Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

86. Letter From Lin Miao

86. Letter From Lin Miao

"Elder, I would like to purchase one Burst Qi Pill," Lin Fei immediately decided, wanting to give it a try.

"One Burst Qi Pill costs ten thousand contribution points," the Treasure Pavilion Elder said indifferently.

Lin Fei was astonished, "Ten thousand contribution points? That's so expensive!"

To put things into perspective, Lin Fei's Hidden Saber had only cost him a mere five thousand contribution points. The Hidden Saber was indeed a genuine treasure and had been specifically crafted.

"The Burst Qi Pill is a life-saving treasure, and the materials used to create it are extremely precious. Naturally, the price is high," the elder explained. "Moreover, refining Burst Qi Pills is no easy task. Even an innate expert must expend a great deal of energy to produce them. Ten thousand contribution points is already a discounted price for inner disciples."

Lin Fei nodded and promptly exchanged one Burst Qi Pill. He previously had three hundred thousand contribution points, but now only had two hundred ninety thousand left.

On his journey with Ling Yao to Chang City, Lin Fei helped Ling Yao secure the princess's position, earning five hundred thousand silver bills. Instead of converting these silver bills to contribution points, he continued to carry them with him. At present, he wasn't in urgent need of contribution points, the silver bills were more practical.

Lin Fei left the Treasure Pavilion and returned to his room. He sat down cross-legged and took out the Burst Qi Pill from his pocket. The pill was about the size of an eye, with a light yellow hue and no noticeable fragrance.

"Let's give it a try," he thought, opening his mouth and swallowing the Burst Qi Pill. The pill had a faint bitter taste, but it dissolved instantly upon entering his mouth.


The effects of the Burst Qi Pill erupted within Lin Fei's body, and his inner power seemed to ignite all at once. It surged rapidly and started to become agitated.

Lin Fei sensed that his inner power had increased by roughly thirty percent. This was a frightening number. An increase of thirty percent in inner power could potentially translate to a doubling or even more significant improvement in his overall strength. Martial artists would resort to using such a method as a desperate measure to save their lives.

Lin Fei's Three Vitality Technique was continuously operating within his body and clearing his meridians. He could indeed feel that his inner power had become impure. There were traces of black impurities attached to his veins, affecting the flow of his inner power. This was the pill poison.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A small amount of pill poison was not a big deal. However, if there was too much pill poison, it could block the meridians, and even previously cleared meridians could become obstructed again due to excessive pill poison.

Lin Fei tried to circulate his inner power to "cleanse" these impurities but found the process to be slow. Eventually, he decided to let the Three Vitality Technique handle the task on its own.

One hour, two hours, three hours... About twelve hours later, Lin Fei opened his eyes.

"The pill poison is gone?" Lin Fei sensed his body's meridians. The traces of pill poison that had been attached to his veins after consuming the Burst Qi Pill were now gone after twelve hours of the Three Vitality Technique's relentless cleansing.

Under normal circumstances, martial artists would take one or two months, or even longer, to cleanse the impurities caused by a single Burst Qi Pill.

Lin Fei pondered and concluded that this rapid cleansing might be related to his vast inner power.

Lin Fei's inner power was three-in-one, which provided him with an incredibly solid foundation. Now at the fifth level of the Acquired Realm, his inner power had increased exponentially, making it comparable to or even more profound than that of martial artists above the ninth level of the Acquired Realm.

With such vast inner power, it naturally wouldn't take long for Lin Fei to cleanse the pill poison left by a single Burst Qi Pill.

"Your Three Vitality Technique detected the pill poison impurities in your meridians and spent twelve hours diligently cleansing them. The progress of your Three Vitality Technique cultivation has increased by 2%."

A voice echoed in Lin Fei's mind, informing him that the progress of his Three Vitality Technique had increased from 61% to 63%. This delighted Lin Fei.

According to the speed at which the Three Vitality Technique cleansed the pill poison, it would take twelve hours to cleanse the poison from one Burst Qi Pill. This meant that Lin Fei could consume two pills per day and increase his cultivation progress from the current 1% to 4% daily. At this pace, it wouldn't take long for his Three Vitality Technique to reach the sixth, seventh level, and beyond.

Lin Fei was satisfied with the effects of the Burst Qi Pill. As he had anticipated, the pill poison had little impact on him. He could consume the pill long-term to accelerate his cultivation of the Three Vitality Technique. However, the cost of 10,000 contribution points per pill was quite expensive.

Moreover, the main issue was not the price, but the fact that Lin Fei couldn't openly purchase large quantities of Burst Qi Pills from the Treasure Pavilion. Buying one or two pills wouldn't be a problem, as they could be considered life-saving items, and having a few more on hand would be reasonable.

However, if Lin Fei were to frequently purchase Burst Qi Pills in large quantities, say dozens or even hundreds at a time, it would ultimately be too conspicuous. The elder of the Treasure Pavilion wasn't foolish. If Lin Fei were to buy large quantities of Burst Qi Pills and combined with his cultivation speed, they would surely suspect that he had resolved the pill's drawbacks. In the end, this would create unnecessary trouble for him.

"Perhaps I can find a way to obtain the pill recipe. Once I have the recipe, I can buy the ingredients and bring them back to the Lin family, letting Lin Miao try to refine the pills."

Lin Fei thought of a solution, which involved having Lin Miao refine the Burst Qi Pills. This way, even if he used a large number of pills, it wouldn't draw attention.

As for obtaining the pill recipe, Lin Fei didn't plan to solve this issue by himself. He had an existing connection that he could use.

"I'll leave the issue of the Burst Qi Pill recipe to Ling Yao. Now that she's a princess, her status is revered. A Burst Qi Pill recipe shouldn't be a problem for Ling Yao."

Lin Fei immediately thought of Ling Yao. This kind of task was most suitable for her. Besides, Ling Yao would probably be happy to help Lin Fei with this "small favor." So, Lin Fei promptly wrote a letter to Ling Yao and had it sent to Chang City.

In the following days, Lin Fei stayed at the Nine Profound Sect.

One day, two days, three days...

On this day, Lin Fei received two letters.

"Two letters?"

Lin Fei looked at the letters. One was from Chang City, likely a reply from Ling Yao regarding the matter he had asked her to handle. The other one came from Zhou Mountain Mansion City.

"Zhou Mountain Mansion City, did something happens at home?"

Frowning, Lin Fei immediately opened the letter. After reading its content, he found out that it was a letter from Lin Miao.

Lin Miao rarely wrote to Lin Fei. This time, he wrote to inform him of some good news: Lin Miao had made a breakthrough! In just a few months, he had reached the first level of the Qi Condensation Realm!

This was big news, which was why Lin Miao had written to inform Lin Fei. However, Lin Fei didn't feel too happy but was rather slightly concerned.

"Considering Lin Miao's aptitude and his previous cultivation speed, it would probably take him several years to break through to the first level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

Even with the Yin Gathering Formation, it should take more than a year for him to possibly break through. But now, it's only been a few months. How did Lin Miao make a breakthrough?"

Lin Fei felt that there might be a problem.

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