Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 121 - Monsters Of The Dark

* Skillet - Hero *

Even though she was in control now, Raven knew that she shouldn't use a lot of her mana just yet as it would be a huge risk. 'I can't be careless here if I want to keep my sanity…'

Waiting a few seconds for whoever was coming her way to arrive felt like hours, but they finally arrived.

Under the starry sky, Raven could make out the silhouette of two humanoid creatures that were too large to be normal humans.

Clenching her fists, Raven waited for them to speak first. 'I can't be aggressive since I want to avoid killing or using mana, but at the same time, I can't let them attack me without defending myself, or leave them free to chase towards the city.'

'Maybe they're not aggressive?' Tu asked. 'Try to be hopeful.' Even though he said that, he didn't seem to believe it himself.

'Well, I hope so-' before she could finish her sentence, one of the figures flexed its hand, producing a short sword out of thin air. The sword seemed to be glowing with a beautiful royal blue light.

'Well there goes our hope…' she said as Tu couldn't help but laugh. 

'Oi, this is serious!' Raven scolded. Previously, she had never really feared anything, but now, she was her scariest thought.

Shaking her head Raven focused again on the two figures.

Under the blue glow of the sword, Raven could more or less make out the details of the figures in front of her. 'They are not aliens or monsters?' Raven questioned herself since even though they were huge, they both looked human-ish.

'Are they using a special skill of sorts to make themselves larger?' Raven thought to herself. 'And why the sword?'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Both of them seemed to be guards of sorts. She could easily tell from the way they were dressed. 'That or a bunch of idiots who roam around in armours…'

At that, Tu couldn't help but laugh again. 'Are you not wearing a glowing armour with a mask too?'

Realising that, even she couldn't help but find it funny. 'I believe "smile in the face of danger" is an actual saying, but you know we can focus right? It would definitely do us better!' She said while at the same time appreciating what Tu was trying to do.

He wasn't just randomly laughing, he purposefully wanted to make her feel better. After all, most of her problem was emotional. 

If she could fully control her emotions, there was a high chance she wouldn't be bothered by suppressing the use of her mana, and instead she could defend herself if needed.

"Hi?" Raven said, focusing back at the task at hand. But before she could receive a response, the one guard with the sword swung it fast enough for a small cyclone to be flung towards Raven's direction.

Evading the enraged cyclone easily by flying upwards using her mana control, she gritted her teeth.

'Why would they attack me?' she could feel her temper rising again. 

Before a second notice, the two guards flickered out if sight, only to appear in front of her. 

Both attacked at the same time. The glowing sword wielder used it while the second used its fists.

Flickering away from them and evading each hit made Raven consider fighting them for real, but she knew it was a bad idea.

Her feelings at the moment were a mess that she didn't want to explore just yet.

"Stop!" Raven yelled subconsciously as her mana flared for a second, blinding the two guards.

Under the golden glow of her mana, Raven could see the two of them smirking with their eyes wide open, challenging her radiance. Each had a different eye colour, but both had dark sclera.

"Not bad, young human," one said with a predatory smile. 

"Indeed, when I felt your aura previously, I thought I was up against an equal," the other said, "why don't you show me what you're capable of? I like strong toys, you know… until they break, hahaha!" 

From their voices and the way they talked, Raven could tell both were masculine. And both viewed her as a prey for whatever sick game they're trying to play.

Feeling a sadistic smile surface across her face made Raven shake her head while evading some other attacks.

All of a sudden, both guards nodded at each other and attacked at the same time.

With Raven's sluggish movements, she was caught between a fist that was about to break her ribcage, and a sword that was about to slash at her nape.

'My mistress,' time suddenly seemed to be moving slower as Raven heard a familiar voice in her mind. 'Please, allow me to aid you, I'm ready for a new contract!'

'Me too, my kind mistress!' another young voice called out.

Even when both attacks were so close to hitting her, Raven found herself smiling in appreciation. 


Disappearing from her spot with a sonic explosion, Raven took a deep breath while looking down from her new spot in the air above the two guards.

Seeing her smile like she was, with runes of gold and crimson surrounding her, the guards could not help but feel inferior to her, which made them grit their teeth in anger.

Even though she wasn't fighting them seriously, neither one could deliver a single attack. 

"My demons, come forth!" Raven called out as two magic circles appeared midair. "Keith and Calcer, show yourselves!"

At that, golden radiance lit up the skies. Even people from afar could watch as two figures emerged from each summoning circle.

Suddenly and without a warning, the light disappeared, leaving only the two figures floating in the air.

One was a young man wearing an ancient royal garment. His hair was dyed void black with a couple of pure white strands in the mix, giving off a mysterious aura around him.

The second was a young teen who was clad a light dark armour. His hair was flaring passionate red while two demonic black horns extended out of his forehead.

While the two guards could see them both with smiles plastered across their faces, they could feel different auras radiating from each of them.

The red haired demon seemed really happy and could not help but smile and wave at the human girl, who smiled awkwardly and waved back.

While the black and white haired demon seemed to only smile for a second at the girl before focusing back at them. His aura was almost suffocating.

'WE NEED TO RUN!' they both thought in unison as they knew they were no match for them.

However, before they could even mouth their thoughts to each other, Keith disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of them. At this distance, both felt their will to fight disappear instantly.

"Please, wait!" One of the guards called in panic. "Let us talk this through, peacefully, I'm pretty sure our master-"

Before the guard could finish the sentence, Keith's gloved hands caught each of their throats.

"My mistress, may I do with them whatever I desire?" Keith didn't even bother replying to the two guards since they were nothing but bad insects that were bothering his mistress.

"Uhm," Raven nodded tiredly, "but don't kill them in front of me if that's what you wish to do with them." She said as that might be the final straw.

Nodding, Keith's eyes glowed with a ruby red light as the two bodies in his grasp started to shake. 

"Chains of blood may siphon your life force with every breath you take." Keith muttered as chains of red started squeezing the bodies of the two guards.

"Demons of blue… you may suffer for the rest of your short miserable lives." He said while looking them in the eyes. "But before your souls are fully disinterested, go to your master, and tell them that the human plane is off limits, red says. Do you understand?" 

It was the first time Raven heard Keith talk with such manners. Ignoring the fact that she didn't understand most of what he was saying, she knew that he was angry. 

He was angry for her. 

"It is ok my mistress," Calcer said with a smile and a thumbs up. It felt so sincere that Raven found herself subconsciously smiling. "Keith is just making sure no other demons come here after. 

"Although most demons are stupid and won't listen to threats, mentioning his previous master's name should be enough for them to understand who they're up against, hehehe!" 

Raven didn't understand what he was saying and many questions arose in her mind. 

'Are these two guards demons too? What are they doing here? Keith actually had a master before? What happened between them? Are blue and red codenames? *Sigh* they've been here for seconds and I have tons of questions already…' Raven sighed internally.

She watched as the two demons' veins started pulsing in their faces and necks. Runes of blood were itched to their bodies.

'I can't watch this,' Raven said while shaking her head and descending down to check on the kid. 

"Keith, me and our mistress are waiting for you, don't take too long!" Calcer called before following Raven.

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