Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Chapter 116 Using Fire Element

'How could this be?'

Ariadne thought to herself as she saw Eren's healing spell healing his injuries that she had inflicted recently. She couldn't believe a non-healer class was so effective at using a healing spell.

'This guy is a problem.'

Ariadne readied herself for a completely different approach. She channeled her movement spell which blurred her legs and made it appear as if she only had a torso. In the next moment, she disappeared from her position only to appear right behind Eren.

Eren sensed his opponent from behind him and swung his Tachi at her. For the first time, the lady demon didn't try to counter it with her curved daggers. She let the Tachi make contact with her neck with a smirk on her face.

Eren felt something was amiss. But that didn't stop him from completing his action.


Eren's weapon was stuck halfway into chopping Ariadne's head clean off. Her image started getting blurred the next moment. But at this point, Eren felt another presence from 3 meters above him.

As soon as Ariadne got behind Eren, she completely obscured her presence. To confuse Eren, she had left her illusory shadow behind her. And with her unique spell, she managed to make Eren's weapon unavailable for his next attack.

"Hehe. You are mine."

Ariadne said with a light smile on her face. She licked her lips while saying it. The spell combo she had used just now wasn't something she could cast lightly. She expended a great deal of mana on it. So she had to make the instance count.

The demon lady was aiming for the head.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Eren let go of his Tachi when he saw he couldn't pull it off of Ariadne's illusory shadow. He was trying to get away from his position with his movement spell. However, he suddenly found out that he was facing another psychic attack from Ariadne that made him unable to cast any spell.

Ariadne's dark blue eyes lost their shine when the psychic attack was completed. She had made Eren completely defenseless against her incoming attack.

Or so she thought.


Sparks flew and the mana signatures clashed with each other.

Ariadne's curved daggers were met with two axes wielded by Eren. She wasn't a stranger to these axes. They were the same axes that Jario was using. Before his death that is.

Eren snapped out of his spell paralysis and cast his movement spell. Not to run away but to imbue his feet with an absurd amount of lightning mana. He was tired of putting up a show when his life was on the line.

Eren let the infinite mana run through his mana circuits and every fiber in his body and became completely clad in lightning energy. He then put all his balance on one leg and used the other leg to kick the woman in her guts that were trying to adjust her posture midair.


Ariadne cried in a sharp voice as she felt the pain generated by Eren's kick. She was flung away from her position– creating a parabolic trajectory in the air before crashing on the ground about 10 meters away from her previous position.

She had coughed blood when she tried to stand up from her condition. It was clear that her internal organs were damaged. Her exposed tummy had a clear footprint of Eren's shoes because the lightning mana had burned the skin which had made direct contact with it.

"You... why do you have those axes?"

Ariadne asked Eren as she got up and wiped the blood off of her lips. She gulped the blood that was trying to come out while she did that and ran her healing spell. Her mana storage was almost depleted. And although she had a mana-replenishing potion in her storage, she didn't think that a guy like Eren would allow her to consume it in peace.

Eren had just gotten his leg, which he had used to kick Ariadne with, down in its usual position when he heard Ariadne's question. He looked at the axes he was holding with a genuine interest on his face as he replied. More to himself than to Ariadne.

"These are pretty cool, aren't they? Glad I killed that Jario guy to get these babies for myself."

Eren said and smirked before imbuing the weapons with his fire mana. He had already gotten rid of Jario's residual mana signature on the weapons, making them completely his.

Eren's hybrid elemental affinity had granted him access to the primary great elements it was derived from. He had been practicing a lot with Reece and Miranda during his free time to make himself get used to using fire-element mana and the only fire-element spell he had.

Eren had found it difficult to channel fire and lightning element mana at the same time at first. Using fire-element mana would disturb his ongoing lightning element spells because of his lack of proficiency. But with time, he was getting accustomed to using the fire element mana in conjunction with his go-to spells.

And now that he was wielding fire-element axes in his hands, it was time to test just how proficient he had become in using a fire-element spell in real-time.

Blitz Steps!

Eren used his movement spell and approached Ariadne with caution in his mind. He also charged his weapons with fire-element mana and tapped into their weapon spells.


To Eren's surprise, one of his weapons flew out of his hand as soon as its weapon spell was used. He wasn't ready for the weapon to build momentum by itself strong enough to escape his grip.

The remaining weapon in his right hand flew towards Ariadne in a rapid forward motion like a bullet, cutting through the air with its sheer velocity and cartwheel-like momentum. The next thing Ariadne knew, her arm was almost chopped away from her shoulder by its joint.

A fountain of blood gushed from the serious injury Eren's newfound weapon had caused to Ariadne. The orange-glowing head of the weapon had only inflicted the wound before spinning one more time and getting away from the initial contact. The weapon had only half-chopped Ariadne's arm before making its merry way behind her while spinning in the air, doing cartwheels.

Eren stopped a few meters away from her when he suddenly lost his weapons. He and Ariadne both looked at each other in surprise and horror as they processed how his weapons had gone haywire.

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