Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 716 [Bonus ]Pleasure (R-18)

[A/N: Lemons ahead! Feel free to skip this chapter if you want, but I think you should still read it. ;)]


I think these scenes The room into which Maria led Mira was dimly lit and intimate, accentuated with luxurious décor and soothing colors. 

Closing the door behind them, Maria jumped onto Mira like a koala and grabbed her cheeks, pulling her in for a kiss, her blue eyes brimming with desire.

Mira, taken aback for a moment, wrapped her hands around Maria's ass and took the lead. Her eyes gleamed like a hunter who had just caught her prey, causing a dense, overwhelming pheromone to flood Maria's senses. 

"Mmmm~" Maria moaned, snuggling closer into Mira's embrace like a little kitty that had returned to its owner. 

Sensing the submissive surrender in Maria's actions, a primal satisfaction stirred in Mira. She willingly indulged Maria's forwardness, her hands gripping the woman's waist and holding her steady. But it wasn't long before she claimed control of the situation. 

She spun around and pushed Maria's back up against the wall, her large body and furry tails encompassing Maria, preventing her from escaping. Not that she would do such a thing.

The kiss was passionate and brimming with emotions, their lips meshing in a silent declaration of longing. Maria's hands found purchase in Mira's hair, pulling her in deeper. In response, Mira bit down on Maria's lower lip, eliciting a soft gasp from the woman in her arms.

Hearing Maria's whimper, Mira felt a sense of satisfaction. Taking this opportunity, she slid her tongue inside Maria's mouth, tasting the sweetness that was uniquely hers. 

They broke the kiss, their breaths heavy and intermingling. Maria, still wrapped around Mira, looked into her eyes, her own wide with anticipation and excitement.

"Eager, aren't we?" Mira asked in a low voice, a smirk evident on her face. 

Maria blushed and cocked her head to the side, not daring to look Mira in the eyes, but she didn't deny it. 

She couldn't help it! She has desires too, you know?! She's not some abstinent monk that knew nothing of earthly pleasures!

As the saying goes, 'distance makes the heart grow fonder'. Hearing all the stories about Mira and how she took on powerful cultivators, participated in wars, and who knows what other dangerous things, she couldn't help but feel an… urge. 

Seeing Mira show up, all sexy and dominant, she couldn't hold her desires in any longer.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She wanted to be taken. NOW!

A low, husky chuckle left Mira's lips as she lifted Maria slightly, carrying her over to the bed situated in the center of the room.

The bed was covered in soft fabric, and Mira roughly tossed Maria onto it.

"Kyaa~" Maria squealed playfully, looking back at Mira with wide, innocent eyes. It was as if she was asking, 'W-What are you going to do to me?' with her expression.

Mira walked toward the bed with slow, purposeful steps, her tails flailing wildly. Maria's expression ignited a sadistic lust in her, but not one to be overtaken by her emotions, she remained cool-headed.

Standing at the edge of the bed, she crossed her arms and stared down at Maria, her intense crimson gaze causing the blonde to shiver. 

"Strip." She ordered. 

Maria's cheeks flared a deep red at Mira's command, but she didn't protest. Instead, she sat up slowly, keeping her eyes locked with Mira's.

With a deep breath, Maria reached down and started to untie her dress, her hands shaking slightly. 

As the fabric fell away, Mira's gaze roved over Maria's form, her crimson eyes glowing in the dim light. She watched as Maria undid her dress, revealing more and more of her skin.

After she was left bare, Maria wasn't sure what to do with her hands, so she covered her large boobs with one of her arms and her crotch with the other. The intensity behind Mira's gaze was so high that she felt it prickle her skin, making her more embarrassed. 

"...A-Are you just going to stand there and look?" She stuttered with her head down.

Mira unknowingly smirked, showing off a pair of elongated canines.

"Why not?" she drawled, her voice dropping to a husky purr. "After all, isn't it only fair that I admire the beautiful woman before me?"

Maria flushed even deeper, if possible. Her heart pounded in her chest, her nervousness amplified by Mira's intense gaze. She squirmed under the attention, her embarrassment clear in her actions.

Yet, at the same time, there was an underlying spark of anticipation and desire in her eyes. Mira's dominant, sadistic streak, far from deterring Maria, only served to draw her in further.

Mira made no move to approach the bed. Instead, she chose to remain standing at the edge, her eyes greedily drinking in Maria's form. Her tails flicked idly behind her, an unconscious manifestation of her excitement.

Maria, feeling both shy and excited, decided to play along. Letting her hands drop to her sides, she presented herself to Mira's gaze. 

The sight stoked Mira's own lust, her crimson eyes glowing with heat.

"Good girl," Mira praised, her voice carrying a note of satisfaction. "Now, turn around."

Maria did as she was told, turning her back to Mira. As she did so, she felt a cold gust of air graze her bare skin, making her shiver. The anticipation was building up inside her, causing her heartbeat to increase.

Mira, watching Maria's reactions, felt her satisfaction grow. The way Maria yielded to her, the way she obeyed her commands, stirred something deep within her. It was a thrill, a sense of power that was intoxicating.

"Stay like that," Mira instructed, her voice firm. She stepped forward, finally closing the distance between them.

Maria tensed as she felt Mira's presence behind her. She didn't dare move, her body frozen in place as she waited for Mira's next move.

And then, she felt it. Mira's hands, cool and firm, began to glide over her body. They moved confidently, tracing the curves of her waist, the slope of her back, and the swell of her hips.

"Mmm~" A gasp slipped past Maria's lips at the intimate touch, her body instinctively arching into Mira's hands. 

Mira took her time, exploring every inch of Maria's body with her hands. She could hear Maria's soft gasps and sighs, feel her body trembling under her touch. It was a heady feeling, one that only made Mira more eager to continue.

Slowly, tantalizingly slow, Mira's hands traveled lower, tracing a path that left Maria shivering in anticipation.

Then, without warning, Mira plunged her long middle finger inside Maria's soaked honeypot.

"OH~ MMMm~" Maria moaned, but Mira grabbed her chin and shoved her tongue inside her mouth, silencing the blonde beauty.

Mira's finger explored the depths of Maria's cave, searching for all her sensitive spots. 

Meanwhile, Maria moaned inside her mouth and squirmed in pleasure under Mira's heavy body. 

A few of Mira's tails coiled around Maria's limbs, locking her in place. 

Not longer than a few minutes, the sounds of squelching resounded throughout the room, and Maria's moans became more fervent. 

Mira sped up the pace, understanding that Maria was about to climax. Suddenly, Mira massaged a slightly rougher part in Maria's cave, causing Maria to arch her back, tense up, and gasp.

"MMMMPH~~" She tried to move her mouth away from Mira's to scream in pleasure, but Mira's grip remained firm.

Then, to add to the already powerful orgasm, Mira sent a tiny bolt of Yin Lightning along Maria's wet folds.

Maria's eyes rolled back in her head, and she passed out for a moment. Her honeypot released continuous streams of fluid as Mira finally stopped her assault. 

Releasing her mouth and body, Mira flipped Maria onto her back, preparing her for the next round. However, the blonde beauty just laid there, gasping for air as she came down from her sex-induced high.

"T-That… That was amazing." Maria muttered breathlessly. Then, with what little strength she had left in her body, she stared at Mira, but whatever she was going to say next got caught in her throat. 

At some point, Mira had also stripped, showing her perfect body. Except, this time, it wasn't so perfect. There were dozens if not hundreds, of scars all over her body that still hadn't healed from her last battle. 

Although such a thing should've alerted Maria that Mira was badly injured not long ago, she couldn't help but drool at the sight. 

Admittedly, all those scars only made her more aroused.

Her gaze roamed all over Mira's body before it eventually landed on her pure, untouched flower. She reached her hand out to touch it, wanting to be the first and only person inside it, but a firm hand stopped her before she could do that.

"What are you doing?" Mira asked sternly. 

Maria flinched at Mira's tone but still managed to say, "S-Since you gave me so much pleasure, I… I just thought I could do the same for you."

"Hmm?" Mira hummed, then chuckled. "You should worry about yourself more, little bunny. That was just an appetizer."


Maria wanted to say something, but before she could, Mira's head fell onto her chest, her canines nipping her breasts. Leaving behind bite marks and hickeys, Mira's mouth explored every inch of skin as if to mark Maria as hers.

"Time for round two," Mira said while lifting Maria's hips up, her tongue diving deep into her forbidden cave.



The two kept at their intense mating sessions for hours. The rest of the day, and even well into the night, Maria's moans and screams echoed throughout the room as Mira dominated her mind and body, forcing her into absolute submission.

At some point, Mira even used her charm tail to increase the potency of the pleasure Maria felt. 

She went all out today, not holding anything back. It wasn't until Maria passed out from exhaustion, falling asleep, did Mira finally stop.

However, through it all, there was one thing that bothered Maria. It was the fact that Mira didn't allow herself to be pleasured. Any attempts to do so were soon followed by an even more intense love-making session, forcing Maria to forget all about it.


[A/N: I'm not used to writing this sort of content. It feels weird for me to write stuff like this. As ironic as it is, I actually want these scenes to be more 'wholesome' than anything and not quite so explicit. To me, it actually suits Mira's character better, despite most of the story being quite graphic. Let me know your thoughts. I'm not used to these sorts of scenes, so I'm sure there are things I could improve on, but right now, I'm satisfied with the way this chapter turned out. 

Thanks for the support!]

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