Infernal Hero

Chapter 8 Businessmanship

Chapter 8 Businessmanship

Everyone needs friends when they grow up.

In Qinzhou Prison, Gu Tianyou had a grandfather, a teacher, and enemies, but he had no friends.

One day at the end of August, Qinzhou Prison welcomed a batch of new inmates, one of whom was different from the others. In his early twenties, he had shaved his eyebrows, tattoos, ears, nose, and piercing rings. The moment he entered, he assumed a rampant and arrogant posture. After the medical examination, they were arranged to go to South Supervisory Area A and fight with the shop on the first day they entered. For the next few days, he drank water and soil every day, causing his nose and face to turn blue and swollen. Every day, rumors about this guy spread everywhere in the lookout area. Everyone was guessing that this guy could still be stubborn for a few days.

Ten days had passed, and the prisoner in the A-class cell had been beaten until his hands were soft. This fellow's face was full of peach blossoms every day. He had cried, scolded, and fainted, but he had never taken it. Originally, the A-shop had already planned to give up subduing his temper, but at this moment, Zhao Hongen, the boss of the South Supervisory Region, suddenly sent out a message and killed him for me.

The boss of the prison area spoke ruthlessly. This matter was no small matter. The seven people in A-rank could only ruthlessly torture this brat to death every day. However, no matter what kind of mistreatment he was subjected to, whenever the prison officer asked about it, this guy would always reply with a single sentence, and this daddy fell on his own. No wonder Kuang Shijie, the deputy squadron leader of the Armed Police Squadron, couldn't help but spit when he told Tianyou about him.

Gu Tianyou suddenly became excited when he heard this. It was the first time that he had heard of such a person in the past few years, when he had seen so many different kinds of hob meat.

Today was the sixteenth day he entered, and his entire body was covered in bruises. Even though his physique was exceptionally good, half of his life had already been lost. At this moment, he was half lying in a corner of the lookout area, like an injured male wolf.

A fellow with a face as tender as a teenager slowly walked up to him, squatted down, looked at him face to face for a while, and asked with a smile, "Do you like being beaten up?"

This guy slowly raised his head and took a look. Then, he slowly closed his eyes and said, "Little brat, get lost. It's none of your business."

"Your name is Li Mingbo, right?" The tender-faced teenager didn't care about his rudeness at all and continued to ask with interest, "What did you do to enter?"

When a cigarette was handed to Li Mingbo , he was stunned. He reached out to take it and subconsciously looked around. He hesitated, "Can you smoke?"

"Suck!" "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will bother you," the tender-faced youth said with a smile.

Li Mingbo was so addicted to cigarettes that he threw it out of his pocket and remembered that there was no fire in his mouth. The tender-faced youth was taking off his rubber-soled cloth shoes. He took out a small piece of toilet paper from his pocket and put a small amount of tobacco into it. He wrapped up a roll and placed it on the ground. He rubbed the small cigarette with his rubber-soled cloth shoes violently three times. He removed the cloth shoes and picked up the cigarette.

"It's fine. It's just a small skill. It's far inferior to your brother's Divine Beating Technique." The tender-faced youth smiled playfully and nodded to him, "Suck it, there's more than enough."

Li Mingbo took a few deep breaths and his mood calmed down a lot. "Who are you? Why are you so nice to me?" He asked.

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"Gu Tianyou." The tender-faced youth took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said, "I heard about you. I'm just a little curious."

"Where did you get the cigarette?"

As he asked this question, he took another two bitter gulps. Gu Tianyou noticed that this guy could only smoke in and out.

This was the first time in his life that Li Mingbo had smoked such a two-and-a-half-pack three-pagoda. He had never imagined that the smell would be so intoxicating. He couldn't bear to spit out a mouthful of it.

"As long as you have money in this place, smoking a few cigarettes won't be a problem."

Gu Tianyou boasted a little. This pack of cigarettes was actually obtained from Zhao Hongen, the boss of the South Supervisory Region.

"I have money!"

"If you have money, you have cigarettes."

"Can I buy it from you?"

"Sure, but you have to tell me first, why are you letting them torture you like that?"

"I am a sinner. I deserve it." Li Mingbo sighed and said, "For the sake of this cigarette, I told you that I ran into someone in my car. I took a few pills and forgot everything. Four of them died in the end, and I found out that one of them was pregnant."

"You want to atone for your sins?"

"I want to be punished." Li Mingbo stretched out his right hand, forefinger and middle finger to form a cigarette. Gu Tianyou quietly lit another one for him.

"To tell you the truth, I saw that woman covered in blood as soon as I closed my eyes these days. She was holding a dead child and staring at me." Li Mingbo struggled with his life and took a few deep breaths. He couldn't bear to open his mouth and sniffed a few times before continuing, "I don't know why, but I can sleep peacefully every time I get beaten up."

This was probably what clinical psychology called a self-masochistic personality, and he didn't know if this guy was a stress type or an innate type. Looking at his ring-piercing tattoo, it was hard to say whether it was the former or the latter.

"No wonder Old Zhao told them to kill you. This is your bad luck. He was sentenced to a suspended death because his wife was killed and he angrily hacked down the driver who caused the accident." Gu Tianyou patted Li Mingbo twice on the shoulder and said, "But you don't have to be too scared. They have a lot of experience in hitting people. They are usually accurate. Otherwise, even if you resist the beating, you won't be able to get up early."

"It doesn't matter. Let them continue to beat him up."

"Aren't you afraid that someone will kill you if you continue to endure this?"

"If you die, you die. If you die early, you will be entrusted with your life."

"Is that what your parents think?"

He was speechless when he mentioned his parents. He was absent-minded and silent for a long time. Only when the cigarette butt burned his fingers did he regain his senses and quickly sucked in a few mouthfuls. Suddenly, he raised his hand to give himself a mouthful and scratched his head in frustration.

"Alright, you know how to repent and you know how to love your parents. At the very least, you still have a human smell." Without waiting for him to say anything, Gu Tianyou quietly handed over another cigarette and said, "You said you wanted to buy a cigarette from me just now. Let's make friends. In the future, I'll pack your cigarettes. I'll give you a greeting from Zhao Hongen. If you really like to get beaten up, let them take care of you."

"No matter how I look at you, you don't look like Lei Feng," Li Mingbo was stunned.

Gu Tianyou was even more dumbfounded, "Who is Lei Feng?"

"…" Lee scratched his head and explained, "I mean, you don't seem like the kind of person who provides free lunch."

"Hehe, I understand when you say that." Gu Tianyou smiled cunningly and said, "The conditions are very simple. Aren't you rich? Just pay for it. I'm responsible for buying cigarettes and getting them in. Let's do some small business together. I have a single room here that can be used to store goods."

"Who the hell are you? From the looks of it, you shouldn't be older than me. What did you do? How could you be so casual here?"

"Slowly, you will know who I am. As for how old I am, it is none of your business. There are many things that I have committed. I can't finish talking for three days and three nights, so I won't say it anymore. Anyway, as long as you know that I am sincere in making friends with you, how about it? Do you want to do it or not?"

"Fuck!" Li Mingbo waved the cigarette butt in his hand and said, "You said that. You'll pack my cigarettes in the future."

"Not only are you packing cigarettes, you're also making money."

Seeking him to work together to sell cigarettes in the cell was entirely a temporary idea. Unexpectedly, from this moment onwards, a cigarette distribution network involving 93 prison guards, 104 armed police officers and soldiers, and 3,649 male inmates in Qinzhou Prison began to weave.

Li Mingbo's parents were officials and businessmen, his father was the director of Jianye City Construction Committee, and his mother was a wholesaler of building materials. As the only son in the family, he was inevitably spoiled. From high school onwards, he left school and went into society with a group of hoodlums who cheated on food and drinks. Taking drugs, fighting, playing with cars, she tossed herself in front of Gu Tianyou in a flash. This fellow looked old, but he was actually only nineteen years old, not much older than Gu Tianyou.

After agreeing to cooperate, Li Mingbo took the first step and contacted his parents to prepare the goods for Gu Tianyou. Gu Tianyou's responsibility was to bring the goods in through Kuang Shijie of the Armed Police Squadron. This pattern was completely different from the way the big shots in the prison used to bribe individual armed police officers to get one or two cartons of cigarettes. The first time they bought the goods, they brought in four boxes of jade brook, not including the two boxes of filial piety to Kuang Shijie and the armed police soldiers on duty.

These four boxes of jade brook were only left in Gu Tianyou's room for one night. That night, Gu Tianyou picked up two cartons of cigarettes and went to look for Li Mingbo. After leaving one, he took the other and went to look for Zhao Hongen. In the meantime, he revealed a little about the pouring cigarettes. As a result, the remaining stock was digested by the big shots of the four prison districts that night. Even though the price was five times that of the outside world, these people still regarded Xiao Tianyou as a living Bodhisattva who could save their lives.

The sales situation was booming. Gu Tianyou, 13, felt a little hot-headed after winning the first battle. The time for the second purchase was only three days away from the first. Kuang Shijie had replaced the key link with Deputy Instructor Lian Minfu. This time, not only did he bring in ten boxes of cigarettes, he even brought in three boxes of liquor in bags. Unlike the last time, this purchase did not use the Li Mingbo family's money. Part of it used the money collected from the last cigarette sale, while the other part was obtained from Gu Tianyou selling his lips in advance.

Ignorant people were fearless. At this time, Tianyou didn't know what fear was, what risk was. The word'sharp 'was full of interest. He didn't expect that people's hearts would be unfathomable and the sea would be difficult to measure. Therefore, when He Weiran came looking for him, Gu Tianyou was dumbfounded. Looking around, there was nowhere to hide the goods in the room. He Weiran had specifically chosen this time to come, and it was obvious that he had received accurate information. He Yuran had no choice but to open the door and invite He Weiran in.

"I heard you're learning how to do business?" He Weiran walked in with a smile on his face. He couldn't tell that he was angry. He smiled and said, "I've already read my business to prison. It's not simple at such a young age."

Growing up in such an environment, some things have become instincts for survival. For example, Gu Tianyou quickly noticed that He Weiran was here alone, and it didn't look like he was here to ask for guilt. So he scratched his head with luck and said, "I just want to give it a try. If I can't live anymore, I won't starve to death outside."

"It's time for you to consider the future." He Weiran threw a note on the bed. '"However, I don't recommend you to do business. Traders are always interested in profit and not justice. You are a child who likes to be emotional from the bottom of your heart. For example, this time, when you poured your goods in, they reported you. If this note wasn't in my hands, but Old Liu got it, you would probably have packed your luggage and been kicked out by now."

This incident taught Gu Tianyou a very important lesson in his life. You can't get carried away at any time, and you can't trust anyone absolutely. Because he never dreamed that the informant would be Kuang Shijie. As for why he did this, there were only two possibilities. One was to make a contribution, or it was only out of jealousy towards Lian Minfu.

"Then do you want to continue with my business?" Gu Tianyou looked around at the piles of goods, looked at He Weiran 's expression, and asked tentatively.

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