Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

71. Is It Okay To Kill?

71. Is It Okay To Kill?

The South King's Mansion in the capital city of Great Chang.


Ling Yao, Lin Fei, and the other five people looked a bit dusty by now. Nine Profound Sect was very far from the capital city, and even with fast horses, it took them five days to get there.

Looking at the South King's Mansion, Ling Yao's expression was somewhat complicated.

She had lived in the mansion for a full ten years before being sent to the Nine Profound Sect to practice martial arts at the age of ten.

However, during those ten years, because of her identity, Ling Yao had a hard time having a good impression of the mansion's life.

Ling Yao dismounted her horse and went straight to the mansion's side door.

The main gate of the mansion was only opened to welcome very important people. Others usually entered through the side door.


The guards at the side door stopped Ling Yao, Lin Fei, and the others.

Ling Yao frowned and directly took out a token. "I'm Ling Yao."

"Is it Miss Nineteenth? Miss Nineteen, please come in."

The guards referred to the children of the South King by their numbers unless they held a title or an official position.

Recognizing Ling Yao's identity, the guards naturally did not dare to stop her.

Ling Yao led Lin Fei and the others directly into the mansion.

"Is that Miss Nineteenth? She's changed so much."

"Back then, when she was in the mansion, she was obedient and often bullied by the other princes. I didn't expect her to look so imposing now."

"That's because Miss Nineteen's mother has a low status, but Miss Nineteen's martial talent is excellent after being sent to Nine Profound Sect. From the looks of it now, she has a lot of confidence."

"Who would've thought that Miss Nineteen would come back to compete for the position of the princess."

For a while, the guards were discussing in a low voice.

In the South King's Mansion, competition for the position of the princess or prince happened from time to time if one had strength and ambition.

Although Ling Yao had a low status, she had excellent martial talent, and that was her biggest confidence.

Returning to the mansion, Ling Yao first went to see her mother.

Ling Yao's mother looked dignified and elegant and did not appear to be aging.

Although she was just a maid in the mansion, Ling Yao often sent money to her after showing her martial talent at Nine Profound Sect, so her mother's life had been much better in these years.

"Hello, Madam."

Lin Fei and the others also saluted Ling Yao's mother.

"Good, good. You've come from far away. Please sit down."

Upon seeing Lin Fei and the others, Ling Yao's mother only forced a smile and a hint of worry flickered in her eyes.

She held Ling Yao's hand and couldn't help but ask, "Yao, do you really want to compete for the position of Princess with Six?"

"Mother, I came back this time to compete for the position of Princess! Otherwise, why would I practice martial arts so hard at Nine Profound Sect?"

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Ling Yao didn't hide her purpose for coming back.

Her mother sighed and said, "Yao, I am glad to see that you have ambition. However, Six has defeated six young ladies and eight young masters since becoming the Princess.

A total of fourteen competed for the position of Crown Prince, but they were all defeated by Six. Can you do it?"

Ling Yao's gaze was firm, and she said in a deep voice, "Mother, even if I can't, I have to try! You know the rules of the palace. Once a prince or princess turns eighteen and fails to win the position of Princess, they will be arranged to marry by the palace.

Once I'm married, I cannot practice martial arts at Nine Profound Sect. Without strong power, how can one control their own destiny?

Do I have to marry a fool like Thirteen Sister and cry all day long?

I don't want to accept such a fate. Therefore, no matter what, I have to try!"

The rule of the palace was that only the Princess could choose her husband after winning the position.

Only then could she control her own destiny!

"Okay, I can't control you. However, Six is shrewd. She must have already known about your return and will surely send someone to contact and investigate you.

Be careful and don't leave the palace if possible. Inside the palace, Six wouldn't dare to make a move."

Ling Yao nodded. Then, she asked the servants to arrange lodgings for Lin Fei and the others.

As the group of five walked towards the guest courtyard, they suddenly met two martial artists, one tall and thin, one short and fat.

"Nineteen, Princess heard that you came back and immediately asked us to bring you a message."

The tall and thin martial artist stopped Lin Fei and the others and said.

"Hmm? Fat Fool and Thin Fool, what message did Six send for me?" Ling Yao said coldly.

In the palace, only one person was qualified to be the Princess. That person was Six!

Only the person who won the position of Princess was qualified to be called Princess.

Of course, if it was a man, then he would be called the Prince.

"Nineteen, the Princess advises you to back down. Otherwise, if we really have to resort to force, you won't stand a chance! If Nineteen you are willing to withdraw from the competition for the princess's position, then the princess can arrange a good marriage for you. Otherwise, if you lose, the princess has to choose a 'good husband' for you!"

The Fat and Thin Fools spoke in a strange tone.

It was clearly a threat.

If Ling Yao failed, the princess could choose a husband for her.

At that time, if she chose an idiot, then Ling Yao would be finished for life!

Ling Yao's eyes turned cold, "Sixth sister should be concerned about herself. She's not getting any younger, and if she fails and marries out, I'm afraid their marital relationship won't be too harmonious."

"Hehe, Nineteen, that's all I've to say. It's up to you what to do. However, I've heard that you have been helping fellow sect brothers everywhere in Nine Profound Sect these years. But when it comes to vying for the princess's position, you can't even find a martial artist who gets acquired seventh level. Moreover, what kind of experts can Nine Profound Sect produce? Miss Nineteen should give up as soon as possible with these people..."

After speaking, the Fat and Thin Fools left.

Several female disciples of the Nine Profound Sect, Li Yin, Ouyang Rong, and Xia Bing, were a little angry.

If it weren't for being in the palace, they would have taken action.

"Senior Sister Ling, where did these two come from?" Li Yin asked.

Ling Yao wasn't as angry as they were.

Instead, she said solemnly, "They are the Fat and Thin Fools under Sixth Sister, who are at acquired sixth level!

Their combined mastery can even fight against acquired seventh-level martial artists. And, besides them, Sixth Sister also has two acquired seventh-level experts under her.

In fact, our chances of winning are very small."

Ling Yao had already tried her best.

She trained hard for months and improved all the way to acquired sixth level from acquired fourth level.

Li Yin, Ouyang Rong, and Xia Bing, on the other hand, were all acquired sixth-level martial artists.

Their strength could not be underestimated.

However, they did not have an acquired seventh level martial artist.

This was their biggest disadvantage.

Originally, Ling Yao hoped that Senior Brother Chu could lend her a hand.

Senior Brother Chu had just broken through to the acquired seventh level.

Perhaps there would be more chances of winning.

Unfortunately, Senior Brother Chu was not willing to help Ling Yao compete for the princess's position.

"Sixth Sister's only weakness is that her own strength is not strong, only acquired fifth level.

But she has a deep background. With some connections from her mother's family, she has brought in some martial artists who get acquired sixth or even seventh level.

That's why she can defeat so many people and occupy the position of the princess for so many years."

Lin Fei secretly nodded.

He had already understood how the competition for the princess's position worked.

The strength itself might not be so important in the competition.

Instead, one needed some background, connections, and so on.

No matter where one finds these experts, in the eyes of the South King's Mansion, its ability to bring in these experts as support was a kind of strength in itself.

Relationships, connections, background - these were all part of one's strength.

And what about Ling Yao?

Her advantage lay in her high martial arts talent.

However, the competition for the position of princess required a comprehensive comparison of these strengths.

"Acquired seventh level is nothing. We can still give it a try!

Right, let's take care of Fat Fool and Thin Fool first when the competition begins. Then we'll focus on the two acquired seventh-level experts. We may still have a chance of winning!"

Li Yin, Ouyang Rong, and Xia Bing, the three female disciples, were all filled with fighting spirits.

They did have a chance of winning.

Especially Ling Yao, her skills in saber techniques were extraordinary.

She could even fight against an acquired seventh level martial artist for a period of time.

This would be an opportunity!

"Junior Brother Lin, are you scared now?"

Li Yin joked when she saw Lin Fei had been silent all along.

Lin Fei shook his head and didn't answer directly.

Instead, he looked in the direction where Fat and Thin Fools had disappeared.

In a calm tone, he said, "Senior Sister Ling, I just want to know one thing. Is it okay to kill in the competition?"

Although Lin Fei's tone was calm, for some reason, it made Ling Yao's heart skip a beat.

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