Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 698: The Eagle Lord

Chapter 698: The Eagle Lord

“Eagle Lord! The guests have arrived!”

Immortal Wolf Hunter Nan Lang spoke in front of a set of double doors. Behind him were his two direct disciples as well as Chen Wentian and his two female disciples. They were far away from the center of the manor and nowhere near the main hall. When the doors opened, it revealed a small garden that seemed more like a place of leisure than a place to talk about serious matters.

A middle-aged man in dark red robes stood in the middle. Surrounding him were many colorful songbirds in wood and metal cages. They hung from the eaves all throughout and their chips and cries rang out like a vibrant symphony.

“You’re here.” Immortal Crimson Eagle Qu Shen turned around.

He had a full head of black hair that was obviously dyed. His face was round and energetic but there were already plenty of wrinkles. His shoulders were rounded and he had a slight pouch.

He seemed old and yet unwilling to accept this reality. He wasn’t old as a fart like other Spirit Kings but it was getting difficult to hide from the inevitable. He looked every bit like a power immortal who had finally hit an impossible bottleneck, like someone who had given up on cultivation to enjoy the rest of his years.

“Immortal Crimson Eagle Qu Shen, it is good to finally meet you. I didn’t expect it to be in Beast God City but your hospitality has been thus far has been excellent.”

Chen Wentian’s response was respectful but not inferior or subservient. His physical appearance also couldn’t be any more different. He was young and energetic. He exuded an aura of vigor that could only come from someone in the prime of their life.

“Hmph.” Qu Shen snorted.

His eyes narrowed and a sharp gust of wind swept through the garden. The songbirds cried out in panic as a mighty aura pressed down from the sky like a mountain. Although he was old, he still had his pride as a Spirit King.

“Eagle lord…” Nan Lang said, unsure of what to do.

Chen Wentian wasn’t nervous at all. He raised his right hand and directed an umbrella of blue flames to deflect his opponent’s spiritual pressure. He put just enough strength into resisting and gave Qu Shen a good show of his abilities.

“Good, haha, good.” Qu Shen said and pulled back.

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He stroked his beard and studied Chen Wentian for a little while longer before shaking his head, “That time you jumped out in front of everyone to fight He Zicheng on behalf of your disciple, I along with everyone else thought that you were simply an idiot, a person who recently broke through and was still overestimating their own worth. I see the real reason now. You are a little arrogant but your confidence is not unwarranted. I don’t think even Xiao Lang will be your opponent in a one-on-one fight.”

Nan Lang didn’t look happy at this statement. Given his stature and his age, he was probably the strongest fighter among the current Spirit Lords in Beast God Sanctum. But Qu Shen’s guess was closer to the truth than anyone else could achieve. A Spirit King’s experience and instinct couldn’t be underestimated.

“Then, shall we discuss the terms of our alliance?” Chen Wentian asked, “I think you won’t be disappointed in what I can offer.”

Qu Shen laughed. He turned around to give a nearby birdcage some water. He did that for a little while, leaving the question handing in awkward silence.

“What’s the rush? Why not rest a few days since you are here? I will host a few banquets, invite some of the most beautiful dancers that the city has to offer. Don’t you like these things?”

He seemed wholly unhurried as if this talk of an alliance between two immortal sects was a casual matter to be discussed over a meal. Perhaps, more critically, without an agreement in place, Chen Wentian would be at Qu Shen’s whim and at a disadvantage. After all, Chen Wentian had stepped into the enemy’s territory, the lair of beasts so to speak. There was no rush to let him leave.

Qu Shen continued, “And your disciples will also be well taken care of. Some things should be discussed between immortals. Disciples should get to know other disciples. My eagle manor has many talented youths. You have met some of them already. There are many opportunities around Beast God City. Your disciples can stay as long as they wish. All costs will, of course, be of no concern as you are our valued guests.”

He smiled at them and his eyes flashed with spiritual energy. His words were reasonable and friendly but his tone left little room for haggling. It was like he expected obedience, like he was ordering around his subordinates instead of strangers.

Chen Wentian was sure that if he refused, it would result in a more dangerous situation. He had prepared for such contingencies but he wasn’t looking for a fight. He was here to make sure that Qu Shen and He Zicheng didn’t leave the city. He didn’t care about being inconvenienced for a while.

Chen Wentian smiled and nodded, “If that is Senior Qu’s way of showing hospitality, then this Chen will naturally not refuse. I shall follow Senior Qu’s arrangements.”

“Hahaha!” Qu Shen laughed, “I see you have lost a bit of the hotheadedness that got you into trouble in the past. That’s good. Xiao Lang, show them to their room and prepare a banquet for tonight!”

“Yes, eagle lord!”


Chen Wentian and his two disciples entered the lavishly decorated accommodations and took stock of their surroundings. Several windows allowed them to overlook the vast city and mountains and gorges in the distance. There were several bedrooms and even a private bath. It was certainly fitting for distinguished guests even though it felt more like a prison.

Chen Wentian went to the balcony to get some fresh air while Zhou Ziyun flopped onto a nearby chair.

“Tch, songbirds… does he think he can cage us in this city? Is he senile?” She said harshly. “I think the bullying would come so quickly. He didn’t even bother hearing about what we had to offer.”

Li Yuechan sat down beside her and said, “That is the arrogance of power. The previous master of Glacier Palace was like that. She was wholly unapproachable and whatever she said was the law. She did things at her own pace and no one could tell her otherwise. This eagle lord Qu Shen has ruled over the Beast God Sanctum for over five hundred years. It is understandable.”

“I know, I know. It is just frustrating. And I was hoping I wouldn’t have to deal with idiot beast sect disciples but they are forcing it on us.”


Zhou Ziyun sat up and gave Li Yuechan a sly look, “You should be careful. That pretty boy Qu Jing was all over you during the boat ride here. I almost died from being embarrassed for his sake. Who knows, at this rate, he might even ask you to marry him.”

Li Yuechan scoffed and looked away, “Sister Zhou shouldn’t joke like that.”

Zhou Ziyun giggled, “Actually, I am not really worried about some stray dogs and pigeons sniffing at our feet. I am more worried about the jealous dragon behind you.”

“Wha… Master?”

Before Li Yuechan could turn around, she felt a pair of strong arms hug her shoulders.


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