In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 91

91 Taking care more than one in her heart

Everyone went quiet, while Justice have a heated debate with Anne. The crown prince becomes so angry because of how bluntly Anne prevents him from taking a cure for the bewitched spell. They were glaring at each other now.

“I said why? It will be beneficial for you to be released from our obsession. Isn’t that what you want?!” Justice asked Anne with frustration on his face.

Anne could see that she got a misunderstanding at her hand. Raising her hands, she explains everything to Justice, “Wait, hear me out first. I do have some good reason.”

He scoffed, but still let her give him the reason. “Fine! Give it to me.”

“I mean it will be good for all the people if your urge for blood is contained by just one person, me!” Said Anne to Justice, “and also I was immune to the disease, so... it will be for the best if you used my immune to prevent the spread of the infection.”

“It was actually a good idea, Miss Anne,” Said Justice while smiling sweetly at Anne, “But we don’t know for sure if it was because of you’re immune to the disease or maybe because I couldn’t infect anyone.”

“Well, you wanted to find out? Go ahead, bite anyone then.” Anne challenged Justice with a smirk on her face.

Cursing, Justice went quiet, making Anne’s words actually have the truth in them. Vale is actually in the same boat as Justice, he doesn’t want Anne to be in this kind of situation. Imagining the horror when he saw her bitten by Justice. The blood oozed from her neck, crimson liquid drenched her dress, and a silent wail came from her lips.

“Anne, please think of this.” Vale basically pleaded with her. There was a crack in his voice, “I... I don’t want to... to see you like that anymore...”


“Oh Vale, don’t worry, I am not going to be hurt like before. We are going to find a harmless way for my sake and for Justice’s sake.” Anne saw the fear in Vale’s eyes. She knew what had happened. He remembered the moment when Justice gorged on her blood.

Chief Amaris gave her encouragement and also praised her bravery, “Miss Anne, I admire your courage, and your selflessness on this matter,” She cleared her throat and spoke one more time, “But know that the host which in case, the crown prince, need to drink the blood directly from your body. You can’t transfer the blood to, uhm... A container or something else.”

“Yes, I know chief Amaris, and I am willing to do that for him and for the safety of other people.” Said Anne, she was already considered every possibility, and in her mind, the way to do was to become the only source of blood for Justice, “I will do the best I could until we know what is the cure for his infectious disease.”

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Vale asked Justice to go for a second from the room, they go to Justice’s room and lock it from the inside.

“I know, you don’t want me to agree with her, but she got all the reasons right.” Said Justice immediately after he close the door.

Vale gasped, and he frowned at Justice. “Are you insane?! I know I wanted to respect her decision, but what you need to consider is it will be a struggle for her.”

Justice massaged his temple. “Then what do you want me to do differently?!”

“Drink the d*mn cure for the bewitched spell! We got almost everything, all we need now are the mandragora and the eggshell of a dragonling,” Vale was firm on his request, “Right now, Henry was coming back from Gaftan while looking for Mandragora on the dark and mischievous road everywhere, and Xavier was gone for few days, tracking the eggshell of a dragonling.”

Justice was hesitant, and Vale can see it through his eyes, the crown prince shook his head and stepped outside the room, he grab Anne’s shoulder, “Alright, done deal, I will take your offer, for now, I will never drink the bewitched spell cure until I was cured from my vampirism.”

Vale came around and did something unimaginable, he grab Justice’s collar and punched the crown prince’s face. People around were stunned. Even Brom could never predict the outcome. Vale was angry. He tried to punch him once again, but chief Amaris and Brom already separated them.

“Don’t be like this! His behavior resulted from the bewitched spell. You should know that by now!” Said chief Amaris to Vale.

Smirking at Vale, Justice wipes the blood that came from his lips. Anne felt helpless and stared at the two of them. She doesn’t know what she can do, but she respects and cares for the two of them. Chief Amaris looks at Anne and shouted at her.

“Miss Anne, you need to be in the center. Because of the spell, they will definitely obey your words!”

Anne heard the request and went to the center where she tried to put their senses back into them. “Justice! Vale! Please calm down! You don’t have to be like this. Let us talk about this in the most civil way!”

Interestingly, both of them went quiet and proceed to sit on the sofa, although as far away as possible. Chief Amaris whispered her praise to Anne, and once again they talked about the vampirism problem. The tense atmosphere still lingered, but this time at least there was Anne that can be the neutralizer of the quarrel.

Looking at both men, chief Amaris let out a sigh and speak, “Look, whether or not you like it, miss Anne already decided that she will become the only source of blood for the crown prince’s vampirism. You need to respect her decision, captain Vale,” Vale felt so bittered by the words, while Justice gave him a smug grin, but chef Amaris wasn’t going to let him go easily, “But! It doesn’t mean that you! Your majesty has full authority over her. Remember, she was offered this solution not just because of you, your majesty.”

Both of the gentlemen gruntled, they gave chief Amaris a very faint agreement, and then Vale shifted the story into another piece of news for the group.

“Henry sent me his familiar. He was on the way to the tower as we speak, and also trying to find the mandragora, and Xavier also went into another expedition, and told me about a lead of a possible dragon’s egg location.”

Chief Amaris was relieved by the outcome. The only ingredients left were the mandragora and the dragon’s egg shells. She already mixed the other ingredients, and thankfully she put them inside her secret container. All of this conversation made her remember David again. She could never get his image away from her mind.

“What we need, for now, was for the two of them to go back here and then we can proceed with the cure for the bewitched spell.” Said chief Amaris, her eyes never going away from either of Vale and Justice.

“So, we are going to be waiting? Am I right?” Asked Justice towards chief Amaris.

She nodded her head and told them to get some rest. Chief Amaris took glance at Anne, “especially you, Miss Anne. You need a rest because we never know when Justice will enrage and demand some blood.”

“Alright, but could I perhaps ask for permission to borrow some books from the library downstairs?” Anne pleaded with chef Amaris. She would love to read while laying on her bed, a bad habit of hers that she could never let go.

Chief Amaris smiled at her, “Of course, you can let...”

“I’ll go with you,” Vale’s sudden offer doesn’t leave Anne with no choice. “Don’t worry if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, no, it will be alright, thanks Vale,” Said Anne. She turned her face to Justice, “But please wait, I need to heal Justice’s cut wound.”

Still a bit angry towards Vale, Justice glared at his friend and said, “I’m fine, Anne. It will heal.”

Anne put her hand on his mouth and begin to give him the first aid spell. After the cut wound healed, she smiled at Justice, “Now, you look like a handsome prince again,” Said Anne with a bit of tease.

A warm feeling goes inside the crown prince’s mind. He was so sure it wasn’t the spell effect. Both Vale and Anne left the floor, Justice’s gaze lingered on the lift that brought Vale and Anne, Brom saw the crown prince and then said to him, “Don’t worry your majesty, Anne will be capable to love more than one man because she already had the thought of it.” and with that final word, he waves his hand and leaving the floor as well.

“I’m sorry to say, I still think your son is an *sshole.” Said Justice to chief Amaris.

Chief Amaris just gave him the smile, knowing full well about what kind of son he was. Meanwhile, Vale and Anne spend an hour in the library looking for a good book to read.

“I must say, I never knew you like to indulge in a book that it’s not about medicine or healing,” Vale said after he saw how enthusiastic Anne was over a book about the little monster and beyond.

“Hey, I do have some hobby,” Anne sulked at Vale, “You know in my world I never...” Anne suddenly closes her mouth. She looks to her side and saw Vale frowning at her.

“In your world? What do you mean by that?”

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