Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 124 - Changes

* Krewella - Alive *

Noah gasped and couldn't believe that someone just copied his powers and even made them a hundred times better.

"That's so cool!" He found his mouth moving on its own but this time he didn't mind. "I'll try this tactic! You're so awesome!" He said, his eyes shining brilliantly.

'I thought he'd feel down because of it, but it seems I was wrong… and I'm glad I was,' Raven could not help but smile as Tu nodded in her mind since he had the same expectations.

"If we get a chance, I'll teach you how to be more efficient with it," Raven said.

"Really?" Noah seemed extremely happy. 

"Uhm," she nodded. "But not now since you still seem a bit too moody in a way, you're searching between stoic, and hyperactive quite a bit… you should get some rest when you get home, ok?"

"Uhm, for sure," he smiled happily.

"Ok, so before you leave," Raven said, "you were fighting monsters?"

"Ah yes," he said, "so monsters usually come out of the forest and attack people close by. In addition, some eat our crops and damage our farms.

"Usually, I'd be enough to take care of them since they're not powerful, but tonight… they seemed different.

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"They were scary," Noah said while unconsciously hugging himself. "They were more powerful and even seemed intelligent."

"I see," Raven said, feeling bad that she asked in the first place. "Don't worry about it, I promise I'll take care of them." Her smile was enough to get Noah to relax again.

"Uhm, thank you…" he said, "also, before I go, um, I believe that the portal they used to spawn from is getting extremely larger than before, that might be why they're changing, I think.

"It's increasing in size and even the feeling it gives off is now more dangerous. Please be careful." He said with a determined yet concerned expression.

"It's ok," Raven smiled, reassuringly, while patting his head. "I'll be fine!"

Even though he hadn't met her in his life, Noah knew she wasn't lying. She will deal with the monsters, and she will be fine.

"Calcer, I want you to escort him home." Raven said with a serious expression as Calcer nodded. 

"Also, if you remember Joey from last time, please make sure to tell him that I'll be coming back soon." She didn't want her friends coming after her in the dark and with monsters everywhere.

"Yes, my mistress!"

"Keith, we'll deal with the portal together." 

"As you wish, my mistress."

Watching Calcer and Noah leave, Raven sighed. 'Something is fishy here… if the portal is increasing in size as he said, then it is possible we're going to witness another incident, similar to the one in the soccer field…' her expression was tense, remembering the previous events.

"My mistress, may I speak?" Keith didn't want to interrupt her thoughts but he also needed to share what he knew.

"Ah, yes of course, what is it?"

"About the bad news, it seems that what the kid was talking about is only the beginning."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"After extracting some information from the two demons, it has come to my attention that something is going to change in this world. 

"The two demons were part of a faction of demons that follow a specific Demon Lord. That Demon Lord is in fact one of the Seven Cardinal Sins. 

"She goes by Blue, or the Cardinal Sin of Lust."

"What? I thought there were no demon lords in the Demon Plane!" She said, remembering what Kayla had told her before. "Didn't they disappear long ago?"

What she knew was that currently, no demon lords were alive. The rulers of the Demon Plane were only Demon Dukes or maybe Demon Archdukes if they were extremely powerful. 'Or that should have been the case…'

"That is true," Keith said, "but as I mentioned, the world is changing. One of these changes is that the Seven Cardinal Sins will be awakened."

Swallowing loudly, Raven didn't know what to do. First, it was the strange portals with the aliens. And now demon lords will start spawning out of nowhere? 

"I am not very familiar with the concept myself, but I believe that someone trustworthy will be able to help us understand the situation."

"Let me guess, that trustworthy someone would be your previous master?" Raven narrowed her eyes.

"Correct, my mistress." 

"And you called him red, am I right?" She was making it clear that she was hinting at something here.

"That is correct as well, my mistress. And you are right to think that he is one of the Seven Cardinal Sins," he said since it was obvious Raven knew. "However, it is a bit more complicated than that, I believe you should hear what he has to say."


"I guess I don't have a choice…" she said with a sigh. "Let me guess… we're going to the portal?"

"Correct, my mistress." Keith said.

Not arguing any further, both of them started making their way towards the abnormal portal in the Laurentians' forests.


- Back in the city, Laurentides -

"Joey, behind you!" Mike warned as a montser lashed out towards Joey's nape. 

He was already too busy fighting two in front of him, but that didn't mean he was blind. Slashing his white broad sword in an arc behind him, he cut the monster in half.

"I owe you one," he smirked at Mike while firing an energy ball towards the two monster in front of him, to give himself some distance. "Keep escorting people to safety!"

"On it!" Mike yelled back.

The night started off as a very peaceful one. The crowd was about to enjoy their festival and start lighting up the lanterns. But out of nowhere a blinding golden aura erupted out of the forest.

What followed that was pure chaos as monsters rushed towards the city. Most were just running away, but some couldn't help but succumb to their instincts.

They saw human, but in reality, they saw food.

Luckily, no one was injured so far since Joey was a B ranker. He could easily take care of the monsters and even heal if required.

"I hope you're doing good, your highness," he muttered since he knew for a fact that Raven was the source of that majestic golden aura. But inside, he knew she was ok.

While he was in a trance, a stronger monster noticed and decided to take advantage. 

Just when its jaw was about to close on Joey's leg, his instincts yelled at him to wake up.

He was about to slash at the monster when a small energy ball hit it in the face fiercely, splashing blood and gore everywhere.

Looking at the source, Joey saw a red haired boy with a smirk on his face. He was holding another boy in his hands while his black wings were beating in the air.

"Nice shot, Noah!" He smiled happily while landing slowly away from monsters.

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