immediately. "The Daimyo, right?" he asked, a hint of disdain in his voice. "Should I just kill them?"

To clarify, in this world, the Daimyo are the feudal lords who govern each nation. Each Ninja Village, despite its power and autonomy, is technically under the jurisdiction of their respective nation's Daimyo.

The Daimyo hold significant political power and can influence decisions regarding war and peace, often without considering the wishes or needs of the villages themselves.

Peter shook his head. "No, you don't have to kill them, especially if they seem like good people. Besides, if we kill every Daimyo across the continent, it would draw a lot of attention and cause more problems than it solves."

Madara raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Peter's suggestion. "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Use your Sharingan to mind control them," Peter explained, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Make them switch roles with the villages and put it into law. The Daimyo should be subservient to the villages, not the other way around. This way, the council we're creating will have the power to maintain peace. Otherwise, the Daimyo could override the council's decisions whenever they want, and wars would continue, even after we leave this universe."

Madara considered this for a moment, a smirk forming on his lips. "I see… You want to make sure the villages are truly in control. Makes sense." He paused, a flash of his old ruthlessness in his eyes. "And I have no problem knocking those weak Daimyo off their high horses. They've lorded over the ninja villages for far too long."

Peter nodded, satisfied with Madara's response. "Good. Just make sure to handle it carefully. We don't need to cause unnecessary chaos. And remember, if any of the Daimyo or their families seem like they could be problematic later on, ensure they're also brought under control."

Madara's smirk widened. "I can handle that. Consider it done."

With their plan set, Madara departed in a flash, ready to carry out his mission. Meanwhile, Peter left to pick up Itachi and Shisui, preparing to take them on their journey to the other villages for the day's terraforming.


Madara's Mission…

Madara moved swiftly, his presence like a ghost in the wind as he traveled from palace to palace, each one belonging to a different Daimyo of the Great Nations. His movements were precise and silent, each step calculated to avoid detection. Though each palace had guards, they were mostly ceremonial and far too weak to pose any threat to someone of Madara's caliber.

The first palace belonged to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. Madara easily slipped past the guards, using his Sharingan to cast subtle illusions to mask his presence. He found the Daimyo alone in his chambers, reading a scroll by candlelight.

Madara's eyes flared with the Sharingan's power, and the Daimyo's gaze lifted to meet his, locking into the hypnotic spiral. Within moments, the Daimyo's expression slackened, and his mind became open to Madara's influence.

"From now on," Madara commanded in a low, authoritative tone, "you and your descendants will be loyal to the Leaf Village and serve under its command. You will support the decisions of the new United Ninja Council and never move against the village or its interests."

The Daimyo nodded slowly, his face blank. "Yes… I will serve the Leaf Village…"

Satisfied, Madara moved on to the Daimyo's family, repeating the same process to ensure complete control. He knew that the power structure needed to be secure at all levels.

With the Land of Fire under control, Madara moved on to the next nation. The process was similar in each palace—he would enter unnoticed, locate the Daimyo, and use his Sharingan to bend their will to the new order that Peter had envisioned.

At the palace of the Land of Water's Daimyo, Madara found the lord and his family having dinner. A flicker of annoyance crossed Madara's face at the sight, but he swiftly moved into position. In a matter of seconds, all their eyes were locked on his, the Sharingan's power overwhelming their minds.

"You will now serve the Mist Village and follow the council's directives," Madara instructed. "Your role is to support the ninja, not to command them."

"Yes… we will serve…" they all repeated, their voices eerily in sync.

Madara continued his mission across the continent, visiting the palaces of the Land of Earth, the Land of Lightning, and the Land of Wind. Each time, he moved undetected, his Sharingan ensuring that no one would defy the new order. The guards were oblivious to his presence, and the few ninja guards who were stationed at the palaces were far too weak to sense him or pose any challenge.

In each palace, he also made sure to mind control the Daimyo's family members. He knew that any one of them could become the next Daimyo and potentially disrupt the new structure they were setting up.

As he worked, Madara felt a sense of satisfaction. This task, given to him by Peter, aligned with his own beliefs about the true order of power. The Daimyo were too weak to wield authority over the ninja villages, and it was time for a change.

Finally, with all the Daimyo and their families under control, Madara finished his mission. The foundations for a new power structure had been laid, one that would ensure the council's decisions could not be overturned by those unfit to lead.

Madara allowed himself a rare smile as he stood on the balcony of the last palace, looking out over the land. The old order was ending, and a new era was beginning—one where the ninja villages would be the true power in their nations, just as it should be…

A/N: 2067 words :)



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