Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 71 Spending Money Like Water

I entered inside the 'Food Inn' building.

The place was like a restaurant. Many people were sitting at tables and eating food. I ignored them and walked towards the receptionist.

The receptionist was an old man. He looked at me and asked, "What do you want?"

"I want a room to spend the night."

"Ok, which grade room do you want?"

"I want the most expensive one."

"The expensive one takes 2000$ a night! Do you still want it?"

"Yea. Here!"

I gave the card to the old man and he scanned the card with a machine. Then he returned the card and gave me a key and said, "Enjoy your stay." with a smile.

I ignored it and walked upstairs. After walking for a while, I came across my room and entered it.

The inside of the room was good. It had a bed, TV, bathroom, AC and other features. I quickly lay on the bed and fall asleep.

The next day, I woke up and came downwards. There were many people eating breakfast. The old man saw me and smiled.

"Good morning. Have a sit and have breakfast."

I didn't reply and just sat on a chair near me. A teen girl who seems to be the same age as mine came towards me with a plate in her hand.


She put the plate down and smiled at me and returned.

I ate the food that was on the plate. Then I went outside. This time, I walked towards a huge building. The tallest building in the city. There was a sign written 'Hunter Guild' on it.

I walked inside it and went near the receptionist's desk. There was a beautiful woman. She looked at me and smiled.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

"I want to sign a temporary dungeon license."

A temporary Dungeon License is a license that a player can request in any guild. This license allows a player to explore and kill monsters in the dungeon. If the player doesn't have any dungeon license then they can't enter the dungeon.

The girl looked at me for a while and replied, "Wait a minute, I will come back!"

She left the desk and went inside a room. Then she bought a bag and a paper.

"Please sign in this paper."

I read the paper and sign it.

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Then she took out a device, it was a hand watch. She put it on my wrist.

[Scanning] [Scanning] [Scanning]

The wristwatch emitted red light and after some minute it turned blue.

[The person who wore this watch is an F-rank player.]

The holographic message floated outside from the watch. I took the watch from my wrist and returned it to her. The woman took the watch and put it in the bag and took out a card.

She gave it to me and I took it and went away from the Receptnoist desk and enter a nearby room which had a sign ATMS written on it. I took out the card, the receptionist gave me and looked at it. It was a digital, silver card. It is mainly used to scan around the entrance of the dungeon, that humans build around it.

I saw three machines different from one in the bank. They were modified ATMs and can exchange any cards, credits, and G-coins into money. I put 1000 G-coins into the machine and it process it.

After 5 minutes, it gave me another card. It was a dark black card different from the ones that I got in the bank. It was because of how much money you process in the machine, the card color changes.

I took the card and walked around the guild building and I immediately found a room that had a 'buy skills' sign on it. Next to it had another room 'buy equipment and next to it had another room 'buy weapons'.

I entered the 'buy skill' room and immediately an old man came towards me.

"Welcome. What do you need, sir?"

The old man greeted me and took me towards the desk.

I replied, "I want to buy skills."

"What rank skills do you want?"

"I want F-rank and E-rank skills."

"Ok, please follow me."

The old man walked inside a room and I followed him. It was the Archive. Many skills books were kept inside different selves.

The old man took me to a middle self and took out different types of skills.

"Please choose the skills."


I looked at the mountain of skills and chooses 10 skills immediately. I took the skills towards the desk and bought them.

It took me 150,000$. After buying the skills, I immediately learned them. Learning a skill isn't hard, we just have to hold the skill and put our mana in it and we will learn it.

Then I went outside the room and checked my skills.

[F-Fireball: Throws a ball of fire. (Proficiency: 0%)]

[F-Pillar of Swords: Can create 3 swords of mana and control them. (Proficiency:0%)]

[F-Wind Slash: Unleashes a wind blade. (Proficiency:0%)]

[E-Charge: Increase speed and strength by two times for 30 seconds. (Proficiency:0%)]

[F-Quick Speed: Increase speed by two times. (Proficiency:0%)]

[F-Physical Defense: Creates a barrier that blocks physical attacks. (Proficiency:0%)]

[F-Magic Barrier: Creates a barrier that blocks magic and physical attack. (Proficiency:0%)]

[F-Guard: Increase the defense by two times. (Proficiency:0%)]

[E-Rage: Increase all stats by two times. (Proficiency:0%)]

[E-Vision: Enhances the eyesight. (Proficiency:0%)]


I smiled and pumped my fist and enter another room 'buy equipment'.

I enter the room 'buy equipment' and saw many selves with different kinds of equipment. Armor, Accessories, Potions, and some other things were kept on the shelves.

I looked around and walked towards a middle-aged man.

The man looked at me and asked, "Welcome. What do you want?"

I said indifferently. "I want Armors, Hollow Watch, Potions, and accessories."

The an's eye widens to hear my statement. He smiled and replied. "Please come, I will show you around."

I replied, "No need, just show me the most expensive things you have. Also, I need one auto storage bag."

"Ok, sir!" The man ran towards a room that was beside the man. And after some minutes, he came with a storage ring in his hand.

He put the ring on the desk and a lot of stuff came out from the ring. He then said in a serious tone, "These are all the stuff which are most expensive in this store. Total, it is 100 million dollars."

"Ok." I hand him my black card and he quickly returned it to me after scanning it. I took the storage ring and put all the stuff inside it and left the store.

I entered the room next to it. It was the weapon store. I looked at different kinds of weapons on the selves. A beautiful woman in her thirties came to greet me. "Welcome sir, what weapons do you want." She said with a beautiful smile.

I replied still looking at the weapons. "Give me the most expensive weapons, you have in this store."

The woman's eyes widen and in a cheerful voice, she replied. "Ok, please wait a minute."

She quickly ran towards the room next to the desk and just after some minutes, she returned with a storage ring.

She took out all the weapons from the ring and showed them to me. I just looked at it and bought it. I quickly left the room after I put the weapons in the ring.

And finally, I left the Hunter Guild and walked on the street. I looked here and there and found a big hotel. I went there and bought a room.

After buying the room, I went inside it. The room was beautiful as it was the most expensive one. The room was furnished with different kinds of furniture. The bath was also huge. I sat on the bed and took out every stuff I bought.

[S-Defensive Armor: A S-rank defensive armor that can protect the host from A-rank monsters. No damage will receive from monsters up to A-rank and also heal the host if any kind of damage is received.]

[Wind boots: When worn, it will increase the speed by five times.]

[Gloves of Magician: Increase the magic damage by three times.]

[Ring of Strength: Increase the strength by ten times.]

[Ring of Magic: Increase the mana capacity by five times.]

[Ring of Wizards: Decrease the magic casting time.]

[Mana Ring: Increase the mana capacity by three times.]

[Auto Storage Bag: Gives the necessary items on command.]

[Fury Staff: Increase damage of skills and decrease casting time.]

[Dragon Sword: A S-rank sword. Can cut the skin of S-rank monster.]

[Bow of Wind: A S-rank bow, increases the damage and speed of arrows.]

[Dragon Amulet: Increase all stats by two times.]

These are the stuff I have. I also have 100 mana potions and health potions and a hollow watch. The hollow watch is a digital wristwatch that is used to use the internet. It has many uses.

I wore the write watch and activate it.

[Wrist Watch activate]

"Search Government Player Lab"


[100 results found.]

"Tell me the information about this lab."

[Governemtn Player Lab is a government organization that researches the player. It is the most funded organization in this country. This place has 100 doctors, 500 scientists, and 200 guards.]

"What rank of the player guard this place?"

[From D-rank to A-rank player guards this place.]

"Ok. So, I have to be at least an S-rank player to raid this place... Search about the nearest dungeon."

[Nearest dungeon, 10 found. 5 F-rank, 4 E-rank, and 1 D-rank dungeon.]

"Ok. Turn off."

[Turning off..] *Beep*

With that, I laid on the bed. It was still the evening, so I ordered some food from the hotel and ate it. I also turned on the TV and watch the news. And, I prepared for the upcoming battle with the monster in the dungeon.

I laid on the bed after watching TV.

"I have the power of rank A-adventure with just my equipment. But I don't have any battle experience and I need more good skills. But only E-rank skills are my capacity."

To use higher rank skills, one mana needs to be pure. Mana will be pure when we level up and there is no shortcut for that.

I sighed and close my eye. I fall asleep.

The next day, I woke up, ate my breakfast, and called a taxi. The taxi arrived and I sat down on it. There was no driver in the taxi as the taxi has self-driving technology.

The taxi drove outside the city and reached a dungeon. It was an F-rank dungeon, which is the basic dungeon for beginners.

I get out of the taxi and the taxi returned to the city. I looked around the dungeon. Many players were preparing to dive into the dungeon while other players were already in the teleportation circle.

I also walked towards the teleportation circle and scanned my id in the machine that was next to the circle. The machine turned green and the teleportation glow.

And instantly, I got transported into a huge grasslands.

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