Incubus' Blood Harem

Chapter 39 Breaking Body Vessel

[Back at Kayden's home]

"What do you mean by can't? I just literally absorbed this curse from you, you can do the same. Just absorb it back, easy eh."

Malcolm spouted by raising his voice in disbelief because it was impossible for him to keep that demonic energy within him for so long.

Jones shook his head and k hand deeply, there were many things needed to be told because Jones had been hiding a lot of crucial things.

"It can't be reversed, Malcolm. There are limitations to absorption but due to your body being an ordinary host to this mystical power, you might either end up rogue or dead."

Jones saw the horror in Malcolm's eyes which was expected because he did not want of that. He had always desired for power, to be loved and have a normal life. Hence what afraid him was the inevitable future changes within him, which might outcast him for his own nation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Although you can transfer it to some other host who can hold this power within. All you have to do is make Kayden suck this influx from you."

The old man told him the way but kept the secret to himself why he proposed Kayden's name. He could not directly pass that power to Kayden, now that Malcolm had absorbed a few filtered it; Kayden could take it.

Jones tried to pass the power to his son numerous times because Kayden's body could hold it. His body was a powerful vessel despite him being a lean and seemingly fragile kid. But Kayden's had an ambitious and strong core which enabled him to withhold the strength. Although Jones always wanted him to step step and used those powers, but due to some reason he was unable to awaken any on his side.

Kayden oozed a faint aura which only Jones and the people of Beelzebelle could sense due to the familiarity with knowledge and similar roots. But due to the curse his both powers were awakened at the same time. It drove Kayden uncomfortable and crazy when the influx of strength within him. However he was still stable to some extent after experiencing the demonic powers twice.

The particular thought persuaded Jones to transfer the rest of his cursed powers to his son. No matter how dangerous it could be in the future, it all depended on Kayden's mental and physically will. He could potentially succumb to the darkness or embrace the powers to merge with the literal demon inside him. Now Malcolm's body had already filtered that vile part, Jones did not have to worry regarding that.

Malcolm was unable to swallow what Jones said, he wanted Malcolm to transfer the malicious powers to his son despite acknowledging that it could kill Kayden too. He wanted to confirm if he heard it right or not, that's why asked again. While suspecting.

"Won't it be harmful for Kayden? I have seen him turning into a mindlessly killing monster twice, and you want me to aid him by transferring these powers?"

Jones smiled inwardly upon his witty analysis and also knew that Kayden and Malcolm's body vessels were different. That's why the powers had different affects on both of them, Malcolm was unable to summon them unlike Kayden. And those powers would eat him from inside contrasting to the merging with Kayden's body.

"Yes, I want you to do that. Because your body can't hold this curse, it's better for you to pass it on. And since Kayden is already affected by it, he will survive and learn to control the powers."

The old man explained to him and got up from the floor, Jones dusted off his clothes and glanced at Malcolm. He seemed doubtful regarding the whole idea of passing the powers. Jones already acknowledged that it would be hard to convince Malcolm, but only a few hours would definitely make him change his mind.

"I won't do it. You don't even know anything for certain, how can you be so sure that I will die soon?"

Malcolm stood up too and stepped back from Jones, his help made Malcolm control those tentacles. They shrank into his back although he felt a wave of pain in his body. It became stronger with the passage of time.

"Even if I will be dead soon, I won't let you greedily and selfishly pass these demonic powers to him. He begged you to help him from turning into a monster. Did you forget that soon, eh? Now you want me to do the same when the results are evident? What kind of father you are?"

He bluntly questioned Jones' intentions which infuriated the old vampire. Within just a few seconds Malcolm was pinned down on the floor, cuffed by some unseen invisible power. It was a remarkable strength which was not a match for Malcolm to break free from it.

"How dare you question my intentions and love for my son!? I am not his enemy, he is fucking my own flesh and blood."

Jones stood still and remained rooted to the place, whereas Malcolm was put down on the floor with his wrists and ankles tied by some invisible strings. It was beyond his understand what was holding him down. He lifted his head only to see Jones staring at him with murderous intent with his crimson eyes glowing.

Malcolm struggled to break free but for some reason even his demonic powers were unable to help him out. He saw Jones taking small steps towards him with vile visible in his eyes. Malcolm panicked and struggled hard to summon any kind of power but only silence lingered.

With every step Jones took towards him and the distance reduced, Malcolm felt a strong tremor in his body which lasted for seconds. His arms became immobilized which scared the kid, after all they were inexperienced children. A last pang of pain occurred in his left arm making Malcolm shout in agony.

Jones halted in confusion and immediately released his wrists, Malcolm stood up on his knees by holding his left hand. His scream became hysterical when he witnessed his left hand becoming wrinkled like crisps. Even Jones seemed to have no clue what was happening to Malcolm, perhaps the vessel, his body was breaking apart!

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