Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao

Chapter 173 Agreement: Balor Faces A Younger Version Of The Founder


Ayara followed the emperor through the camp until they reached a large, well-decorated tent.

The emperor gestured for her to enter, and as they settled inside, he motioned for her to take a seat.

"Where do you come from?" the emperor asked, his tone inquisitive.

"I am from the Eastern Continent," Ayara replied, her voice steady but cautious. She knew that revealing too much information could be dangerous.

The emperor leaned back in his seat, studying her. "The Eastern Continent... quite a journey to end up here."

Ayara nodded, not revealing any more than she had to.

"Tell me, how did you arrive here?" he inquired further.

Ayara hesitated for a moment, then explained, "We found ourselves in an unusual place, a realm of swirling energy. It felt like a whirlwind, and when it subsided, we were here."

The emperor listened attentively, his expression unreadable. "And what is your purpose here?"

Ayara's eyes held a mix of determination and weariness. "To regain my strength and find a way back."

The emperor's gaze didn't waver. "You mentioned a way to leave this place. Care to share?"

Ayara took a deep breath. She had to tread carefully. "I possess knowledge of a rare and lost ancient artifact that can manipulate space for short-range teleportation. It requires specific conditions, and I need to recover before I can perform it. In exchange for your assistance, I'm willing to share this artifact with you."

The emperor's brows raised slightly, and he leaned forward. "You have my attention."

Ayara nodded, relieved that he seemed interested. She knew that such a technique would be invaluable in a realm like this, where resources were scarce and traveling long distances was a challenge.


Meanwhile, back in the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, Kira had continued with her next trial. She found herself in a vivid landscape, a vast battlefield, and she understood that this trail will test her actual strength.

'As expected. Strength is revered above all else in this world,' she thought.

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The spirit's ethereal form seemed to study her. "You possess exceptional strength for someone of your age," his voice echoed within the trail.

"I've been fortunate in my training," Kira replied, her tone humble, as she fought the apparitions that attacked her.

The spirit's transparency seemed to waver, as if it were assessing her on a deeper level. "Very well. This trial will test your combat skills and strategic thinking."

Kira smiled, ready for whatever challenge awaited her as she dodged an attack and sent one of her own.

"Khadriane Reversal!"



Balor, in another part of the trails, was facing an unexpected scenario.

The environment around him shifted, and he found himself confronted by a figure who seemed very real, unlike the previous trials' illusions.

The figure was a young man, about his age, dressed in the attire of a cultivator.

"Who are you?" Balor demanded, his guard up.

The figure smiled, a gleam of familiarity in his eyes. "I am a reflection of the founder's past, a manifestation of his younger self."

Balor was taken aback. "You're the founder?"

The figure shook his head. "Not quite. Think of me as an echo of his essence during his early cultivation days."

Balor's curiosity piqued. "What's the purpose of this trial?"

The figure's expression turned serious. "To test your combat prowess and strategy."

Balor nodded, determination flickering in his eyes. "I'm ready."

The figure drew a sword, and the battle commenced. Balor was surprised by the figure's strength and technique.

It was like fighting a real opponent, and he quickly realized that he had to give his all to succeed.

As they clashed, the figure spoke, "To pass this trial, you need not defeat me. Injure me, and you will succeed."

Balor's determination intensified. He recognized the significance of this challenge – to show that he had truly grown as a swordsman.

As Balor faced the manifestation of the founder's past, the intensity of their battle increased.

Balor's sword clashed against the figure's strikes, each clash sending sparks of energy throughout the space.

He felt a mix of excitement and pressure, knowing that injuring the founder's past self would signify his growth as a swordsman.

Their swords clashed again, and Balor's mind raced. He unleashed a series of rapid strikes, aiming to find a weakness in his opponent's defense.

The figure countered with precise movements, his sword dancing like a phantom.

Balor's heart pounded as he adapted his tactics, trying to seize the opportunity to land a significant blow.


In the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, the Artifact spirit's attempts to access Arthur's location were met with a surprising obstacle – a seal that prevented his entry.

"What's going on? What means does that brat have to block my view and entry?"

Confusion and intrigue mingled in the spirit's transparent form. He couldn't help but marvel at Arthur's ability to restrict his access.

"Remarkable," the spirit muttered to himself, leaning into the mystery rather than becoming frustrated.

He realized that Arthur possessed means beyond his previous assumptions. He decided to wait, his curiosity piqued by this unexpected turn of events.


In the room with Arthur, he had a quick exchange with Aixen.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, master."


"But he has tried to access this place already, only to fail."

"So what is he doing now," Arthur asked.

"He seems more intrigued that upset. He appears to be interested in what is actually going on instead," Aixed chucked as he was confident in his means.

"I see. He can be intruqued all he wants, but now..."

Arthur's focus, however, was now on the task at hand – approaching the Heavenly Dao Sword.

Aixen's communication, though brief, reaffirmed Arthur's determination to proceed.

As Arthur drew closer to the sword, he felt an immense pressure bearing down on him.

The pressure was like a heavy weight on his soul, threatening to crush his willpower.

Yet, Arthur pressed forward, step by step, refusing to succumb to the pressure. He entered what seemed like an illusion – an endless staircase leading to the Heavenly Dao Sword.

Each step he took felt like an eternity, and with each step, the pressure increased.

The atmosphere crackled with an intensity that seemed tangible. Arthur's focus remained unbroken, his eyes locked on the prize before him.

As he climbed the illusory stairs, a phenomenon occurred – his body was invaded by the essence energy of the sword.

At first, it was disruptive, like a storm raging within him.

But then, Arthur's Dao Devouring Physique responded, instinctively absorbing and assimilating the invading energy.

His body began to glow faintly as the sword essence energy was transformed and merged with his own power.

The sensation was both exhilarating and a bit overwhelming. Arthur could feel his comprehension of Sword Dao expanding, even if it was only by a small margin.

He could almost hear Aixen's voice in his mind, encouraging him.

His Fate Sense tingled, indicating that this trial held a deeper significance than he initially anticipated. It was as if the universe itself was aligning for him, presenting a unique opportunity.

With every step, Arthur's resolve grew stronger.

He sensed that he was on the cusp of a breakthrough, a chance to unravel another layer of the mysteries that surrounded him.


------------End of Chapter------------


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