In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 95

95 Some ally, or some enemy

The three of them were on the terrace, still couldn’t believe the words inside the Doomen tome about the blood plague, the

“So, how come we need to kill the main host to cure the vampirism?” Asked Henry to his two friends.

Vale let out a sigh, “It was written inside the Doomen tome, apparently, vampirism is a cursed that is given to one person, and thus he gives the cursed to another and another, making the cursed become a disease and the disease becomes...”

“A pandemic.” Muttered Henry.

“And the only cure is to kill the main host in order for me to break from this curse.” Said Justice. He shook his head in disbelief. “What a joke.”

“Well... that would be difficult to achieve for now.” Mumbled Henry.

Justice scoffed while sipping on his aggrus, “Yeah, right, imagined that he was out there somewhere...” But suddenly, he stopped and came to a realization, “Wait, don’t you think he was out there looking for another victim? Maybe... Just maybe, I am not the only victim of his!”

“The kingdom will be in trouble. He could infect so many people by now.” Vale was nervous. “What should we do?”

Justice clasped his hand, trying to think of the best way to get through all of their problems, he looked at Vale and Henry, voicing his opinion, “We need to see the area where there is a strange occurrence happened in one week of time, I’ll ask Jason for it, and let’s search for Xavier, I think he needs us the most right now.”


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“I Agreed, going around blindly will be a foolish move,” Vale loved the idea. He then looks at Henry for another opinion. “What do you think?”

Henry nodded his head. “Yes, a good move. I agree as well.”

“Good, tomorrow Jason will come here to discuss some of my duties that I’ve delegated to him temporarily, afterwards, we should go searching for Xavier right away.” Justice laid out his plan to henry and Vale, he tried to make it as simple as possible, even though the situation was a bit dire, “How about it?”

“Yes, good enough.” Said Henry, and when everyone went quiet, he asked them another question, “Why do all of you feel the need to hide the fact that Anne was the owner of the crystal blade?”

Justice and Vale shared a glance. They don’t want to offend their best friend and tried hard to make some excuses.

“Look, we wanted to tell you immediately, we do, but we think that you going on a Bordertown mission with no distraction,” Vale tells him their opinion, which is actually half the truth.

Henry smiled and said, “Alright, so it was because I need to concentrate on my mission, not because you think it will be best to hide the fact from Anne that the crystal blade also meant something else?”

The other two went quiet. Henry’s accusation actually rings the truth. It was on the back of their mind that prevented Anne from knowing about the real meaning of the crystal blade. They thought Anne would favor Henry more if she knows about the crystal blade, or she could go away from them because of the overwhelming feeling that came from the crystal blade.

An engagement bond from the small item, even Anne isn’t aware of it.

“It would be better if you tell me about the crystal blade as soon as possible, I could tell her about the meaning of the crystal blade and probably give her a choice,” Henry whispered to Vale and Justice, explaining to them about their mistake, “Because when all of you hide it from her, and someone else told her before me, what do you think will happen?”

The truth came downing on them. Justice looking nervous at Henry. “You’re right, I am sorry Henry... No, we are sorry.”

“It’s alright, Hey we could always blame it on that bewitched spell, right?” Henry was joking around, he was truly forgiven their past mistake, “I will talk to Anne when I have the chance, don’t worry I’m not going to push her into anything, and she could wear the crystal blade as a token of a friendship if she wanted to.”

“Although you prefer it not to be a token for a friendship, right?” Teased Vale.

The three of them laughed and enjoyed the noon with good company. Meanwhile, Anne was helping chief Amaris inside her lab. They conversed about the bewitched spell cure chief Amaris brew. Chief Amaris was impressed by Anne. She asked her questions about the ingredients and the correct way to blend the medicine.

“You’re one of the weird healers that I have ever known.” Chief Amaris said to Anne with a smile on her face.

Anne smiles, “I am not a healer, well, a certified healer, though.”

“You’re already an established healer for me. Ed and Martha will be so proud when you get your certification.” She patted Anne’s back, giving her the encouragement that she need, “You know the story about your parents, right?”

“Story? What kind of story?” Anne curiously asked chief Amaris.

Chief Amaris shrugged. “Well, don’t you ever wonder how two brilliant healers never got a certification?”

For a short time, Anne just scribbled on her note and never spoke, until she goes to see chief Amaris, and she finally answered her, “I don’t know, the two of them never shared their exam story, I do curious about it, but I think the story itself doesn’t have a happy ending, with... you know them as the uncertified healer.”

“Yes, that was understandable, although it wasn’t all tears of sadness, my dear.” Said chief Amaris to Anne.

Anne frowned, listening to chief Amaris. “What do you mean?”

“Better you ask them by yourself. Trust me, it will be a very interesting story.” Chief Amaris gave her a wink, while her grinning from ear to ear.

Shaking her head, she snorted and laugh, Anne likes this dynamic between her and chief Amaris. At the capital, she has two good friends but doesn’t have a mentor yet, even though chief Amaris is an alchemist, but their duty nature is similar to one another. In every hospital, they also have the alchemia room, where every new case will come to the room, to provide more answers by investigating the disease.

However, Anne became an unusual individual on her own. Her fascination with something other than healing is perceived as odd in this world. As we already see, everyone in this world has one duty and the duty will become their sole focus for their entire life. Even though sometimes the duty evolves, just like the crown prince that in the future will be evolve into a king.

“So, how long is the cure for the bewitched spell to be finished?” Asked Anne, while staring at the medium glass jar brewing the cure with a white fire.

Chief Amaris peek at the cure, and commenting on Anne’s question, “Probably, about four days, I need to maintain the temperature.”

“Oh, then you should have this.” Anne reached into her pocket and handed her a tonic. “This is a good tonic when you’re too tired. You should drink it. I’ll make some more.”

Taking the tonic gratefully, chief Amaris then raised the tonic and said, “Thank you, dear, I know all about this tonic, I helped your father enhance the effect.”

Anne was fascinated by her words. “Really?! That’s amazing.”

“Not really, I just came to your family clinics back then and saw your father scribbled some kind of potion recipe,” Said chief Amaris to her, “I saw the recipe and muttered at him, that he need to tweak the recipe a bit.”

A glimmer of excitement came to Anne. “My father never told me about it. I will definitely ask him about this story as well.” Chief Amaris stare at her. She was trying to say something. Anne tilted her head, trying to question her, “What’s the matter?”

With a determination on her face, chief Amaris begin to open her mouth, “Anne, are you...”

Suddenly, a knock came on the door. They turned around and saw Henry smiling at Anne.

“Oh, there you are. Justice needs to talk to us. Come on.” Said Henry to her.

“But... Chief Amaris...” Anne turned her attention back to chief Amaris.

Smiling calmly, chief Amaris then said to Anne, “Don’t worry dear, we can talk another time. You should go to the crown prince now.”

A bit hesitant, Anne reluctantly followed Henry to go back to her floor. After Anne was gone, Brom came inside the laboratory. He stared at his mother while he was yawning and leaning against the wall. Chief Amaris took a glanced at him.

“Be patient, my son, be patient. We are going to get her soon enough.” Chief Amaris calmly talked to her son while she handled the glass jar in her hand.

“I know, but be careful mother, we never know her nature and what exactly she was.” Said Brom, looking with a disinterested expression as usual.

“Oh, but we know one thing, son. We know one thing about River Anne.” Chief Amaris smirked while looking at the glass jar with Anne’s name engraved on it.

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