In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 123

123 The reassignment letter for the knight captain

The night in the small town was quiet, but the stars were brighter. Henry looks up and tried not to think about his reassignment. Thinking that he will meet with her once more, the one that lies, who gave them heartbreak and distraught.

He always kept the rage inside of him, but also, there were so many questions that he wanted to convey to her, the girl with mesmerizing purple hair, that will always amaze him. He let out a sigh and stands up from the chair.

“Sabrina, are you there?”

A beautiful red cardinal came out from Henry’s shadow. ‘Yes, my brooding handsome master, I am at your disposal.’

“I want you to go to Justice and told him that I got my reassignment, and he could shove his great sword into his *ss!” Said Henry to Sabrina, he was full of anger because of the reassignment and suspected that Justice was the one who gave him the reassignment mission.

‘I am sorry, master. Do you want me to convey the message wholeheartedly?’ Sabrina tilted her small head, trying to convince henry about his crude message.

“Yes, and I mean every word of it,” Henry said to Sabrina with gritted teeth.

Sabrina flies away, but not before grumbling, ‘How rude to let a lady say that kind of words.’

Henry saw his familiar fly into the night sky. He chuckles, looking at her, and then walks away back to the inn, trying to take some rest even when he knows it was a futile attempt. Horden saw him take the other bed beside him, and he stared at his grandson for a while, even though Henry didn’t make any sound or move around. Horden knew he wasn’t sleeping at all.


Worried about henry’s health, he hoped that meeting with Anne would give him a cure for his unhealthy habit. Although he knows, it is also not a good idea to meet with the one source that gave his grandson anxiety. He asked about her, and there was no answer from his grandson. His eyes darken and his mannerism becomes more crude and brash.

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The next day, the two of them eat breakfast in the inn restaurant Horden got a headache about Henry’s reassignment.

“Now, to my knowledge, the young miss never revealed to everyone where exactly she was going for two years, how we are going to find her now?” Horden grumbled while his eyes were on the glass map on the table.

The glassmap is the new invention of the alchemia tower. Instead of looking into an old scroll of the map with ancient drawing, you will now get a view of the actual town and village, you can even pinpoint the location of a person, as long as the glass map already get the image of the person.

“I know three people that knew her whereabouts.” Muttered Henry during his time in between chewing the meat and some aggrus, another unhealthy habit that Henry developed over the course of two years.

“Oh, do you mean her two friends during the exam period?” Said Horden, remembering two people that were sometimes accompanying Anne.

Henry nodded at Horden, “Yes, and also Brom, since he was dating Anne’s female friend.”

“Brom? The now magi captain Brom? Oh, never knew the day where he is getting a female friend where you don’t even interact with one.” Snickered Horden towards his grandson.

Henry just glared at his grandfather. He wasn’t even denying Horden’s accusation. Two years after the Viora incident, part of his heart died with the cure. He wasn’t the same afterward. The one who likes to flirt or have fun with people at parties, with his bright smile and neat look, was gone. He was being replaced with a brood swordsman, with long blonde hair and an unkempt look.

Looking at how persistent his grandson was to be as quiet as possible, he let out a sigh and asked Henry again, “Fine, so where should we go now? Capital is a long way to go to ask Brom.”

“Don’t worry, I know that one of her friends was on a mission in the nearest Bordertown.” Said Henry with disinterest on his face. Looks like boredom just came to him.

“Who? The huntsman?”

Henry shook his head, “No, the magi, I forgot his name. Darius or something... Oh David, yes, his name is David.”

“Let’s go to meet with this, David. Chief Hale needs to meet with her as soon as possible.” Said Horden while he put the empty glass of moomilk on the table.

Henry turns his attention to Horden. “Wait, who’s the one who reassignment me?”

“Prince Jason, on a request of chief Hale, tried to develop a new medicine and believes that Anne already gained the knowledge of the recipe,” Horden explained to him with a frown on his face, “I assumed you already knew about this.”

“No! I thought it was Justice who sent me the reassignment mission!” Henry was frustrated. He couldn’t believe that he sent Sabrina to berate his friend.

“How come you think it was from the crown prince?! You can even see prince Jason’s initials on the back of the envelope!” Horden, face-palming himself, knew immediately that Henry was doing something with a clouded judgment. “You’re making me worry now, Henry.”

“Why? Because I thought this stupid reassignment was from Justice?” Henry asked his grandfather a bit more harshly than he intended, he hate it when Horden could see far inside his mind. Henry doesn’t like to be judged, it comes with a territory nowadays.

“No... because I don’t like to see what are you going to do when you meet with her.” Muttered Horden, his face looking into his grandson with sympathy.

Henry gave him sighed, he stands up from the table and excused himself for a while. Horden knew that he just wanted to avoid him for a little while before departing to Bordertown.

“Ah, Anne, what did you do to him?” He muttered while sipping into another glass of moomilk.

They arrived at Merlinni town, a new border town that was a fisherman town one year ago. The Clandestine tower is in green color, a sign that the town is now safe from the hoard. People already walking around where the military personnel are giving them a hand in every destruction that occurred. Henry and Horden tried to find David by asking around, but so far, the guards couldn’t give them a definitive answer.

“Excuse me, may I acquire the identification from both of you?”

A sweet voice came from behind them when Horden and Henry turned to look at the source of the voice. What they see is a petite woman with a guard uniform. She was smiling at them with her right-hand open in front of them.

“Identification please, gentlemen.” Said the woman once again, with a very addicted smile on her face.

Horden took a glance at Henry, “Gave her your reassignment envelope since you don’t have your badge right now.”

“I lost the envelope.” Said Henry with disinterest on his face.

Horden’s eyes grew wide, “You lost your reassignment letter?! Oh my God! Henry!”

“Relax. What else can she do to us? Arrested two innocent people?” Henry said to his grandfather while yawning.

The petite girl put her hands on her waist, she was smirking, and said, “Yes, that was exactly what I was going to do, boys! Take them to jail.”

The two of them got thrown into jail, where Horden just can’t stop berating Henry over his mistake.

“Unbelievable Henry! Now what?!” Horden was gruntled while he paced around inside the jail.

“Relax, she will release us sooner. Now I could get some rest.” Henry lay on the small bed and gave a sigh of relief.

Horden stared at his grandson for a moment, “Son, are you trying to delay your mission?”

Gasping, Henry was appalled by Horden’s accusation. “No! I am not! I was just trying to find David as much as you do!”

“Oh, really?! What I saw earlier looks like a horrible act from you. Just tell me the truth!” Said Horden while he slam into the obsidian glass jail.

Henry stands up from the bed abruptly and yelled to his grandfather, “Fine! I was buying some time, so David and all the army were already gone when I gave them the reassignment letter that was inside my deep pocket all along!” He said to Horden straight up, where his sunken eyes and quivering lips were trying to tell Horden something.

Looking at Henry, the only thing that came out from Horden’s mouth was full-on sympathy. “Son... what happened to you? Two years and you look like a lost man, you rarely smile, can’t even maintain a good rest and not to mention...”

Henry dropped to the floor, his face full of agony, “I... I don’t know what happened to me anymore. The cure definitely helps with the obsession, but...”

“The cure? What are you talking about, Henry?” Horden was confused by the poor man’s answer.

Before they could communicate more, two people came into the jail room. The petite guard brings another person, a man with a white pale skin and a corporal magi badge on his uniform.

“There they are, Corporal David, just like when you saw them from afar.” Said the petite guard.

David looked at the two of them with slight astonishment. “Captain Henry, what are you doing here?”

Henry and Horden look at each other, and the elderly man smile at David, “We came looking for you.”

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