Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 74 Overpowered... No, I Am Still Far From It!

The man's eyes got widen. His emotionless face finally showed emotion.


"Yes, we have got no other information about the dungeon except it's really dangerous even for Ethan."

"So, tell me more about the lead of two S-rank players' disappearance."

"Yes, 10 years earlier, a huge dungeon appeared. Its power couldn't be measured so, the government sent 50 B-rank, 10 A-rank, and 2 S-rank players to explore the dungeon. But unfortunately, they never came back. When 10 S-rank were sent to explore the dungeon, only 5 returned alive with 3 seriously injured and 2 slightly injured." The guy catches a breath.

"Then, we got that the dungeon monster was too much powerful. According to those survivors, there weren't any traces of any players. The 5 S-rank which died or not, we couldn't know. Those survivors stated that they suddenly lost those 5 S-rank players, they tried to search for them but a huge monster appeared. They fought with them but got injured and they somehow got out of the dungeon."

He again catches his breath. "And that's all we know about that incident."

The man who was listening read the document. After reading for a while, he looked at the guy. "So, why are you telling the past now?"

"It's because there are some footstep of people coming out from the dungeon."


"Yes, look at these." He took out some photos and gave them to the commander.

"So, did you find anything else."

"Yes, I tried to search the owner of these footstep but I couldn't find them."

"Huh? Did you properly search for them?"

"Yes, I asked every person near the dungeon. I also used many tools to trace their steps but I didn't get any clue. It was like, the person disappeared in the surrounding."

"Hmm. Is that all."


"So, tell me about the next report."

"Yes, we have recently gained a huge amount of G-coins."

"What?" The commander was again shocked.

"Yes, there were at least 1000 G-coins."


"In the remote place. The system there was old or not properly maintained, so we couldn't know the place but a total of 1001 G-coins were exchanged. We got the G-coins in our machine today."

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The commander put his hand on his head and thought for a while. After thinking, he ordered the guy.

"Go and find anything about the person who exchanged these G-coins. That person could be a hidden player and a most powerful one."

"How did you know that he is a powerful player?"

"The amount of G-coin he exchanged is huge. It took us nearly one year to gain 1000 G-coins with the sacrifice of 5 S-rank players. If that person has these many amounts of G-coins then he would have killed many S-rank or SS-rank monsters. So, go and find anything about him."


The guy ran out of the room. The commander looked at the report and read it again.

Brirrrrrring! Brirrrrrrrrring! Brirrrrrrring!

A loud buzzing sound woke up me. I stood up and did my usual activities and got ready.

'Now, time to check this dungeon..."

Today, I am going into the dungeon of the dungeon function. I don't know anything about it and how much dangerous it is...

But it is an F-rank dungeon, so how much dangerous is it gonna be...

<Are you ready to dive into the F-rank dungeon - The Goblin's Camp -  [Yes] / [No]>

"Huh?...Goblin's Camp?"

I got confused by its name but chose to ignore it. I touched on the touch on the yes button.

[Diving into the dungeon...]



A bright light covered my vision. The light cleared up and I open my open. And I saw, a big dark hall paved with stones. Skeletons lying on the ground, bats hanging on the ceilings, and a cold flowing in the surrounding.

I walked. And after a while, I saw a monster.


It ran the moment it saw me. I was a bit confused as the monster always attacked the moment they saw any human.

I thought but didn't get to anything, so I again walked. After a while, I saw five monsters. They were the same height as the previous one and I could properly see their body.

Their skin was green, their height was of a child's size and they had a dragger on their hand. In one word, it was a goblin that could only be found in rank C dungeon.

'Why is there a C-rank monster in an F-rank dungeon?'

That was on my mind but I didn't get any answer. But I did get the goblins charging at me.

C-rank monsters are mid-tier monsters that have a bit of intelligence. Unlike wolves, they attack in groups and if they found any enemy they can't defeat, they run and put traps.

I took a sword from my inventory as it is hard to kill them with just magic.


I blocked the goblin's dragger attack with my sword. Their strength wasn't that much, so I blocked it easily.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The goblins attacked me and I blocked their attack. Their speed is much better than mine, so keeping up with their attack is hard. If it wasn't for my armor then I would have already got injuries in my body.

Clank! Stab!

I finally stab a goblin chest. It bled and fall on the ground and died. The other four goblins ran when they saw their attacks weren't any use.

"Ha!" I sat on the ground.

'Damn! I only killed one goblin after 5 minutes of battle!' My speed was worst than theirs. So, they came at me with great speed while I was struggling on keeping up with their attacks.

I stood up and again walked but this time, I used all of my abilities and skills. Quick Speed, Charge,  Guard, Rage, Vision.

My speed and vision got greatly enhanced. I quickly ran and catch up with the goblins and stab them with my sword.

Stab! Slice! Stab! Stab!

I quickly killed them. They didn't get any time even to block my attack. And I again ran ahead. I spotted some goblins. I killed them easily.  And after 10 minutes, I found a door.

It had a big board on top of it, written 'Boss Room' with a bloody color.

'I reached the boss room, so fast!"

It generally took 1 hour or more to reach the boss room. Even if players didn't rest and pushed ahead at their full speed, they still need 1 hour to 50 minutes to reach a boss door.

'But... this dungeon doesn't have any floors..."

Every dungeon up to C-rank has floors. If any dungeon doesn't have any floors then it means it is a B-rank or a higher level door.

I opened the door and step inside the boss room.

The moment I step inside, the door closed and a holographic message floated.

[Defeat the boss to exit.]

'So, even if I am going to die, I can't escape.'

I took a fighting stance...

'It's do or die time...'

I ran ahead. There was a huge chair at the end of the room. A big fat goblin which size was 5 times bigger than the normal goblins was sitting.

The moment it saw me, it stood up and took a big hammer in its left hand, and charged towards me.


My sword and its hammer collide. Its strength was way too much than mine, the one collide numb my hands.

I step back and cast fireball, wind slash, and pillar of swords. The skills hit the boss, but it didn't take single damage. Its skin was thick and its defense was too high, so my low-level skill didn't give it any damage.

I again step back and create some distance and cast another skill tornado. A tornado, which size was 2 times bigger than mine. The tornado flowed towards the boss. But...


The boss slams his hammer at the tornado and cut it into two. The tornado didn't disappear and again flowed towards the big goblin.

Then a small window appeared before me.

<Enemey Status>

[Name: Cheif Goblin]

[Level: 50]

[Rank: F]

[Skills: Attack-up, Wrecking Ball, Armor Breaker]

[Weakness: Neck]

It was the appraisal ability. I don't know why it suddenly appeared before me but it gave me some useful info.

"What?!!! 50 level and only F-rank. Even a C-rank monster is only 30 to 40 level..."

I was dumbfounded. My jaw dropped and my eyes wide without knowing what to do. So, I just focused on its weakness.

And, Without wasting a single, I ran towards the goblin. My tornado disappeared as it time got up. I jumped at the goblin and swing my sword.


It blocked. Its eyes got red and its hand and hammer started to glow.


I cursed as I tried to run. But, I didn't get to as it slammed its hammer on the ground. The glowing transferred on the ground and a big shockwave hit me. Not only the shockwave, but the glowing land also struck me.

I got flown away and hit the wall. My S-rank armor protected me but it got broken. And it falls to the ground.

<Armor Status>


[Rank: F]

[Durablity: 0/1000]

[Status: Broken]

I got stiffened by it. My whole body became cold and a chill ran down my spine. My mind became chaotic as I didn't believe the information, in front of me.

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