Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 177 Mira's Beginning Part 4

Mira slowly walked back to her house carrying her dead father while covered in blood. She wanted to cry, but her eyes only exuded a coldness that wasn't there before. She felt like she just lost part of her humanity seeing her Dad die like that, but she didn't care about that as the only thing she cared about now was protecting her Mom and Sister from harm.

When Mira made it back to her house, she didn't know what to do. Should she go in like this or maybe she should clean her and her dead Dad up a bit? What will happen to her family now that one of them has died? Will her sister be sad? What will Mom end up doing when she finds out?

She didn't want any of this to happen to her family, but she knew it was impossible to go back to normal.

The only thing she could do is just stand before the entrance of her home and prolong this misery that is about to fall upon her family.

Unknowingly, tears began to fall from her eyes yet her expression never changed from her now cold and distant face.

Mira stood at the entrance for a while before she heard the door click open. She saw her younger sister opening the door with a tired look on her face.

"Big sis, did you find Dad ye-" Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth when she saw Mira covered in blood while carrying her father on her back.

Her brain short-circuited while looking at this scene, seemingly trying to deny what's going on in front of her. Tears ran down her eyes and it didn't take long for her to start crying.

Mira felt guilty watching her little sister cry and she wanted to blame herself for not getting there sooner. She felt like she should've always been on watch, trying to protect her family, but failed at her job.

Although this situation wasn't her fault, she should've done a better job at trying to protect them. It's just that she never expected anyone to want to kill her Dad. Their family isn't rich and we are friends with everyone in town.

Her Dad is also one of the nicest guys around and even hopes that a good man will marry his beautiful daughters. There is no reason for someone to want to kill him.

She felt like someone was scheming against their family for some reason, but she didn't know why. Does some bastard just enjoy watching a happy family crumble and randomly picked hers?

These thoughts kept passing through her mind, but she found no answers.

"Mira, are you b--KEVIN!" Mira's mother came down and saw Mira holding Kevin and freaked out.

She ran over to Mira and Kevin with a frantic expression on her face. Her brain didn't know where to start, but she instinctively started to check her daughter for injuries, seeing how she is covered in blood.

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Then she looked at Kevin, who was on Mira's back and didn't know what to do. His eyes were open, but they were rolled to the back of his head, looking lifeless.

"W-W-What happened, Mira?! Please tell me Kevin is alright! He's okay, right?! Right!?" Alyssa yelled with tears streaming down her face.

Mira just silently lowered him to the ground, placing him on his back showing all of the stab wounds. They had stopped bleeding already as it seemed he's lost too much blood.

"No no no no no, this can't be happening. He was only late by a few hours, how can this happen?! Why did this happen?! Who would do something so horrific to such a nice man?!" Alyssa saw the stab wounds and lack of breathing coming from Kevin and knew that he had already passed, but she wanted to deny it.

Mira could do nothing but walk over to her side and rub her back with her hand. She then walked over to Aurora and gave her a big hug.

From this moment on, Mira's family started to change.


The years started to pass by and Mira's family had changed drastically.

Mira and Aurora were now young adults in their 20's and became one of the most beautiful women in the entire Kingdom.

Though that was the case, nobody would even think about making a move on Mira because even though she was beautiful, her gaze was enough to send a chill down one's spine.

Aurora on the other hand was perfect in every way. Huge breasts, long white hair, crystal blue eyes, had a nation-toppling smile, and always exuded a calm aura. She was the perfect wife that a man could wish for.

The only thing preventing every man in the Kingdom from approaching her was her crazy sister.

Another thing preventing others from approaching Mira's family was the rumors about them. A lot of people are saying that their family is cursed. This was because the bad luck had never stopped over the years.

After Kevin died, things never got better for Mira's family. Alyssa fell into a great depression and would barely interact with Mira or Aurora. She also seemed to age much faster because of it as she looked like she was on death's door for a while.

Alyssa eventually passed away peacefully in the night, but Mira also found this strange. Her mother may not have been the most strong-willed person, but she wasn't someone to wallow in anguish, misery, and despair for so long.

Mira tried many times to get her mom to come back to normal, but it was like she was already looking at a dead person whenever she came into contact with her mom.

The bad luck never stopped after that. Bandits started raiding their town more often, but they seemed to only attack the houses surrounding Mira's place. Sometimes they would try to raid Mira's house, but usually, it was just their neighbors.

Some of Mira's neighbors even died from the raids and Mira's reputation reached an all-time low.

Nobody would eat at her restaurant anymore nor would people in town even think about living next to Mira. They also avoided her and Aurora like the plague which saddened Aurora as she liked talking with the townsmen, but Mira didn't really care.

After this happened, Mira's house/restaurant somehow caught fire and burned down while Mira and Aurora were away.

Even though Mira wasn't a religious person, she still found herself cursing at god for being such an asshole.

"Hey Mira, my boyfriend offered us a place to stay at his house now that ours has burned down." Aurora timidly told Mira a few days after the restaurant burned down.

"What?! You have a boyfriend?! Since when? Looks like I'll have to go teach this little shit a lesson for approaching my little sister!" Mira sternly said to Aurora.

"Please don't! We really love each other and he's very nice to me! And I met him a while ago, I just kept it a secret from you knowing how you would react." Aurora stomped her feet and protested.

Mira kept grumbling but eventually gave in and decided to meet this guy and decide for herself.

Aurora led Mira over to his place which was somewhere in the middle of town. It didn't take the two of them long to reach his house and while Mira was still grumbling, a tall, blond, and handsome ikemen type guy walked out of the house.

"Hello, Aurora, Nice to see you again. Oh! And you must be her older sister, Mira. It's nice to finally meet you! My name is Pete." Pete said with a blinding smile, but Mira didn't say anything and just stared at him.

"Mira, say hi," Aurora whispered, but Mira kept analyzing Pete trying to see if there is any malice behind his words.

"Hmm.. Very well. I'll permit you to see Aurora for now seeing how you hold no bad intentions, but if I find out you've hurt her in any way then we might be getting another 'sister'." Mira said while narrowing her eyes.

Pete felt a chill down his spine and his crotch go numb when Mira said that. He vigorously nodded his head.

"Naturally, I won't do anything to Aurora. How could I hurt the one I love?!" Pete hurriedly said.

He then led the two of them into his house, thus beginning a new chapter in their life.


Around a year after moving in with Pete, the two of them found out that Aurora was pregnant!

The two of them told Mira, but contrary to their belief, Mira was extremely happy for them. She had already accepted Pete and knew that he loved Aurora more than anything else. If she didn't accept him then Aurora might actually get upset and stop talking to her.

Mira also made sure to give them plenty of space as she knew that she was just an extra in the house.


A few months later after Aurora got pregnant, something seemed to change in Pete.

,m All of a sudden, one day he just started beating on Aurora like a maniac. He punched and kicked all over her body for hours until she was unable to move. This all happened way too fast and Aurora didn't even know how to react.

The two were deeply in love with each other, but now it almost looks like he doesn't even know her.

Every time she would open her mouth to scream, Pete would put his hand against her mouth while holding a knife against her throat.

After she quieted down, Pete took the knife away from her throat and jabbed it into her belly, killing her baby instantly.


As soon as Mira heard this, she came charging into the room. She saw Pete holding onto the knife that was in Aurora's stomach and charged at Pete.

Mira tackled Pete and knocked him unconscious, but in that moment something seemed to click in Aurora's brain.

Aurora grabbed onto the knife in her belly, took it out, and raised it above her heart. Aurora's mind was a mess right now, but she didn't know why she was doing this. Of course, a tiny part of her thought of dying with her baby, but that wasn't even 1% of her thoughts. Yet, this part of her mind seemed to take over he body, causing her to lose control.

Mira looked up and was about to run over to help Aurora, but she froze when she saw Aurora holding the knife above her heart.

"Aurora, no! Stop!!!" Mira yelled and ran over to try and stop her, but it was too late.

"Mira… I don't… know what's… happening to me… I can't control my-" Aurora struggled to get the words out as tears fell down her face, but her body moved on its own and stabbed the knife into her heart.

Mira's mind blanked when she saw this and didn't know how to comprehend what was going on. It all happened too fast.

"Mira… please help me… Mira… Mira… Mira…"





Mira heard someone calling her and noticed that she was back in the Mermaid castle. She looked over to the person calling her and noticed it was Queen Asherah, but this image seemed to overlap with her memory of Aurora.


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