Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 775 Prime Disciple Competition: Final Battle on the Spire

Chapter 775 Prime Disciple Competition: Final Battle on the Spire

The unsettling calm that had fallen over the Spire was interrupted only by the heavy breathing of the remaining fighters. They formed a semi-circle around Mira, sizing her up, their intentions clear.

While some were impressed by Mira's prowess, others were convinced that her triumph over the Thunderdrake was but a fluke or that she had exhausted her energy in the process.

A lean, heavily tattooed man from the Profound Elements Sect stepped forward, his fingers sparking with flickering flames. "Impressive show, Mira," he sneered. "But that was just a warm-up. Ready for round two?"

His words were met with smirks and nods of agreement from the rest. The silent understanding was that they would combine forces, at least temporarily, to take Mira down.

Yet Mira stood unfazed, her eyes cold, analyzing each of the opponents in front of her.

"Come, then," she whispered, her voice chillingly calm, as a frosty aura enveloped her.

Without a moment's hesitation, the battle commenced. The earth trembled as attacks rained down from all directions. Thunderbolts, fireballs, gale winds, and water torrents targeted Mira, each one fiercer than the last.

As the onslaught began, Mira quickly unfurled her Paragon Wings, sharp feathers glinting with an icy menace, which were infused with other elements. The feathers flew out, intercepting and countering the majority of the attacks, allowing Mira to remain untouched.

The tattooed man from the Profound Elements Sect unleashed a roaring blaze, attempting to melt her defenses.

But before his flames could approach her, she retaliated with [Frozen Torrent], sending a cascade of icy water that doused his fire.

Mira's tails shifted, each displaying a myriad of colors. As her white tail shimmered, the surrounding air dropped in temperature drastically, summoning the [Blizzard Domain].

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Within seconds, a blinding snowstorm covered the battlefield, disorienting her foes.

Another tail, the pinkish-blue, illuminated, and suddenly, she used her illusory technique, [Mirage Dance].

Illusions of Mira sprouted everywhere, dodging attacks gracefully amidst the blizzard, misleading and confusing her opponents, making them question which was the real Mira.

Using [Whispering Wind], she listened to the subtle movements of her adversaries, ensuring she was always one step ahead. Her Yin Fire, an ethereal blue flame, was then unleashed, countering a water mage's tidal wave, turning it into a steaming mist.

While everyone was distracted, she executed [Gravity Ball], weighing down a wind user who was levitating, sending him crashing down to the Spire's cold surface.

A group of earth users, attempting to trap her, combined their skills to create [Abyssal Quake], shaking the very foundation of the Spire. But Mira responded with [Ice Titan's Fortress], raising gigantic walls of enchanted ice, shielding herself from the tremors, and creating a maze-like battleground.

Using her charm ability, she momentarily ensnared the minds of some fighters, making them turn on their allies. This caused a momentary pause in their relentless assault, buying her some time.

The scythe in her hand then hummed as she employed [Frostbite Requiem], slicing through two adversaries who tried to flank her. Every move she made was graceful yet deadly, displaying her combat proficiency.

Suddenly, a high-ranking beast cultivator lunged at her, using its control over the earth to restrain her movements.

Seeing the opportunity, another opponent cast a dark curse aiming to corrupt her soul. Mira's reaction was swift; she initiated [Calamity's Embrace], merging Darkness, Yin Magma, and Yin Lightning, repelling the curse and causing the beast cultivator to scream in agony as he was enveloped in the raging elements.

With a deft motion, she released the fur on one of her tails, turning them into countless needles that rained upon those who thought they could approach her unscathed.

With the combined force of her enemies coalescing in front of her, Mira took a deep breath and connected with the core of her energy, allowing her essence to transform.

Her body started to shift and contort, revealing her pure beast form. As a magnificent 9-tailed fox, her radiant fur glowed with a soft, ethereal light, giving her an aura of unparalleled majesty.

In this form, her senses sharpened, and her physical strength was increased drastically. Sensing a powerful technique being prepared by a combatant on her left, she whipped two of her tails, slamming them against the man.

However, there was a bit too much power behind that attack as the man's body crumpled together, spurting blood from every orifice as his internal organs exploded.

Sensing a stream of energy entering her body, Mira realized she had killed the man with that one attack.

However, she didn't have time to ponder on her current strength.

Being in her beast form had its limitations, one of which was the decreased efficiency of using Qi techniques.

The tattooed man, sensing her vulnerability in this form, hurled a massive ball of condensed flame towards her.

With a rapid twirl, Mira reverted to her hybrid form, gracefully summoning [Elemental Barrier], blocking the attack. But, the man never let up.

He continued to rain down fire as if he was some sort of volcano. She couldn't even keep up with all the techniques he was using. Everything within her perception was just a sea of fire.

Feeling the heat rise and the world around her blurring into a fierce crimson, Mira knew she needed to shift the tides of the battle fast.

Spotting a break between the fiery onslaught, Mira took a deep breath and focused on her core. The power that emanated from her was overwhelming, creating an atmospheric shift that drew the attention of every fighter on the battlefield. Transforming into her human form, her Qi techniques surged in power.

She cast [Elemental Barrier], surrounding herself with a protective bubble that repelled the most intensive flames and began to channel a new technique. Icy winds started to pick up, swirling around her, colliding with the blazing inferno. Steam rose in clouds, creating a dense fog that reduced visibility to near zero.

The tattooed man, alarmed by this sudden turn, hesitated. Taking advantage of his confusion, Mira executed [Paragon Blizzard Obliteration].

Nine illusions of Mira and her scythe, exact replicas of the original, formed around her.

Each illusion held the scythe with a sense of purpose and poise. They moved in harmony in a way that was both mesmerizing and threatening.

Their movements, combined with the dense fog, created a phantasmal battlefield. The ground underneath was covered with a layer of frost that spread out like spider webs, causing the stone beneath to crack and give away.

The tattooed man tried to discern the real Mira among the illusions, his eyes darting about, trying to keep track of each movement. But the illusions were perfect, mirroring Mira's every motion, making it impossible to distinguish between them.

Mira, along with her illusions, channeled their energy into their scythes. The blades glowed with an icy blue sheen, and in unison, they swung down toward the ground, releasing a shockwave that radiated outward.

The entire Spire shook violently, the ground shattering and sending chunks of rock into the air.

As the ice and frost expanded, they captured everyone in their vicinity. The fighters and beasts found themselves ensnared by the fast-growing ice, which reached out like hands trying to pull them down into a frozen abyss.

Those who could resist tried to break free, their elemental abilities coming to the fore. But they were too late. The cold was intense and numbing, robbing them of their strength and draining their Qi.

The tattooed man, despite his incredible heat, found himself struggling. His flames, which were once a roaring blaze, were now reduced to mere embers, fighting against the cold that threatened to snuff them out. The ice slowly crept up his legs, encasing him.

Mira watched on with cold, unfeeling eyes.

Throughout her journey in this Realm, she had tried not to kill as many humans as she normally would. They were in an alliance, after all.

It wouldn't be all that smart of her to kill the only people who were willing to go against the beasts with them.

However, those present were ready to enter into a battle to the death for whatever treasure the Griffin was protecting.

So, she must respond in kind.

Raising her hand, Mira commanded her illusions to converge in the middle of her struggling opponents.

Sensing their impending doom, everyone stopped moving and stared in Mira's direction.

"I guess I should've retreated…" The tattooed cultivator from the Profound Elements Sect released a wry chuckle.


Her illusions exploded into an icy apocalypse, reducing everyone in the vicinity to nothing.

The aftermath was surreal. The Spire, which once reverberated with the cries of battle, was now engulfed in a haunting silence. Pillars of ice stood as solemn markers to the brave fighters that had been. The once solid ground was a mosaic of fractured rock and ice.

Mira stood amidst this wintry wasteland, her breath visible in the frigid air, her scythe dripping with condensed moisture. She looked around and frowned, annoyed that she had to kill those who were technically in an alliance with her against the beasts.

'There were a few strong people too.' Mira thought but didn't dwell on it.

The treasure was more important, after all. She just hoped things wouldn't become bothersome after this Realm closed.

"Congratulations, challenger!" The Griffin looked down and praised, interrupting her thoughts.

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