Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 111 - Getting The Team Together Part 2

* FTL Faster Than Light - Theme Song *

"Ah~ that was awesome!" Raven's suppressed voice came out through the helmet once the group got to Rachel's house.

Well, house was an understatement. Rachel's 'house' was in fact a larger mansion than that of Maria's, with gatekeepers, guards, and gardeners.

Hopping off of the bike and taking off her helmet, Raven shook her head slightly as the wind bathed in her long soft hair.

Rachel found it mesmerising and even hard to look away from. Same went for Jake who was eyeing Raven sneakily.

"You like what you see, huh? Fufufu~" Remi whispered in Rachel's ear with a smug expression as she put her arm around her neck in a friendly manner.

Jumping in her place as she was startled, Rachel's cheeks instantly turned bright red while trying to look away. "Shush Remi, please!"

"Yo, Rave," Mike called out to Raven as he took his helmet off too, "weren't you against riding the bike without a license and all?"

"Yo, buddy," Remi released Rachel and called, "why do you think you can call her Rave, huh?" Remi wasn't upset or anything, she was mostly teasing.

"Meh, nothing special," Mike said with a smug smile, "it's just that me and Rave were best friends way before any of you could even spell their names, ohoho~" Mike laughed while covering his mouth as if he was the villain in his own movie.

"Oh no you weren't, buddy," Remi retorted as if Mike had just initiated a war, "we all know that me and Raven met way before you two knew eachother."

"Oho~ is that so?" Mike asked in a competitive matter, "then why was I the one to introduce you two to eachother?" The smug smile never left Mike's face.

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"But... Ugh, ok you think you are her best friend?" Remi countered. "Name her favourite colour!"

"Red," Mike answered almost instantly.

"Her favourite fruit."


"Favourite sport!"

"Are you even serious?" Mike raised his eyebrows as everyone knew Raven liked soccer the most.

"Ugh... um, her favourite- um, I don't know goddamn it. You know her alright, but I know her better, I'm telling you!"

"If that so, then name every movie she's ever watched!" Mike said to Remi who was taken aback by that. She knew most of the movies, but not all of them.

"What's that? I can't hear you," Mike said with a smile in response to Remi's silence. "Did you just say you don't know?" Mike teased while shaking his head. "I am obviously her best-"

"You two, enough of this," Raven chuckled awkwardly, yet sincerely, as she hooked her arms around the two of them. "You know, I kinda missed this..." she said as the two of them observed her face closely.

She was shorter than both of them so they two had to slightly crouch to be in her range. 'She is so adorable...' they both thought at the same time.

Both of them turned bright red at how stunning and cute she looked up close. None of the two were interested in girls in particular but they found her really attractive.

'I have always loved her as Draven, is she not basically the same person?' Mike questioned himself. 'I think it still counts, no?'

'Will she hit me if I pat her head?' Remi thought while shaking her head to clear her mind.

"Anyway, in response your question, Mike," Raven said, "I still think it's wrong to drive without a license, for multiple reasons, but I don't particularly care as I am no cop." Raven shrugged.

Not able to resist any longer, Remi found her hand touching Raven's head.

'Gently, up and down,' Remi found herself thinking while unconsciously patting her.

Feeling Raven's cool to the touch, yet delicate and plushy, hair made her heart ache from the pleasure her soul felt.

"Eh?" Raven was confused and it took her a second to realize that she was being patted.

Jumping back away from both of her friends, she stood still for a second before looking back at Remi who was now staring at her hand in satisfaction.

"Alright, you can hit me now," Remi said as she closed her eyes, "I have no regrets whatsoever!"

"That was weird," Raven said after a pause, "I'm not going to hit you, but-"

"Can I do it too?" Mike asked in a serious tone.

"Um... since when was I a pet?" Raven questioned with a tilted head.

"Being patted isn't just for pets you know. It can be used as a way of showing affection towards someone you find criminally adorable," Mike said after some thought.

"Now, for the sake of our friendship, can I pat you, pretty please?" Mike asked again.

"Nope, non, nein, na'ah!" Raven said while making an 'X' sign with her arms. "I was caught off guard once, but dare any of you repeat it and some hands will be cut off!" she warned.

Of course she was joking, but her friends still gulped loudly.

"Y'all such a scary family," Mike muttered, remembering Maya's threats too.

"Anyway, um, where's everyone?" Raven asked as she was supposed to meet the Black Knights, her teammates in the highschool soccer team.

"They're all inside," Rachel shook her head to recover from the sudden patting urge that suddenly overcame her senses. "Let's head in."


"Sir!" A voice called out to Jakol who was busy pressing away at some holographic keys.

"Speak up, Sargent!" Jakol ordered calmly without looking at the source of the voice.

Jakol was currently in his human form as he tried to make himself comfortable in this transformation.

He mainly wanted to make sure his disguising device could hold for an extended period of time.

"Sir, our main support group has been ambushed in a nearby city, to the south," the Sargent spoke quickly.

"And?" Jakol asked nonchalantly as he was busy searching through his documents, reviewing some information. "Where's the main assault team?"

"You see, sir, um... General" the Sargent seemed rather nervous. "All members of the assault team have been heavily injured during the latest fight. The main support team was supposed to provide aid but as you already know-"

"And so you want me to save them?" Jakol interrupted with a sigh. He was sent here with a lacking team even though he was one of the Generals in the Akash army. 'Good, but weak...' he muttered to himself.

"Send me the coordinates, Sargent" Jakol said as he teleported just outside of their temporary headquarters.

Feeling the Earthen air blowing his silver hair and cooling his temper, he sighed. His pale white skin sparkled under the golden sun rays, and so did his silver eyes.

White shiny feathers, almost too pure for this world, materialised behind him forming his angelic wings. Even though he looked young, his aura radiated wisdom and experience.

Looking down at his ship, he couldn't help but sigh at how cheap the equipments they were provided with actually were. 'Command obviously don't care about this mission much...' he thought to himself.

This ship was not made for long distance travel, yet he was asked to take a team of fifty and travel through the portal that suddenly appeared on their planet.

The same portal that caused him to reach this planet, Earth, where he had discovered his long missing princess' presence.

Even though the truth behind the young girl that was rumoured to be the princess hasn't been confirmed yet, he had suspected that she was indeed the one.

And as such, by orders from her, he had sent a group of soldiers to clear out a recent portal incident.

"Try to help out the humans as much as you can, while keeping low profile of course," Maya had instructed. Jakol didn't want anything other than to stay by her side, but he was asked to investigate some things for her, so he had to oblige.

Even though the immediate threats of the portals were dealt with, monsters would still randomly spawn. Unlike before, however, the numbers weren't enough to cause a serious crisis.


Hearing a beep, Jakol swiped his fingers across thin air as a holographic screen appeared in front of him.. Seeing the Sargent's message, Jakol knew where his team was, and so he disappeared to the rescue.

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