Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 237 The Future

Now that Mira has basically finished everything here in the Sect, it's time to plan for the future. Since she's decided to join the Main Battle Maiden Sect, then her first course of action should be to learn when they'll hold the next Entrance Exam. She can then use that information to plan for the immediate future.

Right now, her options are open. She can basically travel anywhere she wants with Elenei without having to spend a significant amount of time. Who knows, she might even be able to cross the continents, however, it would probably be pretty stupid if she were to go to the Central Continent with her pitiful strength.

Although she's not sure how strong the average cultivators in the Central Continent are, just based on the information Sect Master Jane provided about the Main Sect on this continent was more than enough for her to guess.

If being a Peak Foundation or Core Formation expert is just enough to even think about gaining entry into the Sect then Mira can safely assume that's most likely a base requirement just to live freely in the Central Continent.

Sure, she might be overestimating the Central Continent, but surely it wouldn't be by much. She might even be underestimating it and maybe Nascent Soul Cultivators are normal over there. With her dangerous aura, all of her secrets, and especially Elenei, she would be seeking death if she were to travel to the Central Continent right now.

However, she could travel to the Northern Continent to collect some resources for Forming her Core. She'd probably have to ditch Celaine and Maria if she were to do that so they can find their own resources.

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That might not be so bad though and it's not like they'd be away forever. They'd meet each other on the Entrance Exam and they'd be able to find their own way into the Core Formation Realm without her interference.

"I should probably wait for Dominique to finish her trials. Or maybe I could just come back in around a year and a half to fetch. Sigh… I'm not used to this shit."

Mira muttered to herself as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. For most of her life and through most of her previous lives, she's done almost everything alone. Having a friend or someone to rely on has never been something to even cross her mind. She wasn't even allowed to dream of such a fantasy and slowly lost her hope in humanity.

Friends have always just been a way to backstab her or scheme against her. Knowing this, the only reason Mira made friends was so she could control who her eventual backstabbers would be and could kill them without remorse.

So having to think about Maria, Celaine, and Dominique is something entirely new to her and if she's being honest, she's not sure how to feel about it. She's still guarded against them in the event that they eventually betray her trust, but deep down Mira hopes that such a thing never happens.

She'd never admit it, but having those 3 around has made her life a bit more colorful. However, it's for this reason that their betrayal would hurt so much more.

"Maybe separating from each other could do us some good. If they truly care, then things should still be fine even if we haven't seen each other in a few years."

It seems that Mira has forgotten all the times where her and Maria were separated. They are actually separated quite often and sometimes for years at a time. One example being the trial they both went through. That ordeal took a whole 2 years! And the most recent example is the Secret Realm. They were separated for a little under that time. Sure, it's not like they were truly 'separated' but they were each off doing their own thing by themselves.

"Sigh… Whatever happens, happens. I should first stabilize my state of mind then start cultivating to reach the Peak of the Foundation Realm. Hopefully, Rhydian will wake up during that time since I really don't want to leave her here and I especially don't want to carry this lazy dog around! After that, I'll find out when the Entrance Exam is, then hopefully I can gather the proper resources to break through to the Core Formation Realm."

Mira thought to herself out loud, but was interrupted by her supposed 'friends'.

"Mira!! What are you mumbling to yourself? You seem all serious! Don't tell me you're thinking about leaving without telling us? That would make me… sniff… sad you know?"

'Fuck! This bitch is too sharp sometimes! How did she even come to that conclusion? Is she secretly a psychic?'

Mira cursed in her mind, but decided to answer anyway.

"I was just thinking that we'll probably have to split up soon. You guys need to find your own paths forward and I do too. Remember, the Core Formation Realm will bring not only a qualitative change to our strength, but also our talent and other things as well. I also need to search for my own path because I don't even know how I want to form my core."

"Oh? I guess you're right. We can always meet each other at the Main Sect's Entrance Exam so no problem there! It also seems like you don't plan on forming your core strictly with ice treasures. Why is that? I thought for sure that ice was your main and most powerful element."

"It is and that'll still be the case after I breakthrough, but I have to take my Dao and Physique into account as well."

"Hmm~ I guess you're right. Well, you're on your own there! I have no idea how to help you with that! Hehe~"

Maria said with pride and Mira really wondered how she could say something like that with a face full of pride.

The two of them continued talking as they made their way back to their residence and eventually Mira ended up in her room. She was going to focus on meditating for the next few weeks before trying to break through to the Peak of the Foundation Realm. If everything goes as planned then it should take at maximum 2 months for her to do this and hopefully it won't take more than a month.

She has plenty of resources to help her breakthrough to the Peak of the Foundation Realm, so she should basically be able to directly breakthrough whenever she's ready. Not to mention, she's basically on the cusp of a breakthrough right now and only needs a slight push. However, she doesn't want anything going wrong with her mind being unstable so for now she can only wait.

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