Infernal Hero

Chapter 526 Blood Is Burning

Chapter 526 Blood Is Burning

Humans were born with blind obedience and beastliness. Subconsciously, everyone wanted to kill and set fire to something. As long as they were given a seemingly lofty belief and ignited this inner power, they could release their viciousness at any time.

On the Northeast Asian Peninsula, the war that had been brewing for decades had finally broken out.

After more than ten days of hard work, Gu Tianyou and his group finally walked out of the old forest and successfully contacted Miao Shifan from Heaven's Blessed City. After several trips, he finally returned to Heaven's Blessing City safely. He immediately contacted Sun Mingshen and told him everything that had happened before. Sun Ming-shen says that as long as things don't explode on Taiwan, it's not the worst result.

By the way, Gu Tianyou asked how the war started. Has the Republic participated in the war, and under what name does it intend to participate in the war?

More than a million South Koreans died overnight after the Red Flag 11 was detonated in Seoul, causing a massive humanitarian catastrophe. As the center of the detonation was in the Blue House, many cabinet members, including President Park Suu Kyi, were killed. After the explosion of the gas bomb, the biological gas spread over an area of more than 20,000 square kilometers, equivalent to one fifth of the territory of South Korea. Fifteen million Seoul residents were evacuated and resettled across the country.

The news spread like wildfire and spread all over the world over the Internet in less than an hour. Hearing this, UN Secretary-General Kasayev angrily delivered a public speech, calling this the most terrifying scene in the history of human warfare, a blatant massacre, an act of returning to humanity, a trample on and challenge to civilized society.

All the countries in the world strongly condemned this heinous madness after hearing the news. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, led by the United States, convened an emergency military meeting and the two major United States military bases in Northeast Asia entered a state of operational readiness.

Six hours after the Seoul incident, President Yu Sang-min of the Interim Government of South Korea declared war on North Korea in Busan. Three hundred thousand South Korean troops will pay tribute to their dead compatriots with the blood of their enemies. Half an hour later, Pyongyang made a similar sound. The explosion in Seoul was precisely the harsh punishment of reactionary regimes and slave scum by the Great People's Army under the leadership of General Kim. While declaring a state of war against South Korea.

The war came as swiftly as lightning. There was no need to probe, and there was no need for any other reason. At night, that south Korean air force launch a surprise attack on all military targets within 50 kilometre north of the North Korean 38th line. The prepared North Korean military launched an aggressive counterattack. The two countries shared the same roots and had been on guard against each other for so many years. Once a war broke out, they would fight to the death.

According to the most conservative estimates, the South Korean Air Force has deployed at least more than 1,000 combat aircraft. Each fighter plane dispatched 2.5 times a day, consuming 5 tons of fuel and 2 tons of ammunition at a time. Each fighter plane dispatched 2,500 fighter planes a day, consuming 12,500 tons of fuel and 5,000 tons of ammunition. Within a week of the war, nearly 90,000 tons of fuel and 35,000 tons of ammunition would be consumed.

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The army's consumption would be even more shocking. In a single battle, 12 divisions would be invested. Each division would consume an average of 5,500 tons of all kinds of combat materials per day. At the beginning of the ground offensive, it would consume about 15,000 tons of all kinds of materials. Nearly 500,000 tons of war materiel will be consumed in seven days. Even without considering landing operations, South Korea had to prepare 650,000 tons of all kinds of war materiel.

Sun Mingshen was mainly targeting Long Jianmei, so he gave a detailed introduction to this war.

Through a series of data, Long Jianmei accurately pointed out that the South Korean army lacked sufficient logistical management and distribution capabilities, which made their ferocious attacks lacking sustainability. Once the battle situation changed and the void fire was exhausted, they would suffer a large-scale defeat.

The little dragon girl was worthy of being a female phoenix heavenly prodigy born for the war, and the development of the war did not exceed her expectations.

North Korea, with a population of less than 30 million, has a huge army known as a million. Facing the situation of lack of resources for many years, they were fully aware of and prepared for the hardships of the war. Although their equipment was backward, they were extremely resilient. If he couldn't do it in the air, he would directly launch it underground. The frontal battlefield was bustling with excitement. Suddenly, a group of mystical soldiers arrived behind South Korea and killed two divisions of South Korea in a single pincer attack.

In the second week of the war, the North Korean army crossed the 38th line and advanced a hundred kilometers in one breath. The overwhelming army of North Korea has caused devastating damage to the occupied area of South Korea like locusts crossing the border. Burning, killing, looting, and looting were no small matter.

The South Korean side has been retreating, and the general trend is on the verge of disappearing. It was at this moment that the United States entered the war.

In Long Jianmei's words, the commander of South Korea was a pig, and the United States, at the beginning of the war, encouraged and connived at this pig, multiplying the destructive power of this foolishness by several folds. The defeat of South Korea was exactly what the United States wanted.

On the day of the war, the White House announced the deployment of the Carter and Ford carrier battle groups to the Seventh Squadron and the MacArthur Ford-class fourth carrier battle group to Guam. In addition to the Button carrier battle group already deployed on Guam, the United States has deployed four carrier battle groups in the Western Pacific Ocean!

According to MIA intelligence analysis, If necessary, the Bush Ford-class third carrier squadron deployed at Pearl Harbor could reach the Western Pacific within a week, The Franklin, based in San Diego, can reach the Western Pacific within 15 days, as can the Stanis, based in the Arabian Sea, and the Marshall, based in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The strength of the United States did not exceed everyone's imagination. The Navy and Air Force were not here to show off their crushing strength because of North Korea. Their greater role is to intimidate the Republic. The first to arrive was their Marines.

The three Marine Divisions, with the cooperation of the United States Army stationed in South Korea, dealt a head-on blow to the arrogant North Korean army. With the naval and aerial firepower and the accurate intelligence cover of the reconnaissance satellites, the 20,000 United States Army had defeated 400,000 North Korean troops in just 18 hours. The battle damage ratio reached a frightening one to three hundred and eighty-five. If the United States Army hadn't been accidentally blown up by friendly forces during the initial encounter, perhaps this war-damage ratio wouldn't have existed at all.

For this reason, the representative of the United States military directly removed Field Commander-in-Chief An Jung-san of the South Korean Defense Forces, and the command of the battlefield was officially transferred to the United States. Brigadier General Jasper became the commander-in-chief of the 500,000 coalition forces. Three four-star South Korean generals were directly shot and killed as soon as they took office.

Tens of thousands of bodies of North Korean soldiers were left on the soil of South Korea, and the United States Army crossed the March 8 ceasefire line and charged into North Korea like bamboo. The revived South Korean army launched a brutal and bloody counterattack.

"In all three respects, the United States is well ahead of most of the rest of the world, including the republican army that has just helped the Padre brothers defeat India and is said to be the only one that can contend head-on with them."

Hearing this, Long Jianmei couldn't help but say a few words, "If the Republic Army wants to reach their level, military reform is only a step. Actual combat is the key to injecting a proud battle soul into this army. If I were in the General Staff, I would definitely urge them to intervene at this time!"

Sun Mingshen said: Heroic and heroic views are the same, and the Chief of the General Staff, the Minister of Defense, and several other leaders of the Military Commission also think the same way.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization member states, except for the British Peninsula, the other powers were not enthusiastic about participating in the war, so the United States strongly encouraged Japan to participate in the war. And even went to the General Assembly to advocate that Japan should become a permanent member. Almost all the allies that could be activated were activated. The United States was definitely not here for a small North Korea with such a large formation. If north korea were to be completely defeated, it would lose the most important strategic buffer in north-east asia.

"This is a new round of clashes between two civilizations." Gu Tianyou said in a deep voice, "If we don't want the flames of war to come to our homes, we can only send troops to fight."

Long Jianmei said: "We definitely have to fight, but we can't fight foolishly. We have to assure our soldiers that we are participating in the war for the benefit of our country. In order to do this, the Golden Sun Clan definitely cannot stay."

Sun Mingshen said: The Military Commission is still divided on this matter. Some people share your views, while others hold different opinions. The Kim family represents the interests of multiple interest groups in the entire military in North Korea. If we touch them at such a time, it will easily cause unnecessary internal friction. Shaking the determination of the people of North Korea to cooperate with us in resisting to the end. After all, we fought abroad nominally to help them.

Long Jianmei said angrily. This bunch of idiots would sit at home and ponder nonsense. What was there to do with such a simple matter? He borrowed the knife to kill, forcing the direct forces of the Jin Clan to contend head-on against the United States Army, crippling them, and then cleaning up the mess. Take over command first, then remove these people from their posts, form an obedient interim government, and do these things before deciding on a duel with the United States.

In the end, he said fiercely, "If we want to fight again and get real benefits, what can we do without cutting off tens of thousands of heads?"

Sun Mingshen said, "If only you had escaped from there two days earlier. We have already participated in the war. The General Staff has ordered the Northern Military Region to send two legions into the DPRK to participate in the war. At present, there is a strategic confrontation with the allied forces of the United States 30 kilometers north of the 38th Line."

The Jin Clan had been requesting the Central Committee to send more troops under their direct command to push the three-nation alliance army back south of the 38th Line. What they meant was very obvious. They did not want to unify the peninsula, as long as they could return to the situation where the north and south were confronting each other, it would be acceptable.

The General Staff was hesitant and indecisive. Eliminating the Jin clan would easily shake the hearts of the people. If they were not eliminated, it would be difficult for them to make up their minds to launch a counter-offensive plan. For a moment and a half, there was nothing he could do about this rogue clan.

Sun Mingshen paused and asked Gu Long what they thought. Long Jianmei was so angry that she wanted to kill someone, so she made a request to Eighth Granduncle on the spot and immediately left for home. She wanted to go to the Northeast Asia front and direct the war. Gu Tianyou knew that her status in the General Staff was extraordinary. Although she was only a brigadier general, she had already proven her military talent during the India-Pakistan War. As a close friend of the head of state, she had the right and the ability to make those arrogant generals submit to her orders.

Little Dragon Girl's thoughts were simple, completely based on strategy and the needs of war. Gu Tianyou, on the other hand, looked at the issue from the perspectives of the temple and Jianghu.

The initiator of the Korean War was the Three Immortal Pavilion on the island, but there was a Dragon Emperor hiding behind the Three Immortal Pavilion.

This Dragon Emperor wasn't just Li Yangming, he was more like a mysterious organization. They were powerful, and their target was Long Xing Society and the Land of Shockwaves. Even the three Xiao Longge brothers were toyed with by them. At the same time, these people's ambitions were unimaginable. They started the war on the peninsula to give the island's army a chance to participate in the war. In disguise, it was equivalent to creating a chance for unification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Gu Tianyou boldly assumed in his heart that if what Li Tianyi had done in North America was also done by the Dragon Emperor, the Korean War would only be part of their plan. What would their ultimate goal be? Could it be to annihilate Long Xing Society and attack the Land of Shaking Dawn?

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