In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 114

114 Reaching into them

They waited until Xavier calm down. They asked him to join after he was done arranging his uncle’s funeral. Justice asked Bernard to go inside his room. Vale sat on the sofa right away while Justice pour some aggrus for them.

“So, tell me, Bernard, why are you so sure he was Drake Beyor? And what happened with Jason that took you here in the first place?” Justice sat on the sofa while his eyes stared at Bernard.

Bernard took a deep breath. He sat on the sofa with his aggrus in his hand. “Where should I begin? Oh yeah, maybe when prince Jason and I got news about the flesh-eating people on Wolgala, where someone being orchestrated from the first time they were created a long time ago.”

Vale and Justice exchanged looks, and the magi decide to ask, “So, did you mean Drake Beyor was involved in the creation of the lycans? Come on Bernard, that was absurd.”

“It was the empress who revealed it to us, Richard Beyor and his sons, actually an alchemist, and a famous one back then. Drake was the genius one, so I took a shot, and turned out to be the truth. The werewolf needs troops, but they can procreate fast enough. The Beyor gave them the formula to create perfect soldiers for them.” He went quiet for a while, and then continued the story, “Little that they know, the creation has some major flaws. They love the taste of the people’s flesh.”

Justice flicked his chin, and he got another thing on his mind. “So, the Beyor was an alchemist family. Fascinating makes you wonder, though, what kind of grotesque creation that they made besides the lycans.”

“Well, it is simple, the blood plague, of course.” Said Vale, chuckling at his friend.

Dumbfounded by Vale’s words, everything went in full circle when he connected the dots. The story was about a family that loses their father, and one of them becomes another being entirely, wreaking havoc for one town and almost the whole kingdom.

“Of course, they were the ones that invented the vampirism, and the lycans actually have their first experiment before they perfected the vampirism.” Said Justice with a revelation.


“Exactly, they saw the lycan project as their opportunity, and when they saw the flaw in the lycan, they tried to perfect the formula once more,” Vale explained to Justice and also Bernard, who was invested in the story as well.

“Oh Gods, I could never connect the two and two together, so the lycans were the first trial so that the Beyor could have perfected the vampirism?” Bernard was in awe of the story.

“The werewolf gave them the opportunity,” Xavier talking from behind them, the three of them saw him walking from the outside and sitting on the sofa, “They never expected the result though, what they want was an obedient soldier, but what they got a killing maniacally monster instead.”

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“Are you good? Do you still need some time?” Justice asked his friend, worry that he was too fast to get back to them.

“No, I am fine. Xander will handle the rest at the moment. I... let’s just continue the conversation. For now, I need this distraction.” Xavier gave them a meek smile. He needs this distraction. He lost his uncle, and although they never had a close bond, he was a family that Xander always relied on.

“Oh yes, I got another piece of news. Your cure will be ready tomorrow. Captain Henry will pick the cure so you could go back right away to the capital.” Said Bernard to the three of them.

Justice glanced at his chief guard. “Did you meet them? Henry and Anne?”

Bernard nodded his head. “Yes, when I was in a hurry to go here, I saw the odd-looking carriage with captain Henry and Anne inside. I was actually helping them fight two lycans. Thankfully, we succeeded.”

“Wait, there were two lycans on their tailed?” Gods! I need to write the record about this, we thought every lycans already counted.” Xavier was devastated. He was so sure there was no pursuer because of the feast.

“Don’t worry, I was expecting this. I was already sent Kirara to Jason right now. He will send spies to every town and village.” Justice patted his shoulder, trying to give Xavier some reassurance.

Bernard follows suit, “Yes, miss Anne and captain Henry almost reached the capital. In fact, I was so sure they are already reaching the capital by now. Don’t worry about it, captain Xavier.” He gave Xavier a convincing smile, which Xavier gratefully accepted.

“Now, for another remaining question,” Justice gave them another thing to discuss, “Xavier, and I heard something when we defeated Drake Beyor. It was something that actually we hate to hear from him.”

Bernard and Vale, looking at Justice, don’t know about another set of words that coming from Drake Beyor’s mouth.

“He said something to the two of you?” Asked Vale to Justice and Xavier.

“Yes, just short words, but pretty effective to give us a small doubt in our mind,” Xavier answered Vale’s question with a dark expression on his face.

“What did he say to the two of you?” Bernard’s curiosity peaked.

“He said it wasn’t the last of him.” Said Justice, revealing Drake Beyor’s words to Bernard and Vale.

“What was that even mean? Was he alive?” Vale turned his head to Justice. “Wait, how do you feel?”

“I told you, the curse has been lifted. I can feel it. He was my main host, and I defeated him.” Justice said to Vale. He even revealed his neck where there was a certain bite mark before. Now it is clean, with no more bite marks.

“He was right, Justice is clean, and the main host is Drake Beyor...” Vale confirmed, but immediately his mind was in overdrive, “What exactly did Drake Beyor have in mind?”

“There’s nothing we can do for now. It was probably bogus, or there was a truth in it,” Justice said with a sigh. “We could discuss this at the capital after we buried the casualties and even the lycans.”

Xavier nodded his head. “You’re right. For now, we need to focus on the task ahead. I’ll go back to Xander for now. Need to bury my uncle tomorrow.”

Vale tapped his shoulder, “I’ll join you, I wanted to help with the burial,” He looks at Xavier for a moment, and gave his opinion, “Probably it’s best for you to take a bath first, I mean... You reek.”

Scratching his head, he got to agree with Vale. “Yes, you’re right. I’ll take a shower first. Wait for me.”

After half an hour, Vale and Xavier took the job of handling the burial for the battle victims, even for the lycans, while Justice and Bernard oversee the destruction of every building and the feast’s intended victims. He took the liberty of assessing the damage and plan to rebuild the whole town. Wolgala was named a mysterious and cursed time because of the long history of the people’s feast. Now, Justice had time to save this town and gave it its former glory as a mining town again.

Meanwhile, in another place, the odd-looking carriage finally arrived at the capital. Anne, our purple hair girl, arrived in front of the Icarus dorm. Henry was accompanying her to the front gate, where two people came and gave her a warm embrace. It was David and Darla.

“Oh, thank God you’re here. We were so worried that you were not going to make it.” Said Darla to Anne.

The exam result will be announced tomorrow after lunchtime. They need to be there first thing in the morning, gathering for lunch and the announcement. Thankfully, they arrived at the right time, and although still tired because of the long journey, Anne was still worried about the children in the carriage.

“I think I still need to join you in the alchemia tower. I mean, the children...” Anne pleaded with Henry. It was Henry’s suggestion to take her back to the dorm first.

Henry shook his head, and with a firm face he told Anne to go inside, “Go get your rest, your need it tomorrow, don’t worry about the children, you were already taking good care of them.”

“He is right, Anne. You need to get some rest. Your face was so pale, I bet you took no rest on your journey back.” David was helping Henry to convince his friend.

Anne finally give in, “Alright, please take good care of them, and get some rest as well.”

Henry smile at her, and gave her a warm embrace, he would love to continue their conversation inside the carriage, where he confessed about the crystal dagger and his crystal sword, but it will be for another day, at least he gets some closure by knowing that Anne knew about the story of her crystal dagger.

Looking at the carriage went by, Anne gave a smile to Henry, who waves at her from the window of the carriage. She knew something was on the horizon. Besides the announcement, the cure for the bewitched spell was done, and the effect of the cure was actually being written on the forbidden tome. Although Anne never revealed the devastating effect to anyone, she takes a long look at the carriage and goes inside the dorm with a heavy heart.

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