Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 138 - Water Lantern Festival Part 1

* Ahem… so for the song today, let me say it's a bit of a weird one, like more than usual, but there you go: "Coffin Dance Chinese Version Chinese Traditional Instrument Band Astronomia Mashup By OctoEa" * 

"Mhn," waking up with a confused expression, Zeru realized he was sleeping in his sister's bed, and covered in some warm blankets. "Huh?"

Looking around, he didn't find his sister. Blinking twice in rapid succession, he jumped out of the bed and soared through the door. 

He was still half asleep that he forgot to even call for her. But that didn't really matter as he was able to find her the moment he exited the house.

"Aella…" he muttered in relief at her sight. It took him a second to realize that she had her eyes closed.

She was sitting in the middle of the small garden they had at the front of their house. 

Floating with her fists punched against each other and her legs crossed, countless tiny droplets of water were circulating around her, as if planets orbiting their sun.

"You look beautiful!" Zeru's mouth moved on its own, revealing his true feelings and weakness for once.

Aella was the most precious person in his life and nothing could ever change that. Yet, he'd almost never told her that into her face.

He had always forced himself to be the protective brother in order to keep her safe. 

The lack of sleep and the disease that was assaulting his soul didn't leave him the luxury of having a normal conversation with his sister. Especially when she was sick herself.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As a teenager, Zeru never had the time to act like people his age or have his own time where he does what he likes… that simply wasn't a luxury he could afford.

But now, after seeing the peaceful expression on Aella's face, he knew that every second of suffering was worth it.

He was able to keep his promise to her by keeping her safe until she was healed. Although he had wanted to be the one to find her cure, he didn't mind the stranger's help.

Fighting against tears, still wanting to show that he was reliable to his sister, his expression hardened.

"Right… it wasn't me who found her cure, but I'll be her shield and keep her safe from any dangers, that is the least I could do for my precious older sister." He muttered quietly to himself.

Deciding not to disturb Aella, he was about to stand guard while keeping his distance. But his plans were short lived as she had already felt his presence the moment he had woken up.

"I heard that," Aella muttered, losing her focus and letting the water droplets fall to the green grass under her feet. "You're so sweet." She said as tears started pouring down her eyes.

Seeing her flicker from her spot, Zeru was surprised to feel her arms wrap around him. 

Squeezing his chest softly in a warm hug, she kissed his forehead. "There's no need for you to be the protective brother now…" she said, trying to prevent further tears from rolling down her cheeks.

"You've done that for a long time. Now it's my time to step in and take my role as your older sister." She smiled while patting his head.

Having his head patted, he closed his eyes while sinking into his shoulders. Even though he acted like he wasn't a fan, he wanted nothing but be patted by his sister. It has always given a deep feeling of being invincible while in her presence.

Hearing her talk and seeing her healthy appearance made him beyond thankful for that girl.

"You know, you're such a sweet younger brother, sacrificing your own health to provide me with the support I needed. I can't thank you enough," Aella said while releasing Zeru from her warm embrace.

The latter felt his heart becoming colder the moment she let go, yet he didn't say a word.

"Your sister is back now, which means you're back to being my baby, do you understand?" She asked with a toothy grin that made Zeru's heart long for another hug.

"Uhm," he nodded quietly. "Am-" closing his eyes again as Aella's hand reached for the top of his head again, he let out a soft smile.

"Hehe, ok then, how about you go get dressed now?" She asked. "We have a festival to attend to, and someone to thank." 


"Ah, it's so beautiful…" Aella muttered subconsciously. Herself and Zeru were currently standing at the edge of the clearing and about to enter the festival area.

Even though the sun had almost set, the lights from the stalls and stages made everything as bright as the stars.

Hearing the sound of the water droplets swirl softly in response to the playful wind currents swimming in the water of Lac des Deux Montagnes made her smile get even wider.

She hadn't attended the festival with her brother for a couple of years now, yet it felt so nostalgic and reminded her of years past.

Slowly, people started to notice their presence, and soon, cheers of joy and happiness could be heard from the crowd.

The two siblings were akin to heroes of the people for how kind and powerful they both were. It was a known fact that they both cared deeply for everyone in Laurentides.

As such, the two were usually the ones standing against any danger that would threaten the people here. 

Even though Aella could not fight during the portal incident, Zeru was more than enough to make sure everyone was safe in their homes.

Due to his efforts, Laurentides city had almost no injuries due to the recent disaster, which was a miracle if one was to compare it to other cities.

Spotting two girls with mixed purple hair colours and beautiful clothing, Aella grabbed her brother and started running towards them.

"Hm, oh it's you two, how are- eughk- time out! I need to breathe!" Raven was suddenly left panting for air as Aella hugged her tightly. While hugging her, she only patted Kayla since she didn't want to hurt her small frame.

Zeru tried to keep on a strong expression but was left with red cheeks due to his sister's embarrassing behaviour.

"Thank you," Aella said, with appreciation rather apparent in her voice. "I… I owe you, big time."

"Hehe, it's alright," Raven said the moment she was able to take in a good breath. "How are you two feeling?" Without waiting for their response, she activated her True Sight and peered into their eyes.

Shivering slightly, at the feeling of being so exposed, the siblings tried to bear with it since they both knew the girl only meant good for them.

"Hm, you're more or less good, but here," she said, offering them a soul orb each.

"Wait, this is…" knowing what it was, Aella was confused since the girl seemed as harmless as a dove. Yet, she didn't judge their saviour.

""Thanks,"" they both said, feeling even more refreshed after consuming it.

"Uhm, no worries," Rave smiled. "But I do have a couple of notes for you two," Raven said while massaging her eyes from the lasting pain of her skill.

"Even though you feel better now, you should try to use as little mana as possible as you're still internally deprived of energy soul matter, which as soul weavers with mana control, you need both.

"In addition, it may seem as though you have suddenly fully recovered and all, but that's because of the blessings I used on you. You have to know though that your souls still need some time to make further adjustments. Is that clear?" She asked.

"Uhm, thanks again," Aella nodded and Zeru followed after. Now that he was able to focus on her face, he realised how cute and charming she was.

"Oh, also," Raven added. "I am assuming you both now know that these purple orbs are good for you?" She asked referring to the soul orbs.

"Aye, we do now," Aella said with a nod. Aella knew what the orbs were, but she had never thought that she needed then to start with. 'She seems knowledgeable about us more than myself or Zeru, I need to ask her whenever I get a chance…'

"Sweet, then I'll make sure to show you a place where we've planted a tree that would generate them periodically," Raven said. "It's important that you don't consume more than you need, I'd say one orb every week or two should be enough.

"Well, start with one orb weekly, starting the day we leave, because I want to make sure you're alright before that. 

"And let me make this clear: consuming more than that may, and probably will, turn you into mindless monsters, is that clear?"

""Uhm,"" the siblings nodded while gulping loudly. 

"Hehe, ok I'm done, sorry if I acted a little bossy," Raven scratched the back of her head, "I just wanted to make sure to get my point across, that is all."

"No it's alright… do you mind if I ask though, what's your name?" Aella asked. "I would like to know the name of the person that has saved me and my brother from years of suffering…"

Even though the girl seemed so young, she had the personality of a natural leader. A leader that cared for people that she didn't even know...

"The name is Raven, hehe, and this is Kayla," Raven introduced herself with a smile, while Kayla waved back at the mention of her name.

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