Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 68 My Past <1>

"So, today I will tell you about skills." My father smiled happily at me.

"Skills?" I tilted my head.

"Yes, skills are one of the important elements when becoming strong."


"Yes! I have 10 skills and your mother has 20." my father put his hand on his chest and said proudly.

"Wow," My eyes were full of excitement.

"Yes, so when you become a player, a skill is the most important thing, you need."

"How can I learn skills, papa?"

"Learning skills is not hard. You can buy skills in the market or receive one from killing monsters in the dungeon."

"Wow, when could I also grow up and kill the monsters." I was looking forward to killing the monster with my parents.

"Well, growing up will take time. Also, you need to know that killing a monster is not easy."

"Really? I think, my father could kill all the monsters easily." I said with an innocent face.

"Ohh, you are soo cute." My father hugged me.

"Now now. It's time for lunch." My mother called us from the kitchen.

"Ok!" We both said and walked towards the kitchen.

We were going to have lunch, a phone call suddenly interrupted us.

My father went towards the phone and picked it.

"Hello! Who is it?"

"Oh yes."

"Ok, we will come immediately."

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My father put the phone and looked at mom and said, "Darling, we have a problem. We need ot go immediately."


My mother immediately replied as she lay food on the table and went towards their room.

After a moment, they returned to the kitchen wearing their battle suit. The battle suit was cool. It was made with some special metal. My father's suit was blue in color and my mom had pink.

My mom came near me and said, "Sorry, we have to go to work now"

"Ok, mom. Have fun!"

"Good boy." My mom patted my head and head with my father.

They both head outside. They both went to work suddenly in lunch, dinner, nighttime, and even morning, so I was used to it. But it was still sad to be alone.

There was no caretaker as my mom and dad always return some hours after they head to work. They never stay out. And when they have to be out for some time, they hire someone to look out for me.

I return to my room and read a book. The book was about the monster world. I read that until nighttime.

When I became hungry, I went to the kitchen and ate the food, my mom made, and left it in the oven.

After eating, I slept.

The next day, my mom and dad still haven't returned. After waiting for some time, I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast and again wait for my parents.


After some time, our doorbell got ringed. I happily went towards the door, hoping it to be my parents.

I opened the door but instead of my parents, some men wearing black suits were there.

Those men were tall and muscular. I was intimidated by their appearance.

"Wh-Who are you?" I fidgety said to the men.

One man from the back walked near me and smiled.

" I am one of the people who work with your father."

"Really?! Are you my father's friend?" I was still scared of them but hearing my father's name made me relax a little.

"Yea. And I am here to inform you that" He inverted his eyes. He made a serious expression and with a rough voice, he continue. "Your father and mother have died."

"Huh?" My eyes became wide open. My body trembled.

"Yea, it's hard for you. You are just a little boy. But, I have to inform you that and that is my duty." He said while looking apologetically.

I didn't speak. My mind went blank the moment I heard the word 'dead'.

"Finish it quickly!" A man came from the back. He was big and muscular. His voice was rough. It shook me.

"Sorry sir, but he is a child. You are scaring him!"

"Now you are telling me, what to do? I don't care if he is a child or not, just put him in the van and take him with us."

"Ok, sir."

The man again looked at me and murmured 'sorry' and cast a skill on me.

My eyes began blurrily and my surround became black.

The man in the black suit cast a skill on me that made me lost my consciousness.


When I woke up, I looked around and was shocked. My eyes were wide open as my mind went blank. I couldn't think properly nor process anything.

"Where am I?" I didn't know where was I and why was I here until I remember it.

"Oh yes. There were some men who came into my house and told me something."

I was calmed until now but the sudden remembrance of their word made my heartache.

"Is that... true that my father and mother are... dead."

I asked myself. Tears suddenly flowed down through my eye, my heart cannot take it as I cried loudly.

I pour all of my emotion into crying and again fall asleep.

"Wake up, you brat."

The sudden voice woke me up. It made me shocked and surprised as my mind was not clear. But it took only 5 seconds to remember everything.

I looked over to the guy in front of me. He was a big and muscular guy, the guy who ordered his minion to cast a skill on me.

"W-why... am I... here?" I slowly spoke. I was trembling as my hands were shaking. My face was full of fear when I saw him.

"I don't have time to answer your question. Just come with me!"

"Noo, I don't want to go anywhere!!" I shouted but the man didn't care and drag me with him.

He took me to a white room with a big bed in the middle and many machines attached to it. I was forcibly taken and laid on the bed.

And they did something to me. They put some sleeping drugs on me and I fell asleep again. And the next moment when I woke up, it was again the same room.

The room I woke up in was a white room with only a bed in the middle and an iron door at the corner of the room. The room was not very big.

And from that day, my hellish day started.


10 years later-

I was still in the bed in the same room and same bed. I was in very bad condition. My body was thin as I didn't get any nourishment except for some foods which didn't even quell my hunger.

I was always taken to another white room with many machines. They always did many experiments on me. They were trying to take out my parent's power from me.

But they failed as I didn't awaken my power. And today was the last day. From 12 to 14 is the prime awaken period. While some may awaken at 16 years old or some may awaken at 10 years old.

Again, today I was put in a machine with many wires connecting my body. My consciousness faded as they gave me another medicine to make me sleep.

Even if they did that, the after-effects of medicines, as well as experiments, linger on me giving me pain every day. The pain was bearable at first and I got used to it but later it became more intense and intense even making it hard to bear it.

My body was completely broke by the experiments they did. I also hear one doctor saying, if I didn't awaken my power today, then I will never awaken and I could die anytime.

"Doctor, what's the situation? Did it succeed?"

A man in a military uniform asked the doctor in a serious tone.

The doctor shook his head and replied, "No, it's failed. The boy's condition has deteriorated to the extent that even if he awakens the power, he couldn't survive. His body has become so much weak, and couldn't handle any force now."

After hearing that, the man sighed. "So, we wasted 10 years on this trash then."

"Yea. We thought he could gain his parent's power but we were wrong. He didn't even awaken a normal power." The doctor replied in a disappointed expression.

"So, what should we do with him?" The doctor asked with a straight face.

"Just throw him out. Even if we leave him, it's not like he will survive much longer. And he is useless here. Why to waste our resources further on him." The general looked at the boy and again sighed and left the room.

The doctor walked with him and asked, "Do we let him live?"

"What's the point in even killing him? Just let him live for some time. We will do him a favor as his parents have given their lives for humanity."


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