In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 130 - 130 The connected hearts

130 The connected hearts

“Please, chief Clara, calm yourself!” Senior healer Nathan put himself between chief Hale and chief Clara, trying to stop her to make another move on chief Hale.

Anne goes to chief Hale and observes the wound. “Are you alright, chief?”

Nodding his head, even when he still winced when Anne touched the red mark on his cheek, “I am fine, miss Anne, please don’t bother about it.”

“But, chief…”

“Don’t worry, he will be fine, but you…” Senior healer Tim took her hand and pulled her away from the room. “Probably best for you to follow me right now.”

Henry followed them from behind. “Wait! I’ll go with you.”

Senior healer Tim, Anne, and Henry leave chief Hale while chief Carla screams Anne’s name from behind them. Anne was shocked. She never knew that chief Carla was so against her, as for now, staying calm was all she could do.

Senior healer Tim pointed at the healer’s lounge and ushered the two of them inside, “Quick, enter the healer’s lounge. It will probably be empty because most of us still working on the critical patients right now.”

They sat on the corner lounge where it will be hidden from the door. Tim looked around and heave a sigh of relief with his body sinking onto the sofa.


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“Oh wow, that was intense. We never suspected that chief Carla will come back this soon.” He grinned at Henry and Anne.

Henry frowned at Tim, baffled by his excitement. “Why are you laughing? That woman slapping a chief, for not a very good reason.”

“Henry, you don’t have to be so rude.” Warned Anne to the brooding man.

“No, he was right. This is a bad situation,” Tim confirmed to Anne, while he scratches his head.

Anne looks at Tim and asked him about chief Carla’s sudden outburst. “I assumed chief Carla was against my sudden invitation to the main hospital?”

“Yes, and No, I mean she couldn’t be against something that she doesn’t know, right?” Said Tim to Henry and Anne.

“What?!” Anne and Henry shouted at the same time.

“Yeah, this is actually chief Hale and chief Obatto’s wishes, chief Carla was actually scheduled to be back in a week, she was following the new royal couple as their health staff,” Tim was disappointed and also grim by the prospect to get punishment from chief Carla, “I just hope she could have some decency to let you stay. She will punish me and Nathan for sure, but as long as you’re here, Anne, at least our sacrifice isn’t futile.”

A bit curious by how senior healer Tim said the words, Henry asked him directly, “Any decency? Punishment?”

Scratching his head, Tim was actually a bit reluctant to answer Henry’s question, “The thing is, everyone in this main hospital already knew about chief Carla’s admiration towards the nobles.”

Henry knew immediately what Tim was insinuating. “Ah, she’s a Noblevian, right?”

Tim nodded his head, but Anne looked confused by the term. “Noblevian? What is that?”

“Means a commoner who loves to be associated with the nobles,” Tim was answering the question, but his head turn around, and he whispered, “Our new princess is a former noblevian, actually.”

Raising his eyebrows, Henry saw this senior healer as a man who loves to rumor around his work area. Not long after, senior healer, Nathan found them, and the look on his face means it wasn’t something good.

“They call you back inside chief Hale’s office.” Said Nathan to the three of them.

“What happened now?” Asked Anne to Nathan, her concern was plastered all over her face.

Nathan was lost for words. He just smile at Anne and said, “Let us go, for now. Don’t worry, Horden and chief Hale will be there for you.”

Henry took Anne’s hand and pulled her softly from the chair. “Come on, worry about it will change nothing, just face it and be done with it.”

Even though Henry never saw her face when he said all the words, Anne knew he meant well. Smiling at all of them, she knew better to face chief Carla now than have to be worried all the time. She just hope that there was even slight good news for her. All of them arrived at the office once more. Chief Hale asked Anne to join them on the seater, while the others opt to stand around. Chief Carla’s eyes were locked on Anne’s every move, even when she was already settled in her seat. Anne just couldn’t comprehend the fact that chief Carla seems to hate her so much.

“Alright, miss Anne. After a conversation with chief Carla, she agreed to my proposal to give you a position in the main hospital.” Said chief Hale with a smile on his face.

Anne just couldn’t believe it. She gasped and turn into chief Carla, “I… Thank you so much.”

Chief Carla immediately turns her face away from Anne. “Don’t thank me just yet. I have a condition in order for you to be here.” Finally, this is the one that makes senior healer Nathan gave them a fake smile earlier. He knew about the condition that chief Carla demanded of chief Hale. She smiles wickedly while looking out the window. “First, I want them to cut your pay until all the amount from two years ago has been paid back. You running away after your certification, you should be fired!”

Henry clench his fist, he doesn’t know what’s chief Carla’s problem towards Anne, and he doesn’t really need to know, he just want to grab her collar and asked her how come you need to be so cruel to the lonely woman that doesn’t even have a family anymore. But then, he remembered, the four of them also did the same thing to her.

Looking at Anne, Henry could see the strength in her eyes. She was bravely challenging chief Carla, and admiration came into him like a strike of lightning.

“I can feel that it wasn’t the only condition that I will have.” Said Anne carefully to chief Carla.

Chief Carla snorted and finally looked at Anne, “Oh, you’re right young miss, instead of two days of work and one day of rest, you will get three days of work and one and a half days of resting, this will go for two years, and then you will get to have your normal shift back.”

Even senior healer Tim was protesting, “What? that was tortured! Three days without even a proper rest? Please, chief Hale, do…”

“I am the one who decided these conditions!” Chief Carla slams the table, her eyes glaring at Tim. “Chief Hale couldn’t do anything about this! So you and Nathan should shut your mouth!”

Something that Henry has never done was interrupt something that isn’t actually his problem. Right now he is going to do the opposite, but before he could speak his mind, Anne already stands up and gave chief Carla a warm smile.

“I accept the conditions.” Said Anne.

Henry’s eyes widen when he heard Anne bravely take the cruel terms from chief Carla. He saw how she was keeping her smile, even though her hand was steady. Anne was ready. Henry couldn’t even say anything to her. His heart almost skipped a beat looking at her, and he knows this was the real Anne, not the fragile girl that they always portrayed two years ago.

Chief Carla scoffed, “Fine! Now, I will let chief Hale do everything from your room at the barrack and also your shifts.” She excused herself, and the room got lifted immediately.

“What’s her problem?! She approves nothing about miss Anne!” Muttered Tim, he looks at her, and sympathy came into him. “I am sorry, Anne. Now you need to have more shifts.”

Anne shook her head and gave Tim a smile. “No worry, I love a challenge. Besides, I will have more time to find the cure for the new variant of the disease.”

Horden and chief Hale feel so proud to see her, Anne put up a fight when she needed the most. Chief Hale gave her the first sheet of her shifts and the key to her new room at the healer’s barrack.

“You will be on senior healer Nathan’s team, and you will work in two days from now, so please use your free time wisely,” Chief Hale proceed to hold Anne’s shoulder, “and miss Anne, I am so sorry, my hands are tied, but one thing for sure, you’re an incredible healer, and will bring many good things to us in the main hospital.”

A bit of tear came from Anne’s eyes, she nodded her head and smile gratefully to chief Hale, “There is so much gratitude that I need to convey, as you are one of the reasons why I decided to go back to the capital and dedicated myself to the main hospital.”

After the heartwarming reunion, Nathan took Anne to her new room, while Henry and Horden need to report to prince Jason and Henry will put on his captain badge once more. There wasn’t even a goodbye coming from Henry’s mouth, but one thing Anne knew for sure, the connections between them were never broken, and Anne need to close the link.

“Just stayed with them, because that is my gift to you. Use them, love them, and be with them.” The witch of the mountain words had lingered inside of her mind.

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