Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 135 - Soul Evanescence Part 3

* Aero Chord - Shadows (feat. Nevve) [Monstercat Release] *

"Aella!" Zeru yelled while checking on his sister. It wasn't weird that she had fever, but it was weird that her skin was so pale.

Her skin would usually be a hint of blushing pink whenever she had fever. But now, she almost resembled a ghost. 

Her hair was a bright pink that made her look almost too angelic. Seeing her in this state gave Raven an ominous feeling.

It was similar to the time she had almost lost Maya and Maria. Just thinking about it made her aura swirl violently inside her body while her expression started to turn ice cold.

Unbeknownst to her, it was her mind's way of protecting itself; it just shuts down her emotions' pathways and becomes as emotional as a robot.

"Raven!" Kayla shook her out of her trance instantly to avoid any disasters. 

Shaking her head, Raven focused back on the task. "Out of the way, please, I promise I'll do my best to help her" Raven tapped Zeru on the shoulder.

Nodding his head, he quickly moved away, giving space for the two girls to get closer.

Choosing not to activate her True Sight, Raven was already determined to go to plan B anyway.

Kayla didn't even need Raven to tell her what to do as it was rather clear in her eyes.

Getting closer to Raven, she held her hand while touching Aella's overly warm forehead.

While she was like that, her eyes focused on the unconscious girl as purple mana started to swirl within. Silver circuits of strangely sparkling mana started to appear around her too.

[Admin is requesting a full activation of the blessing: Avavia's Affection.


[Blessing's Will has provided consent.

[Waiting for Pilot's approval. Does the Pilot give permission?]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I give my permission, activite the blessing and heal her core, please!" She said while closing her eyes and feeling the warm motherly energy wrap around her and fill the room to the brim.

Bright azure aura enveloped the three girls before fully being transferred to Aella's unmoving body.

Zeru was shivering while hugging himself in fear of losing his sister, his only family. However, as soon as he felt the azure energy in the room, his body and mind seemed to fully relax.

"What is this?" He muttered to himself. It was similar to the feeling he had when he had consumed the purple orb, yet, this time it felt way stronger.

He was still confused as he had almost forgotten what true relaxation was. Feeling a strong urge to fall asleep, he fought against it. "I have to make sure my sister is alright…" he said, struggling to keep his eyes open.

Approaching his sister from the other side of the bed, he noticed a thin layer of azure energy coating her skin.

The fever seemed to instantly disappear as Aella's pale face started to turn healthy pink.

Opening her eyes, her bright green pupils seemed to struggle in order to keep up with the radiance in the room. However, it only took a moment or two for her to adjust.

"Zeru?" She said weakly in response to her brother hugging her tightly. It took her a moment to realize that he was burying his head by her side while warm tears reached her skin. "Are you crying?" She asked, almost in disbelief.

She didn't realize what was going on yet, but for some reason she felt like she was breathing clean air for the first time a long while.

Looking around, she found herself looking at two strangers that were smiling at her.

One had a strained look on her face while two rings of crimson surrounded her golden pupils. 

Under her gaze, Aella felt like she was almost naked. It made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Hello?" She asked, almost panicking since she wasn't expecting to find two strangers looking at her when she wakes up. 

""Hi!"" Raven greeted while disregarding her True Sight, and Kayla followed suit with a wave. 

"Sorry for the intrusion," Raven said with a smile. "We'll leave you together for now, I'm pretty sure you two could use some rest. See you tonight at the festival!" 

"Huh?" Aella couldn't help but mutter while watching the two girls leave and close the door behind them. "Are you mocking me?" She said in confusion.

Not only did she never see that girl, but now she was also making fun of her because of her disability. "I can't really go the festival you-"

But it suddenly clicked in her mind. "Wait…" she said while trying to sit up in her bed. "This feels… so much easier…" 

To say she was confused would be an understatement, and it didn't help that Zeru hadn't said anything so far. "Zeru, you're making me worry over nothing… right? Please tell me, are you alright?"

However, Zeru didn't answer her. "Zeru?!!" She almost yelled, scared that the strangers had done something to her little brothers.

"I'll kill you!!" She yelled as her aura flared in the room menacingly. "How dare you hurt my brother!!?"

Standing up with the grace of a feather strolling in the wind, she helped Zeru up to the bed before checking up on him again.

However, with his face clear for her to see, she could see him smile as if the weight of a thousand planets had been removed from the top of his shoulders.

"Zeru?" She asked after making sure his heart was beating and lungs were breathing, all normally. "Why aren't you answering me?"

But then she realized that even her brother, just like any living being, required sleep. She has never seen her brother sleep for a very long time as he was always ready for whenever she needed anything.

But now he was sleeping…

Looking at herself and forcing her worries shut, she became aware of the fact that she was now standing up, without any help.

"!!!???" Her face was that of shock and surprise. "Was that dream a reality?" She asked herself, remembering that azure haired woman helping her up in her dream.

"Hello, young soul weaver," the woman had said with her melodic voice that made her soul feel at ease. "A very precious person to my heart wants me to heal you, would you be so kind and allow me to help?" 

Although she was confused at the time, Aella wasn't able to refuse her smile and extended hand.

Grabbing her as if she was her lifeline, azure light seemed to shine brighter than anything she's ever seen.


"But dreams can't become realities right?" She asked herself while still staring at her feet. 

Shaking her head and slapping her face didn't seem to change the fact that she, somehow, was able to walk easily on her own.

Realising that this was probably the doing of the two girls that had just left her with smiles, warm tears ran down her cheeks while unable to hold her urge to jump from the happiness filing her core.


In the Demon Plane, another strange phenomena was in the making.

In a large castle that was dyed royal blue, massive amounts of energy was being released into the atmosphere.

This amount alone was enough to give life to various species of plants around the castle. However, what mostly seemed to grow was thorns, lots of them.

"So that's the collective power of her Demon Dukes… interesting," Red smiled while looking at the castle from a safe distance.

Suddenly, the light seemed to disappear as every ounce of energy that was released was now being absorbed back.

"Ho~ so she's finally truly awakened?" With that, Red flickered from his spot and appeared in front of the gates.

The guards were two Archdemons with blades by their sides. "Stop!" They both yelled while instantly drawing their weapons. 

"Don't take one more step!" They warned Red, who was only smiling at them. 

"Well aren't you two adorable? Kfufufufuf~" He asked with a menacing laugh. The two Archdemons felt their bodies become sluggish while their trusted blades seemed too heavy for them to be able to hold.

Before they could even do anything, Red appeared between them as dark grey mist enveloped them. "Apologies, but I can't leave any witnesses…" 

A sadistic laugher was the last thing the two demons heard before succumbing to the grey mist that was devouring them alive.

Flickering from one place to the other, while disabling the various traps, Red reached the castle's entrance.

Some more demons 'went missing' along his way.

Finally reaching a set of massive blue gates in the underground part of the castle, Red strode in as if he owned the place.

Walking through, he found himself looking at about fifteen Demon Dukes that were helping a young girl in a fine blue dress out of a small room in the ground.

Normally, the power of one Demon Duke was enough to rival an S ranker in the Human Plane, but it wasn't something Red concerned himself with.

The girl in the beautiful dress seemed to radiate power that made it even hard for the powerful demons around her to breath.

Waiting for them to finish, Red waved at the girl without alerting the other demons. Noticing his smile, she seemed to almost flinch while looking his way.

The others noticed quickly and looked at the spot where he was standing just a second ago, but he was already gone.

"Are you alright, your highness?" One of the demons asked in confusion.

"Uhm," the girl answered while extending her hand forward. Thorns and petals of bright blue seemed to instantly grow out of the ground and form a large throne for her to sit on.

"Please leave me alone for a while," she said with a kind smile, "I need to gather my thoughts."

Understanding that it was all still hard for her to take in, the demons agreed and started leaving. But one in particular stopped in his tracks.

"Would you like me to stay by your side, my mistress!" The demon asked with concern.

"I appreciate the thought, but it's alright, I just need some time alone."

"Understood," the demon said with a bow. "We'll be outside, please call for us should you require any assistance. We'll go to the throne room once you're feeling better." The demon said before leaving and closing the gates.

And with that, the young girl in the blue dress was sitting alone on her made up throne.

"Thank you for not killing them, Black," the girl said with a sincere smile.

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