Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 773 Prime Disciple Competition: Spire Peak

Chapter 773 Prime Disciple Competition: Spire Peak

The chamber, vast and overwhelming, stretched as far as the eye could see. From where Elenei stood, the ground was a mix of ancient stone tiles with symbols and sigils carved into them, some glowing softly in the dark expanse. The roof was hidden in shadows, but occasionally, a bright flare would cross overhead – the energy of competitors clashing or beast statues awakening.

Every few feet, colossal statues of beasts stood tall, some looming over 50 feet high. These statues, carved from obsidian, marble, and other exotic stones, represented the ancient beasts that once roamed the land.

Light sources were scarce, with bioluminescent fungi growing in clusters and providing a muted, mystical illumination.

On the far side, a cascading waterfall of pure energy flowed from an unseen source above, pooling into shimmering lakes and streams that wove around the chamber. The water was not of the regular kind; it glowed in hues of purples and blues, adding to the ethereal nature of the place.

Having absorbed the essences of the behemoth, serpent, and bird, Elenei felt invincible. Her senses were heightened, her perception of the world changed.

Determined to capitalize on her newfound strength, Elenei spread her wings and took flight. The air currents in the chamber felt like ripples of pure energy, fueling her speed and agility.

From her vantage point, she could see movement. Numerous competitors – both beasts and humans – were scattered throughout the chamber. Some were in direct combat with awakened statues; others, like predatory animals, stalked the weaker participants, seeking to eliminate competition.

Drawing her focus to the closest cluster, Elenei spotted a group consisting of three beast cultivators and two humans. They were converging on a statue of a golden-winged lion, likely hoping to awaken it and harness its power.

But Elenei had other plans. Her presence in the chamber was a declaration of dominance, and she intended to let everyone know.

Diving down, she aimed straight for the group. Her descent was like a meteor, her scales shimmering and wings trailing fire. The group barely had a moment to react before she was upon them. A gust of wind combined with a wave of ice shards from her wings took out the humans immediately. The beasts caught off guard, tried to retaliate.

Elenei's dragon-like tail lashed out, wrapping around a tall antlered creature, squeezing and then flinging it against a nearby statue. A tiger-like beast lunged at her, but with a powerful flap of her wings, she sent it crashing into one of the energy pools.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The final beast, a scaled panther with gleaming eyes, tried to escape, but Elenei was too fast. In a flurry of claws, scales, and fire, the panther was captured in her talons, its head squeezed until it popped.

With the immediate threats neutralized, Elenei began absorbing their residual energies. Her aura grew stronger, and the very atmosphere around her crackled with raw power.

She was now a beacon in the chamber. The other competitors took notice, and many, sensing the immense power radiating from her, decided that avoidance was the best strategy.

But Elenei wasn't done. Her eyes, filled with ambition and fire, scanned the vast chamber. There were many more statues to awaken, competitors to defeat, and power to be gained.

Stepping closer to the golden-winged lion, she awakened it and prepared for another round of battle. She wouldn't allow a single drop of its blood to go to waste!


The Spire's spiraling staircase was not a straight ascent.

Twists and turns awaited Mira at every corner, with pockets of opportunities concealed in nooks and hidden chambers.

Her senses, sharpened from her previous transformations, allowed her to discern the unique energies emanating from various treasures.

Mira came across a chamber where beams of ethereal light illuminated a singular, ornate chest.

Without hesitation, she approached and opened it, revealing a silvery necklace pulsing with potent energy.

The pendant resembled a half sun, half moon, and she instinctively knew it would aid her in harnessing her duality.

Slipping it on, she felt her internal energies stabilize, making it easier for her to switch between her forms.

A few levels up, she chanced upon a trio of cultivators, humans who had managed to obtain an ancient scroll.

Without missing a beat, Mira shifted into her original hybrid form, her primal energy intimidating the group. Swift as lightning, she lunged, snatching the scroll from their grasp. The scroll was adorned with ancient runes, and even a cursory glance revealed techniques that would allow her to harness her primal energy more effectively.

While she was at it, she stole their Sect tokens as well, adding to her growing collection.

As she climbed, Mira also practiced.

She'd shift to her human form, focusing her energy, then abruptly to her beast form, reveling in the power and instinct it granted. The hybrid form was a balance, a perfect blend of both worlds.

This constant transitioning helped her refine control, making her shifts seamless and fluid.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the top of the Spire was within sight. However, the peak was no serene sanctuary.

The energy here was tumultuous, with beams from both the sun and moon converging, creating a swirl of pure, raw power. Amidst this convergence was the majestic guardian of the Spire; a Griffin, its feathers shimmering like gold, its lion-like body radiating strength and authority.

The platform was teeming with the most formidable beasts and humans, their auras clashing, a palpable tension in the air.

Mira could see alliances forming and competitors whispering strategies, all with the goal of harnessing the energy and potentially challenging the Griffin.

But Mira was undeterred. She was here for the final transformation, the culmination of her journey on this floating island. Her necklace glowed brighter, sensing the duality of the sun and moon energy.

She calmly walked to the peak of the Spire, immediately catching the attention of everyone there.

"So, Mira's finally here."

"Is that why this Griffin hasn't done anything yet? Was it waiting for her?"

"Isn't it too biased?! We've been here for hours, yet nothing has happened! We can't even get close to that energy!"

"I won't let any of you filthy humans have it! That energy is meant for us beasts!"

Mira ignored their murderous eyes and looked around for any familiar faces.

There were quite a few disciples from the Battle Maiden Sect. However, they looked more keen on taking her down than anyone else here, causing Mira to shake her head.

'That dumbass "Sect Master". Why feel the need to make your disciple's lives harder?' She wondered, pitying the poor fools who wanted to take her down.

Unfortunately, other than the lion she met earlier and a few people from other Sects, she didn't recognize anyone else.

'I suppose Elenei is busy doing her own thing.' Mira shrugged, not caring too much. She could still feel her connection with the Dracophoenix, meaning she was still alive. 'Sucks for her.'

As soon as Mira finally stepped foot on the peak of the Spire, the entrance behind her closed, catching everyone's attention.

Finally, the Griffin, who sat in front of them as still as a statue, opened its beak to speak, "You all have proved your might, instincts, strength, and control in the previous tests. Everyone who has made it here is fated with the Spire. However, only one person can receive the blessing of the progenitors. Fight amongst yourselves, and you will earn a chance to obtain what it is you seek."

"Fuck you! I'm stronger than all these weaklings! I deserve this energy more than they do! " An Elder of the Profound Elements Sect yelled before taking out a scepter and launching an attack at the Griffin.

However, his eyes never left the swirl of red and blue behind them as if he were entranced. He'd never seen something so beautiful before. If only he could just grab it…


Before the Elder could react, the Griffon swooped in and launched the man off the platform, sending him spiraling to the ground.

The Elder, quick to react, attempted to fly but soon realized she was unable to and thus crashed into the ground.

The Griffin didn't even spare him a look, keeping its eyes on everyone else.

"Fight." It urged, almost like it was telling them that attacking it was useless.

With no other choice, the group of people and beasts glared at each other warily, slowly backing off from one another.

Mira, however, saw no need for such a pathetic display and immediately chopped the head off of the closest beast to her.

"It said fight." Mira spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear, "However, if you don't have the guts to, I'll be taking everything, including all your treasures."

With that said, she dashed to the nearest person, punching them in the gut and sending them flying. But not before stealing their Spatial Ring.

The man cried out in pain, but it was more emotional than physical, considering his life savings were stolen right before his eyes, and there was nothing he could do about it.

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