Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao

Chapter 149 Nine Heavens Soul Technique: First Level!

Chapter 149  Nine Heavens Soul Technique: First Level!


Aixen, the ancient and wise Artifact Spirit, stood before Arthur, his eyes filled with a profound knowledge.

He began to explain about the benefits of the Nine Heavens Soul Technique, shedding light on its inner workings and the stages of mastery required to access Arthur's soul memories.

"Master," Aixen began, "the Nine Heavens Soul Technique is a cultivation method that harnesses the power of the soul to unlock its hidden depths. Each level of mastery will bring you closer to the awakening of your soul's memories."

Arthur listened intently, absorbing every word. He realized that his journey was not merely about mastering the technique, but about delving into the very essence of his being.

"The first level of the technique," Aixen continued, "is divided into ten stages and so are the next eight levels. As you progress through each stage, your soul power will grow stronger, or... that's how it's supposed to be but with your current soul power the early stages will bring no increase."

Arthur nodded in understanding and waited for Aixen to continue.

"But what it will do for you is to allow you to have greater mastery over your soul power. Permit me to use the example but right now Master is like a newborn with the powers of God, and no understanding of how much he can do."

"Also as you master it your connection to your past life memories will deepen. Once you reach a certain level, at least the third, you should be able to access some fragments memories."

Arthur's eyes gleamed with determination. He understood the significance of this opportunity. It was a chance to uncover the truths of his past and tap into the vast knowledge and experiences of his soul clones.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With Aixen's guidance, Arthur embarked on his journey of soul cultivation. He dedicated himself to the practice of the Nine Heavens Soul Technique, spending hours each day immersing himself in the intricate movements and meditative states described in the technique.

Days turned into a week, and Arthur's progress was remarkable. His mastery over his soul power grew, allowing him to tap into more of its potential. His consciousness and mental strength expanded, enabling him to navigate the depths of his soul with ease.

Each stage of the first level brought him closer to his goal. Arthur could feel the memories of his past life and the knowledge of his soul clones beckoning him, just beyond his reach. He persisted, pushing himself to the limits, determined to unlock the treasures hidden within.

Finally, after a week of dedicated practice, Arthur reached the tenth stage of the first level. Aixen observed his progress with a sense of pride. "Master, you have done well. Your soul power mastery has reached a profound level."

Arthur nodded, "You are right, the things I can do with my soul power now are greater."

Arthur released his soul force and scanned the area and he discovered that his range had increased by more than ten times now!

With his soul power he 'saw' Cora who was still meditating above the lake but she suddenly opened her eyes warily, and Arthur withdrew his soul power.

"With this level of skill, I might be able to see through the defenses of the sword tower," Arthur thought.

Arthur's heart pounded with anticipation. The moment of truth had arrived. He closed his eyes and entered a deep meditative state, his consciousness and mental strength had increased greatly and now he would be able last longer when he sends his consciousness into the gems.

As Arthur appeared within the depts of his soul, He became acutely aware of the gem of time, one of the artifacts that held immense potential within him.

Drawn by the gem itself, Arthur directed his consciousness towards the gem of time. He meditated, allowing his mind to merge with the essence of the artifact.

Within the gem, the mysterious Dao of Time unraveled its secrets before Arthur's eyes. Step by step, the profound knowledge of time unfolded, revealing the intricacies of its flow and the power it held.

Arthur's perception transcended the boundaries of ordinary time. He grasped the essence of the Time Dao, sensing its ebb and flow, and understanding its profound impact on the world around him.

As Arthur delved deeper into the essence of the Time Dao, he felt a profound sense of awe. The intricate dance of past, present, and future unfolded before him, revealing the interconnectedness of all moments in the tapestry of time.

His consciousness expanded, encompassing the vastness of the Time Dao. He became aware of the threads that wove together the fabric of existence, the subtle fluctuations that shaped the course of events. It was as if he had gained a glimpse into the very fabric of reality itself.

With each passing moment, Arthur's comprehension of the Time Dao grew. He began to unravel its mysteries, step by step, reaching a level of understanding that surpassed his previous limits.

In this meditative state, Arthur's perception of time shifted. He could sense the subtle ripples of causality, the choices and actions that set forth a chain reaction of events. It was as if he could glimpse the possibilities and consequences that lay ahead, giving him a newfound clarity and foresight.

As he immersed himself further, Arthur's connection to the gem of time deepened. He could feel the pulse of its energy resonating within him, a symbiotic bond between artifact and wielder. The gem seemed to awaken to his presence, responding to his quest for knowledge.

Within the meditative realm, Arthur experienced a profound revelation. He comprehended the Intent Level of the Time Dao, the underlying principles that governed its essence. It was a realization that transcended words, a deep knowing that resonated within his soul.

The wisdom gained from his exploration of the Time Dao intertwined with his mastery of the Nine Heavens Soul Technique. His new level of mastery over soul power would bring a great boost to his Alchemy refining abilities.

Arthur's eyes snapped open, filled with a renewed sense of purpose. The treasures he had unearthed within his soul and the revelations he had discovered within the gem of time would shape his path forward.

With a sense of gratitude and determination, Arthur stood up, ready to embark on the next phase of his journey. The power of his soul, now awakened and infused with the essence of time, would guide him towards his ultimate destiny.

He knew that he still had much to learn and countless challenges to overcome. But armed with the Nine Heavens Soul Technique and his newfound comprehension of the Time Dao, he felt an unwavering confidence coursing through his veins.

Arthur thought to himself, "Now, I need to see how far Balor has progressed."

It has been a week and Arthur needed to check up on this disciple of his. After all, he still had a promise to keep and 'challenge' to surmount.

Arthur smiled, thinking of how the sect will be shocked when Balor clears the tower.


------------End of Chapter------------


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